Nicola Modugno
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Problema con Pixel di FacebookCiao ragazzi, rispondo taggandovi per dividere la risposta ??
@360smartweb ho notato che sul tuo sito il pixel NON viene bloccato da SCK. Probabilmente hai inserito manualmente il codice nel tema: puoi assicurarti di inserirlo DOPO la chiamata a wp_head()?
Dopo questo step procediamo per risolvere il problema che segnalavi.@sabryzoy è normale che il Pixel Helper rilevi il pixel ma mostri il warning. Dipende da come funziona lo strumento (in pratica vede che nella pagina c’è il codice del pixel ma rileva che non è stato avviato, e per questo mostra il warning – tutto corretto). Il motivo per cui invece il contact form non funziona può essere legato ad altro: potrebbe essere che ci sia reCaptcha attivo?
Grazie intanto, Nicola.
Hello Sayan! Thankyou for your reply!
I have changed it and I will let you know.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Export / import function would be awesomeHi guys! I am just working on a simple import/export feature.
SCK will even group cookies, or maybe directly permit to unlock single ones!
Nicola ??
SCK modifyes scripts server side in different ways. The script tag like the FB Pixel is blocked changing the “type” property:
<script type="text/blocked" data-sck_type="1" data-sck_unlock="profiling" data-sck_ref="Facebook Pixel" data-sck_index="1" class="BlockedBySmartCookieKit"> !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', ''); fbq('init', '________'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); </script>
When a user accept cookies, SCK executes the script appending (and unlocking) its tag to the body of the page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Adding a CategoryHello @dklein,
in your context, what is the pourpose of this categorization?I don’t know when, but in general, the idea is to permit the single acceptance of different cookie types, and maybe, the single service. For example, a user would be able to accept Facebook but not GMaps, or to accept GMaps but not Analytics (if not anonymized).
Please, let me know.
Thankyou, Nicola.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] nginx security warning@izuio i was checking opened threads…
Before I go to server admin and ask – is there a reference somewhere which explains why this is a good idea ?
If you refer to the reason for which you should contact the server admin, well, let me say that it is not a suggestion. That is really really important!!
The reason is simple: in the “cookie-preferences-log” directory there are data that the GDPR calls “sensitive data”, so you MUST protect that directory from unauthorized access. To protect that directory you have to call the server admin because the plugin can not automatically protect it (as it does when the server runs Apache web server).Hope that this answer clarifies a bit.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Autoptimize 2.6 released@optimizingmatters working on the error notified by @tkwpweb and found that the problem is not caused by Smart Cookie Kit, for next versions of your great plugin I hope you will consider to publish updates on working days and not during holidays.
Regards and have great holidays.
NicolaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] error 500 or not work with new autoptimize@lucfox a filter in Autoptimize has been upset so every plugin that used that filter has going to fail.
The filter in Autoptimize has changed in terms of definition (from 2 parameters accepted, it has changed to 1) and in terms of logic.that’s actually a bug in smart cookiekit which breaks the output buffer AO uses
Let’s say that the problem was NOT a bug in Smart Cookie Kit.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Style attribute in body is not allowed by HTMLHello @giti,
could you update the plugin and run a test for the HTML validation?
NicolaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Reset Settings@saschinger I found a bug related to the uninstall process.
If you uninstall the plugin, now, all settings will be destroyed correctly.Thankyou, Nicola.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Upgrade to WP 5.3?@aberbenni the plugin is still in development ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] It’s not compatible with AutoptimizeHello @tkwpweb,
I don’t know the reason, but they changed their code and the filter used to tell their plugin to ignore SCK script has been upset!!
It has now a different definition and it seems that it is changed even in terms of logic. I have disabled that filter in this moment and will re-test their whole plugin.
Could you check if v. 2.2.3 of SCK works fine?
I have seen your messages and their replies and I will answer there, too.
Thankyou for your bug report.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] How Scrollable Cookie Banner on small smartphones?Hello @infonetzlichtcom,
customizing the CSS could do the trick ??You could try adding/modifying these CSS rules to the “CSS for banner content”:
max-height:calc(100vh - 2em); overflow:scroll;
Consider that the “2em” in the max-height is due to the top-padding plus bottom-padding of the container if you have default CSS settings.
Please, let me know to close the topic.
NicolaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] Cookie _gcl_au _fbp non bloccatiCiao Michele, ti chiedo scusa per l’attesa.
Immagino abbiate già provato a rimuovere completamente i vari cookie per accertarvi che i cookie che visualizzate siano cookie “recenti” e non vecchi cookie installati precedentemente.
Al netto di questo, GTM viene bloccato correttamente da SCK?
Se NO: come è stato inserito il codice di GTM?Riesci a inoltrarmi un link, così da poter dare un’occhiata anche io?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meta pixel for WordPress] Can’t block Facebook Pixel script@carlosazuaje @tahninial you could try Smart Cookie Kit (I am the author).
It blocks the FB script but in this moment there is an issue, as you can see from this thread: