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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving site URLOk got it… whew!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving site URLAhh! I changed the site url and now the reference is all messed up? Do I need to go into the database and change something?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New Installation – wp-admin just takes me to the home pageTry:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Categories not showing up in dashboardI guess mine doesn’t either now that I look at it.
I looked a bit and it seems that one person got lucky after waiting day. But if this has been an issue for a while I would try this:
“This just happened to me for some 400 blogs I host. In my case, the issue was that my /tmp/ dir on my server, which is its own partition, was full. In my case, I noticed this by running df -h. Hopefully this helps someone else out!”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Permalink with certain word not displaying page correctlyAwesome, that is weird.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Permalink with certain word not displaying page correctlyI am not sure how:
/%category%/%postname%/Is working for pages. Let me look more into this because if it is working for the others than that is weird.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Permalink with certain word not displaying page correctlySo you are trying to create a page hospitality? And capabilities is a page?
Try adding the category you want to your menu underneath your page. It will display a ‘category page’ and create a dropdown link for you. Then when you add a new post you can check the box for that category. Make sure in Settings > Permalinks it is set to post name. It will do the rest for you. It should just show %/%postname%/ in the blank.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Categories not showing up in dashboardI just found this as well. Check this out:
You need to edit a line in your theme’s header.php file.
1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Appearance > Editor
2. On the right, under Theme Files, select the “Header” link (for the header.php file)
3. Do a search (CTRL+F) for “list_categories”
4. You should come to a line that looks something like this:<?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&exclude=’ . $GLOBALS[asides_id]) ?>
(The stuff between the parentheses will vary by theme.)
5. Add “&hide_empty=0” (without the quotes) right before the last apostrophe (the ‘). (Basically, between these apostrophes is where you can add arguments. Arguments are separated by ampersands (&).
So in the above example, the edited line looks like:
<?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&exclude=&hide_empty=0’ . $GLOBALS[asides_id]) ?>
6. Click Update File and check your website. All categories should now show, whether they have posts or not.
Note: This may also add the dreaded “Uncategorized” category item. If you want to exclude that, find its category ID* (it’s probably “1”), and edit the line so it includes “&exclude=1” (assuming 1 is the ID) like this:
<?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&exclude=&hide_empty=0’ . $GLOBALS[asides_id]) ?>
* How to find the category ID:
Also, this link lists all the arguments you can add to the wp_list_categories function. For instance, the order_by argument allows you to customize the order in which the categories are displayed (e.g., you can sort them by their IDs to give you full control). By default, it looks like they’re sorted alphabetically
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Categories not showing up in dashboardHrmm, that isn’t good. Did this happen after doing something? Like updating or moving your URL?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Permalink with certain word not displaying page correctlyEach time you create a post you are checking the capabilities category right? And capabilities is a category you created right not a page?
Then you need to make sure you add the capabilities category to your menu so you can see it as a link on your website and all posts to that category will show up within that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Categories not showing up in dashboardYou are filling out the Name and slug and pressing Add New Category?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Categories not showing up in dashboardSo you are trying to ‘add new category’ and when you look through your categories it is still blank after adding a new category? Or are you having problems viewing it on your website?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: problems with uploading imagesTry looking through here if that doesn’t work: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: problems with uploading imagesTry browse files and click on the image that you want. If it doesn’t show more options after that to let you ‘insert into post’ then try looking at the ‘Media Library’ tab. Your image might be in there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Categories not showing up in dashboardDid you add them to your menu?