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  • Ok, two days later, mesxsed with files, database, whatever. Nothing works. Realised my posts here are invisible. I’m now out looking for an alternative to wordpress because mine doesn’t work and obviously never will. Probably lost three years of posting too which as you can imagine thrills me greatly (not).
    I’ve also told my friends not to upgrade and they aren’t. None of them want to go through the crap I am.

    Arg. That was me again. I deleted my login cookie for here last night when I was trying to fix my blog.

    Oh, as extra info. I haven’t touched my username or password. I run an unhacked standard version of WP with the files in the same directory as the actual blog. I do have more than one going so there may be a cookie conflict, although it’s never been a problem before. I’ve deleted my cookies over and over. I haven’t messed with anything or done anything that could possibly be causeing this problem. It just randomly happens.

    I thought everything was fone. Go to open my blog today and find not only am I logged out (which I’m normally not) but that I can’t get back in. I don’t know what causes this random problem but I really don’t have two hours to spend each day messing about trying to get back into my blog so I can use it (2 hours being how long I sturggled with this yesterday). I’ve had this problem before, with 1.0.1 as well as the 1.2 problems yesterday, and a quick look around the forum shows it’s obviously pretty common.
    This is very frustrating, as I’m sure it can be imagined. If I’m going to go through this each day then I might as well uninstall WordPress. If I thought there was actually a viable alternative peice of software out there I would be changing right now.
    I just really hope someone is working on finding and fixing this bug (although I haven’t seen any sign of it yet). Because it doesn’t matter how feature packed and pretty your software is if I can’t log in and use it.

    Thread Starter shelleycat


    So no one has any idea what could be causing this bug? Because it’s very annoying and not going away magically by itself.

    Just to confuse the issue, I figured since I couldn’t use my own blog I’d work on one I’m designing for a friend. But I can’t log in there either. It’s a totally fresh install although not a brand new blog (ie uses an existing database). This makes it look like the problem is coming from me rather than the files, since it’s happened twice.
    However for this one I managed to fix the problem by manually changing the password in the database using the hash generator thingy here (found somewhere in these forums). I don’t know why that worked but it did.
    Naturally I went back and tried this on my main blog. No joy. So I reinstalled the files (excepting the ones I modified like index.php) and reran the upgrade script and this time the new password seems to have stuck. So I’m logged in everywhere again. And won’t be logging out any time soon *grin*.
    I ran upgrade.php for both of these. Maybe that fixes up the database somehow? Maybe not but it’s something else to try I guess ??

    Hmm, the page was shpwing me as logged in when I posted that, well I think. Anyway, the last post was me.

    Thread Starter shelleycat


    My wordpress installation appears to be disintegrating before my eyes. Now I can’t log in. Before that I couldn’t upload images because it said it wasn’t activated although it clearly was. Just this minute, the post content disappears from the index page when called with the comment form showing (didn’t do that before). And no, I didn’t do anything to cause any of this.
    What next?

    Thread Starter shelleycat


    Just as an update, I get the same thing when I try to delete an entry. So now I have an ugly test post to go with my ugly test comment.

    Thread Starter shelleycat


    Since I’m the only one that uses this computer and I don’t blog from anywhere else I’m always logged in already. So I just bookmarked both post.php and edit.php and go to whichever I want from there.
    mumeimagpie is right in that I was looking to change the page I refresh to after preforming an action, sorry if I didn’t make that clear. It’s navigation within the interface that’s a problem, not where I start. I’m going to go change the location thing now since that sounds like what I want, although I too would like the edit.php page to be the one I refresh to after anything, editing a post as well as making a new one. Thanks ??
    Also, is there any way I can do this without having to hack files? Because right now my change will be lost after the next upgrade. And I do like to upgrade ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: photos and uploads

    I mentioned the same issue yesterday. You’ll find some answers here and here ??

    To change the url of my feeds I simply renamed the wp-rss2.php file. As long as I uploaded it with the file name first and published something so the feed was working, it kept going perfectly after I renamed it. I haven’t tried this with 1.2 yet but it works fine on my 1.0.1 blog.

    I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while. I often move posts around between categories, particularly when one gets too large so I split it up. I’d also love to go back to my old single category posts and add extra categories for some of them now that I can use multiple categories for each entry. And I’m sure there will be even more moving and splitting once I get the sub category thing sorted. I really miss this functionality.

    I’ve just installed this version in a test directory for a blog I’m developing for a friend. So far I’m pretty impressed. A lot of the things in wordpress that bugged me are fixed ??
    Anyway, a problem I’ve noticed. I uploaded a jpg file and asked it to make a thumbnail on the way. It worked perfectly, I can see both files in the selected directory. But on the next page it only gave me code for an img src link to the actual image I uploaded. No mention of the thumbnail. It would make more sense to spit out both the direct link to the image uploaded and also an img src link to the thumbnail image with the larger image in an a href tag wrapped around the thumb. Or even just urls to both files so I can construct whatever code I want.
    This file upload and thumbnail formation is a really nice feature. It’s a pity to lose some of that functionality by not outputting enough code afterwards. ??

    I’ve used ws_ftp in the past and had problems chmodding. I ended up with forbidden stuff all over despite that it was showing them all as 777. The effects seemed to be kinda random too, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Even my hosting company didn’t know what was going on. I’d suggest you try a different ftp client, chmod everything correctly, and then see if your problems disappear. It’s a pity really because ws_ftp is a nice program otherwise.

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