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[ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]
Hi Sir,
If you want to add the sharethis buttons to post-pages only, you will have to add the sharethis code manually to your templates since this isn’t possible with the sharethis plugin.You can get the code (by selecting website platform is step 1 from here:
Please note that you will have to modify the span tags as explained below.Sharethis script and span tags go on the page where you want the buttons to appear and they also determine what kind of button appears as well as what URL and title it shares. You will have to put these in your Single Post template (single.php) in order to add the buttons only to the post-pages.
Depending upon the position of buttons on a page, you will have to decide the position of the code in th file single.php
You can add:
Sharethis script tags below the line:get_header(); ?>
span tags below the line of code:
<?php get_template_part( 'content', 'single' ); ?>
Here is the basic span for just the ShareThis button:
<span class="st_sharethis" st_title='<?php the_title(); ?>' st_url='<?php the_permalink(); ?>' displayText="ShareThis"></span>
You can change the class of the span to determine the button that appears. For example class=”st_twitter” will make a twitter icon and class=”st_email_vcount” will make a email vertical counter button.
You can read more about the different types of buttons here:
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Hi Kelly,
You can install the sharethis plugin for your wordpresss blog from here:, for more information about how to add sharethis buttons to a wordpress blog, you can visit the page:[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]
You must have installed the sharethis plugin on your blog.
You can edit the sharethis script tags from here:
Browse to: https://YOUR WORDPRESS BLOG/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=sharethis.phpModify the existing code(as explained here:
from the section: [+] Click to modify other widget options.[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]
Sharethis uses native fblike button.
I tried adding facebook fblike button to a test page and it seems to be behaving in the same way.
The issue is that the width of the frame gets set to :450px when the a pop-up is launched(i.e. click on like button) and is not regained to its original size.[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]
It’s a known issue. We may modify sharethis code as per the Google page speed rules in future but, it’s not planned for an immediate release .
You can improve the speed to some extent though by modifying the sharethis code as explained here: for the inconvenience .
[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ][ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. ]
Do you want to add the buttons to all the pages of your blog?
If yes, the sharethis plugin settings(https://YOUR WP BLOG/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=sharethis.php)as:
Automatically add ShareThis to your posts?* YesAutomatically add ShareThis to your pages?* Yes
should work fine.
But, if you want to add the buttons on some pages only, then please note that displaying sharethis conditionally is not possible with the automatic installation however this can still be done by setting the plugin to not automatically place the buttons and then adding the span tags manually to your templates.These go on the page where you want the buttons to appear and they also determine what kind of button appears as well as what URL and title it shares. You will have to put ‘script tags’ in your Main index template(index.php) and ‘span tags ‘ in Single Post template(single.php).
Here is the basic span for just the ShareThis button:
<span class="st_sharethis" st_title='<?php the_title(); ?>' st_url='<?php the_permalink(); ?>' displayText="ShareThis"></span>
You can change the class of the span to determine the button that appears. For example class=”st_twitter” will make a twitter icon and class=”st_email_vcount” will make a email vertical counter button.
However, adding code in index.php and single.php will not display sharethis buttons on the blog page but will show buttons whenever an individual post is opened.
If you wish to display sharethis buttons on the blog page ,you will have to put ‘span tags’ in (loop.php).In loop.php,
1. put span tags just above the line “<div class=”entry-utility”>” to display buttons at the end of each post on the blog page.<span class='st_sharethis' ></span> <div class="entry-utility">
2. to display buttons at the beginning of each post on the blog page,put span tags just below the lines
<h2 class="entry-title"><a>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentyten' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <div class="entry-meta"> <?php twentyten_posted_on(); ?> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> <?php if ( is_archive() || is_search() ) : // Only display excerpts for archives and search. ?>
For Example:You will have to put a sharethis <span> tags in a conditional block with condition:
if (<?php the_permalink(); ?> is equal to 'Title of page to which you wish to add sharethis buttons') { //Sharethis <span> tags }
Hope this helps.
Thanks and Regards,
[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]Hi,
Yes,the issue occurred on: are investigating the issue and will update you.
Thanks for using sharethis.
[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]Hi,
Right now sharethis code is not W3C compliant .We have planned to make the code compliant but it is not planned for the immediate release.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]Hi Ionica,
I can’t seem to replicate the issue.
Sharethis buttons added to your blog seem to be sharing a site properly on facebook.
Can you please retry by clearing browser cookies and cache and provide a screenshot for the issue if you’re still facing it?
[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]Hi Ionica,
Fastshare (when green checkmark is shown on the button icon)is sharing a site on facebook timeline(if it’s activated) only.
The sharethis widget(when fastshare isn’t enabled: green checkmark is not shown on the icon) shares properly on both timeline and wall.Thanks for bringing this to our notice.
I’ve raised a bug for this.Will let you know once it’s solved.
[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]Hi Ionica,
I checked the sharethis account having the username:ionica .
There isn’t any domain added to the account.
Please note that sharethis tracks data based on publisher key and the tracked data is saved in reports having the publisher key same as that added to the site.
Can you please provide the url of your blog to which you’ve added the buttons so that we can debug the issue our my end?
[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]Hi,
Can you please provide your sharethis publisher key and url of your blog, so that we can check the issue at our end?Also, here is more information about the sharethis counters and the counts that are displayed in sharethis analytics :
Sharethis lifetime count(displayed in sharethis reports) matches the sharethis counts displayed on the sharethis buttons added to the site.
Please note that sharethis lifetime counts are displayed in reports only if sharethis counters are added to the webpage.
[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]Hi Amm,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
We were undergoing some maintenance work which resulted in some issues with sharethis counters.
Our team has fixed the issue and now the counters seem to be working fine .
Can you please check and provide us the url of your blog if you’re still facing any issues?
Also,you can check the stats from here:[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]
Hi Mike,
I checked the source code of your wordpress blog.
Sharethis span tags are missing and hence the buttons .
Please note that sharethis plugin works with only and not with .
If you want us to check the issue , we can but we will need admin credentials of your blog for that.
[ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ][ sharethissupport, all of your posts are being held in moderation and will need to be approved before users can see them. Please follow the rules and refrain using signatures in your reply posts. ]
This is because the og tag:
<meta property=”og:image” content=”×100.jpg”/>is added to your blog.
Please remove the og:image tag.Once this tag is deleted,users will get multiple options for images and any one of those images can be shared.