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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Visual Form Builder] Spam

    Me too. I have asked if they could beef up the verification a bit by asking a simple math question that changes every time the page is loaded instead of “enter any two digits”. I manage several WordPress sites using VFB Free and once one gets a certain spam, they all start getting the same one and I have noticed that the IP address of the spammer is usually the same for any given submission topic even though the email address changes so I block the IP address with Wordfence. So far I’ve only had to block 3 IP addresses but I’ve had to do that on about 5 sites. They are targeting the free version and have automated the process to entering any two digits.

    I got it working again by renaming the plugin folder then I created an new empty plugin folder and copied music seller into the new empty plugin folder and activated it and it worked. Then I copied the other plugins back in and activated them one at a time and music seller kept working after they were all activated again. Strange but true.

    I too am having the same issue. I pay for the song and it takes me back to PayPal where I pay, then it takes me back to the Thank You page that says “Sorry, order not found, please wait the screen will refresh in 5 seconds!” and that page keeps refreshing every 5 seconds forever.

    I never get the download link and I never received an email with the links in it. PayPal has a record of the transaction and says I paid the vendor but I do not receive a PayPal email receipt either.

    The order does not show up in the Music Seller Orders so that’s telling me the order is not even being created. But PayPal is taking my money.

    Here is and example of the thank you page url. I’m assuming it can’t find the key.

    I have a test 25 cent song here …

    This plugin was working but now it just gets stuck trying to create an order.

    The last good order I have in the system is October 2015.

    Or, I could insert the line of code below just before your new if != test to ensure it passes the test.

    ‘$hash_two_val = $hash_two_cm; // set two security hashes equal’

    Perhaps you can tell me if there is some way to use your vanilla shortcode to achieve the following instead of using custom java script …

    ‘// shipping cost adjustment to default value is next
    if(form_name.variation1.value==’Arranged Pick Up’)
    if(form_name.variation1.value==’Ship To Ontario’)
    if(form_name.variation1.value==’Ship To Rest Of Canada’)
    if(form_name.variation1.value==’Ship To United States’)
    if(form_name.variation1.value==’Ship To Other Country’)

    I just had this same error message come up when a customer tried to buy something. I am running your cart in conjunction with NextGen gallery and eStore NextGen Gallery Addon.

    I commented out the shipping hash code check in the wp_shopping_cart file as a quick fix but that is not the proper solution.

    I just updated to 4.2.2 of your software the other day and am using WP version 4.4.2

    My shortcode in the Alt tag box of a typical gallery item is pasted below and I use java script to multiply the shipping amount by a factor depending on their var1 shipping choice. It has been working for fine for over a year.

    ‘Cage Hardware Kit $12.99
    6 clip sets [wp_cart_button name=”Cage Hardware Kit – 6 clip sets” price=”12.99″ shipping=”2.00″ var1=”Delivery Method|Select Delivery Method|Arranged Pick Up|Ship To Ontario|Ship To Rest Of Canada|Ship To United States|Ship To Other Country”]’

    Thread Starter sheff


    After much back and forth with huge-it and granting them admin access to the broken site, this was their final reply …

    Dear, your plugin Easy Digital Download damages our styles.
    We can do nothing if another plugin affects on us.
    Please contact them, and ask to make their codes compatible with us.

    Now what?


    Thread Starter sheff


    Huge-it Share Buttons.
    I am using a theme called Esperanza Lite

    The buttons that are broken show up as pink facebook icons instead of their respective icons.

    The code strung across my page is below.

    \’1410949501326′,’width=700,height=500,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,left=0,top=0′);return false;” style=”background-position: -20px -80px “>\

    Test page –>

    Thread Starter sheff


    This guy has stopped responding to any of my support requests or emails. He also did not respond to my request for a refund.

    My last issue is, I checked the box in the settings that allows you to, “Send an email to purchaser so they can click the download link(s) in the email.”

    The emails never arrive. Sometimes the “success” page never loads either so there is no way for the customer to get his/her file until they contact me and I circumvent the system.


