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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Tabbed Sidebar help

    Bah. I don’t think that’s going to work for you either. Nevermind. Remind me not to answer questions when I have not had nearly enough sleep.
    SORRY! ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Tabbed Sidebar help

    Heh. Note that you’d have to repeat the process for each category you wanted to display. And, that “2” is the category ID, and not the name of the category.
    I hope that helps, and I THINK that was what you were looking for.
    ??? ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Tabbed Sidebar help

    Guys – what the person is looking for the code that you use to call JUST ONE category. That’s ALL that the person is looking for.
    Anonymous, go to this url: – and note that there is an option in the arguments to “exclude.” All you have to do is add the arguments to the <?php list_cats(); ?> tag. An example would look like:
    <?php list_cats(0,'','','','',1,0,0,0,0,false,'',2); ?> – which supplies a value – even if it’s a sort of non-value for all the arguments up to “categories” – in this example, the category that would be displayed is “2.”
    Er, at least I think that would do it – but again, visit the url I gave you – and it should help you figure out how to display just one category at a time. ??

    Unfortunately, just as a warning, the phpCalendar script can cause a conflict with WordPress, which results in the archives month links not functioning correctly.
    It doesn’t seem to happen for everyone, but in my case, it did.
    I have no clue how to begin to fix this, but apparently the two things are not necessarily compatible. ??
    You could always try it, though, and if it works for you, that’s all that matters! ??

    I figured out what it was – it was the very first thing that I pulled out of the code.
    But that frustrates me to no end – because what I pulled out of the code was my event calendar!! (phpCalendar, from – I kind of liked having that particular event calendar… but I suppose if I must choose between decent archives and my event calendar, the archives will win out.
    Thanks for the suggestion, Nikki!

    Yeah, sorry about that Nikki – it was hanging because of – guess what?! A plugin for WP. ?? It should load perfectly fine now. For three or four days now, though, I’ve been wondering if my hosting company just all of a sudden went downhill. ??
    The thing that bothers me about this is, I use the same scripts, and the same code in every layout, because I have all the files seperated as includes – however, I have several different skins.
    Some skins display the archives perfectly. Some skins do not. Yet, all skins have the same scripts and whatnot running on them.
    However, I will at least make an attempt to pull out things one by one to find out what causes it. Thanks!

    I’ve tried using get_archives, I’ve carefully constructed tag parameters and modified them a million times. I’ve tried not defining any parameters except the archive type. I’ve tried defining every parameter. I’ve tried wp_get_archives. Nothing corrects it. ??
    Thanks for the suggestions, though, because it definitely helps to make sure that you’re defining things properly.
    The funny thing about this issue is, though, that it generates the links. It points to the right URI. It just fails to output the month name in the link text. So, all you get is a list of links that all say “2004,” even though each one points to the right URI for its month.

    I’m getting the same problem, and I AM using WP 1.2. It’s not just you, Nikki.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Comments Dissapear

    I’m not quite sure what you mean.
    I’m running 1.2, and my comment links don’t disappear. Well, in a sense, they sort of do. Clicking the comment link takes you to the individual post page, which should have the comments form at the bottom – and since you’re on the individual page, and the form should be right there, as well as all the comments, if any, why would you need a link to post a comment? You’re already where you should be TO post a comment. But that’s the only time I’ve seen the comments link “disappear.” ??
    Once a comment is posted, and you return to your regular index file, you’ll see the comment link is still on the post, still, though.
    If I’ve misunderstood, I’m sorry. Just not 100% sure what you mean. ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Category Icon Plugin

    Anonymous: Hi. ??
    When you get errors like “Warning: Cannot modify header information…” it’s because you have something in the code which sends out for information at the very outset – i.e., before your server continues parsing the rest of the page, but you’re trying to add another thing that needs to send information at the very outset. It’s possible to send it all at once, and get everything you need taken care of. ??
    In my case, for example, there are several things which send out for info at the outset. The problem is, you can’t have one request end, and another try to begin. It will only send out one time at the very outset, and then it continues with the rest of the page. So, if you have multiple things that need to get information from the very beginning, you need to sort of put them all in one call! ??
    The very beginning of my index.php template, for example looks like this:
    What that means, in plain terms, is that I have the wp-blog-header.php being sent from the very outset, also, cookiecheck.php – which is for skinning the site, and then the wp_head function call. LOL. So, if a plugin told me that I had to add ‘<?php function_call(); ?>’ at the very beginning of the document, instead of doing that, I would have to simply take the ‘function_call();’ part of it, and put that inside what I already have. For example:
    Hopefully that makes sense. ?? Maybe someone else would be better at explaining that than I am.

    Sorry. that’s Forgive me. No sleep. ??

    The code I’m talking about specifically is in acronyms.php… not in any of WP’s files. (acronyms.php for the Acronym plugin). Although, I am running 1.2.

    I posted this at Tek’s blog, just to be sure that it would be seen… ?? But, I also figured I would point this out here:
    If you are using the ScriptyGoddess show/hide “more” script, you’re going to have an issue with any plugin that relies on pulling info, or making changes to “the_content.”
    Let’s take acronyms.php for example:
    At the very end of this plugin, you find the following two lines of code:
    add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘acronyms’, 8);
    add_filter(‘comment_text’, ‘acronyms’, 8);
    But, if you use the SG show/hide script, your “the_content” isn’t “the_content” anymore. It becomes “the_contentshowhide.” All you have to do to fix this error is add a line. My acronyms.php, for example, looks like this at the very tail end:
    add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘acronyms’, 8);
    add_filter(‘the_contentshowhide’, ‘acronyms’, 8);
    add_filter(‘comment_text’, ‘acronyms’, 8);

    Maybe I am stupid. Maybe I am missing something.
    I am trying to use your (well, now they’re plugins..) on my site, but I also use PHPCurrently, and PHPCalendar, which I got from
    Now, I don’t know which thing is doing it, but it appears from the errors that I’ve gotten that the recent comments is trying to call from the wrong database. The errors say that none of the requests are able to be found in the db I set up for phpcurrently/phpcalendar. I’m really new to all this, so, please forgive the confusion.
    Thanks for any help in advance. ??

    If you post multiple times in the course of ONE day, only the current one shows the date. But, try posting on another day, and you should see that provided it’s the most current, or only entry for that day, the date does show up.
    I will admit, though, that I would like to know how to change that option myself. I kind of like my time stamps giving all the information, regardless of whether there is more than one post in one given day. ??

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