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  • Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    Aha, I see. Thank you for always being so helpful both with troubleshooting and educating! As a semi-novice I really appreciate it.

    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    It did, thank you so much! Perfect!

    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    if (function_exists ('wpb_the_biography_box')) {
    		wpb_the_biography_box ('', '', '', '', '', 'excerpt');
    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    Yes, I’m using a template tag on author.php to display the Biography Box (using your example). Here’s an example of my problem:

    example post (no bio box — good)
    example author archive (bio box shown at top — not good)

    On authors not excluded, though, the bio box shows up fine on posts.


        [wp_biographia_installed] => on
        [wp_biographia_version] => 330
        [wp_biographia_style_bg] => f7f7f7
        [wp_biographia_style_border] => top
        [wp_biographia_display_front_posts] =>
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        [wp_biographia_display_category_archives_posts] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_date_archives_posts] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_tag_archives_posts] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_posts] => on
        [wp_biographia_display_pages] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_feed] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_location] => bottom
        [wp_biographia_content_prefix] => About
        [wp_biographia_content_name] => first-last-name
        [wp_biographia_content_authorpage] => on
        [wp_biographia_content_image] => on
        [wp_biographia_content_image_size] => 80
        [wp_biographia_content_bio] => on
        [wp_biographia_content_icons] => on
        [wp_biographia_content_alt_icons] => on
        [wp_biographia_content_icon_url] =>
        [wp_biographia_content_email] =>
        [wp_biographia_content_web] =>
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        [wp_biographia_content_linkedin] =>
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                [twitter] => on
                [facebook] =>
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                [authorsite] => on
        [wp_biographia_display_front_bio_posts] => full
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        [wp_biographia_display_author_archives_bio_posts] => excerpt
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        [wp_biographia_display_bio_posts] => excerpt
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        [wp_biographia_display_archives_bio_forum] => full
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        [wp_biographia_display_archives_bio_topic] => full
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        [wp_biographia_display_bio_portfolio] => full
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        [wp_biographia_display_archives_bio_portfolio] => full
        [wp_biographia_display_testimonial] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_bio_testimonial] => full
        [wp_biographia_display_archives_testimonial] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_archives_bio_testimonial] => full
        [wp_biographia_display_price_table] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_bio_price_table] => full
        [wp_biographia_display_archives_price_table] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_archives_bio_price_table] => full
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        [wp_biographia_display_archives_gdl-gallery] =>
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        [wp_biographia_display_personnal] =>
        [wp_biographia_display_bio_personnal] => full
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        [wp_biographia_display_archives_bio_personnal] => full
        [wp_biographia_nav_menu_item_exclusions] =>
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        [wp_biographia_global_portfolio_exclusions] =>
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        [wp_biographia_global_testimonial_exclusions] =>
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        [wp_biographia_global_price_table_exclusions] =>
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        [wp_biographia_global_gdl-gallery_exclusions] =>
        [wp_biographia_personnal_exclusions] =>
        [wp_biographia_global_personnal_exclusions] =>

    And for the problematic author above:

                [ID] => 73
                [user_login] => Ava DiGioia
                [wp_biographia_suppress_posts] =>
                [wp_biographia_suppress_pages] =>

    It looks like all the author settings are the same as above, regardless of whether they’ve been excluded.

    Same problem here!

    Has anyone figured this out?

    Anyone? There has to be a way to do this.

    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    Never mind — I found where I can edit it in the Vanilla jsconnect plugin settings.

    Same problem here — anyone have a fix?

    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    Hm, I was using the Remove Dashboard Access plugin but it prevented an author from reaching the post editor page and media upload, which is why I was hoping yours would work. Ah well. Thanks for your response!

    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    Ok, thanks.

    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    Perfect! Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    Here’s the whole thing:

    if ( current_user_can( 'publish_posts' )) {
        ( add_filter ('wp_biographia_contact_info', 'add_author_website') );
    function add_author_website ($contacts) {
        // contacts = array (field => array (field => field-name, contactmethod => description))
        $contacts['authorsite'] = array (
            'field' => 'authorsite',
            'contactmethod' => __('Author Website')
        return $contacts;
    add_filter ('wp_biographia_link_items', 'add_authorsite_link', 2);
    function add_authorsite_link ($links, $icon_dir_url) {
        // links = array (field => array (link_title => title, link_text => text, link_icon => URL)
        $links['authorsite'] = array (
            'link_title' => __('Author Website'),
            'link_text' => __('Author Website'),
            'link_icon' => $icon_dir_url . 'authorsite.png'
            return $links;

    (I went with the capability check instead of user type after all, because it seemed better/easier especially since we have both authors and admins, and it seemed to work fine.)

    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    WP 3.5.1, WP Biographia 3.3.0. The error message is:

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for add_authorsite_link() in /home/jasontd/public_html/ on line 219

    And thanks, I think I got the author check part working now!

    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    add_filter ('wp_biographia_link_items', 'add_authorsite_link', 2);
    function add_authorsite_link ($links, $icon_dir_url) {
        // links = array (field => array (link_title => title, link_text => text, link_icon => URL)
        $links['authorsite'] = array (
            'link_title' => __('Author Website'),
            'link_text' => __('Author Website'),
            'link_icon' => $icon_dir_url . 'authorsite.png'
            return $links;

    Yes, I’ve specified the alternate icon directory in the settings. I have two other icons (email and Twitter) in there that show up properly.

    So using the “is this user an author” check, would I include that as a separate function? Or do I put the “if” part surrounding the rest of the function? (Or both?)

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