    OK … I figured out a work around. Rather than letting the gallery 8 open inside the Album page (page_id_156) using this url, ‘;, you can force the Album to use the gallary page’s url, ‘;, when you click the link to Gallery 8 (Miscellaneous in my case), if you uncheck the Nextgen Gallery option “The album will not link to a gallery subpage. The gallery is shown on the same page.”

    The sort code for simple paypal shopping cart works just fine at the second url above but does not work at the first url above. Now I can sleep.


    I’ve stared at the “view source” for a long time and figured something out. In the link on the thumb nail to blow it up, it’s inserting all of the paypal “add to cart” code into the “title” tag, which explains why the code after the title tag is showing up as random code on the page … ALL of the code below is inside the title tag of the link to enlarge the thumb nail …

    ‘title=”<div class=”wp_cart_button_wrapper”><form method=”post” class=”wp-cart-button-form” action=”” style=”display:inline” onsubmit=”return ReadForm(this, true);”>Size : <select name=”variation1″ onchange=”ReadForm (this.form, false);”><option value=”small”>small</option><option value=”medium”>medium</option><option value=”large”>large</option></select>
    <input type=”image” src=”; class=”wp_cart_button” alt=”Add to Cart”/><input type=”hidden” name=”product” value=”Rodeo Bucking Horse” /><input type=”hidden” name=”price” value=”15″ /><input type=”hidden” name=”product_tmp” value=”Rodeo Bucking Horse” /><input type=”hidden” name=”shipping” value=”var1[Size|small|medium|large]” /><input type=”hidden” name=”cartLink” value=”; /><input type=”hidden” name=”addcart” value=”1″ /></form></div>”‘

    Now I have to see if I can figure out why. It’s insterting the short code below inside the title tag …

    [wp_cart:Rodeo Bucking Horse:price:15:var1[Size|


    I am working on a site and have installed nextgen with wp simple cart. The buy now buttons work great if you go directly to the gallery page but if you go to the nextgen album page, then click the thumb to the gallery, the “buy now” button shows up above the thumbnails and there is some raw code displayed “class=”shutterset_set_8″ >”

    If you go to the site and hover over “Catalogue” and click the “Miscellaneous” link in the drop down, it goes directly to the Miscellaneous gallery page_id=227 which works great. But, if you click the word “Catalogue” (an album) on the main menu bar and load page_id=156 then scroll down on that page and click the Miscellanous gallery from within that page, the buy now button is out of whack.

    I’m assuming it’s because technically it’s still using page_id=156&album=1&gallery=8 instead of loading the gallery page_id=227. How do I get this short code [nggallery id=8 template=wp-eStore] for the buy now buttons to work when gallery=8 is loaded from the album page_id=156 using these parameters in the url page_id=156&album=1&gallery=8 instead of loaging page_id=227?

    Page_id=156 (the album) already has this short code … [album id=1 template=extend]

    Can anyone help me with that?

    In a nutshell, the buy now button in the album works fine if you go directly to the gallery page url but if you drill down through and album to get to the gallery page, the raw code shows around the buy now button.


    I’ve installed this plugin and have it displaying the thumb on “replies to posts” but I can’t figure out how to get it to diplay the thumb of the author on the orignal post when a new post is added (or if a post already exists). I believe it should be adding the image to existing posts on the fly as the pages are re-loaded once the user has uploaded an image to their profile.

    Also, on the full user list, it still displays the system generated blank face beside those that have uploaded an image. Should that page not take on the uploaded thumbs as well?


    I had the same problem with the default theme once I removed the title. The title was showing up on top of the custom graphic I put in the heading so I removed the title and “visit site” showed up on top of the “write” tab.

    So, I put the title back in the title field and just commented out the code that puts it out in the heading in the file

    Just insert !space (an exclamation mark and a space) after each < between and including the opening h1 and closing h1 tags. <! h1 etc etc

    You could delete everything between and including the opening and closing h1 tags but I commented it out in case I want to revert back.


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