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  • Hi,

    It looks like that’s because the featured banner is pulling the whole blog posts.

    It’ possible to use ShareThis with out the plugin, This will give you a lot more control about where the button does and does not show up.

    Note, if you want to use the counter button you need to switch the code in step one with the the code you put in your plugin.

    Here is the simplest example of implementing ShareThis on a WordPress
    blog without using the ShareThis plugin.

    1) In the Header template, just before </head>, add the ShareThis JavaScript library.
    <script type=”text/javascript”

    (You will have to replace the 00000000-0000-000…. part with your sharethis publisher ID. If you don’t know your publisher ID you can figure it out by going to and clicking on the “get the code” button. The code you will be given is the same as the code above, just with your publisher ID. Also note that you must be logged into your ShareThis account to get the code.)

    2) In the Main Index template, inside the post loop, place the following code where you want the ShareThis button to appear.
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var shared_object = SHARETHIS.addEntry({
    title: “<?php the_title(); ?>”,
    url: “<?php the_permalink(); ?>”

    3) In the Single Post template, place the following code where you want the ShareThis button to appear.
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var shared_object = SHARETHIS.addEntry({
    title: “<?php the_title(); ?>”,
    url: “<?php the_permalink(); ?>”

    Hope this helps,

    –ShareThis support

    Hi Steve,

    ShareThis disables flash objects on the page to keep them from bleeding thru our widget’s iframe which in some cases will render it unusable. You can turn this disabling off with the “embeds” API option. Append “&embeds=true” to the end of your widget query string.

    However, doing this will run the risk I mentioned earlier. You can either be sure to position the ShareThis widget away from any flash objects or choose to have it load in a new popup window. Append “&popup=true” to enable this feature.

    You can find more answers to questions involving ShareThis on and . Also feel free to shoot an email to [email protected] for more direct support.

    Thanks for using ShareThis!


    Jeremy Bock
    Product Support Engineer
    ShareThis, Inc.

    There is some load time with the ShareThis button, but it occurs after all other elements of the DOM has loaded. The total amount of data transferred is around 6k, which is normally perceived to be 1.5 seconds. Additional loading does occur after click of the ShareThis button.

    I’d be happy to answer any additional questions about ShareThis.

    -ShareThis Support

    We’ve tested thoroughly with WordPress version 2.3.3 and ShareThis version 2.1 and we were unable to reproduce the issue. Its possible that this is a conflict between ShareThis and another plugin. If so, we’d like to do whatever we can to fix it.

    If you could provide us with more specific, additional information such as versions you’re running, installed plugins and themes, we could continue to debug the issue.

    – The ShareThis Team

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Share This Plugin

    Hello nextros,

    We have reviewed the question you submitted to the WordPress support site about the sharethis plugin not working on your blog at

    It looks like it has been 6 months since you submitted this bug and it appears as though you no longer have the sharethis plugin activated on your site.

    Is it possible to zip up and email your theme and tell me all the plugins you have installed, or if you could reactivate the sharethis plugin for a short time? This was we see the problem in action. Unfortunately we cannot other reproduce and diagnose the issue.

    Email address: [email protected]

    Thank you,

    The ShareThis Team

    You can apply the following change to this block of css in your style.css file.

    .custom .entry span a:hover{
    border-bottom:1px solid #a90000;

    .custom .entry span a:hover{
    border-bottom:1px solid #a90000;

    That should fix it. Let us know if it doesn’t.


    ShareThis Support

    If you previously implemented the below fix to correct the Image and text spacing problem. You will want to remove that change from your stylesheet. Just remove the below block of css from your style.css file.

    .stbuttontext {

    We have implemented a css fix on our side to address this issue. If you see too much space, just remove the .stbuttontext call. ??

    For those that have implemented the background-color fix, that change will still need to be there, so don’t remove that change.

    ShareThis Support

    You can try adding the following block of css to your style.css file.

    .custom .entry span a:hover{
    border-bottom:1px solid #a90000;

    This change will make it work in the same fashion as the links that show you how many folks have made comments or the links in the right navigation.

    Those links, when you hover over them, go from Red to Black with a red underline.

    Try that out and see how that works.

    ShareThis Support

    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: wrong url


    I’ve tested ShareThis on your blog and I can’t seem to replicate the problem. I’ve shared on two different posts in Win/FF, IE6 and IE7. In all cases, the permalink to the blog post was shared.

    If you’re still having this issue, could you provide a use case so we may replicate the issue?

    Thanks for using ShareThis!

    Hello laroca,

    There’s an option in the 2.1b1 version of the ShareThis WordPress plugin that allows you to disable the auto-output of the ShareThis link and insert it manually with a template tag. Perhaps you could use these features to place the link beside your Sphere link within the WordPress loop. You can find 2.1b1 at

    And you can find instructions on how to use the template tag at

    I hope this helps! Thanks for using ShareThis!

    -ShareThis Support

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: ShareThis not showing up


    Manually changing the single quotes around the “sharethis_button” parameter of function_exists should fix the issue as the slanted single quotes are not code compliant.

    This is an error caused by copying and pasting the code from the sharethis support website. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Thanks for using ShareThis!

    Thanks for using ShareThis!

    You can try adding a definition into your style.css file for the class=”stbuttontext”.

    .stbuttontext {

    I also noticed that the rollover state for the ShareThis link is not handling the red background with white text situation very well. I will look into a possible solution for that as well.

    Give the above css call a try and see if that corrects the alignment problems.

    ShareThis Support


    There is a current fix for this issue on Classic ShareThis WordPress Plugin. First, you have to disable the auto-output of the link and form and then manually insert it back into your main page.

    In order to do this:

    1. Navigate to your Plugin Editor of your wp-admin area and select “ShareThis Classic”
    2. Edit these lines to disable the auto-output:
    @define(‘AKST_ADDTOCONTENT’, true);
    @define(‘AKST_ADDTOFOOTER’, true);


    @define(‘AKST_ADDTOCONTENT’, false);
    @define(‘AKST_ADDTOFOOTER’, false);
    3. To manually insert the link and form add these lines to wherever you wish the ShareThis button to appear:
    <?php akst_share_link(); ?>
    <?php akst_share_form(); ?>

    For further instruction, see the README packaged with the plugin.

    Also, we have an updated version of the ShareThis WordPress Plugin. The 2.x versions of the plugin features several new features including:

    ? ShareThis tracking
    ? New sending capabilities to many new communication channels including AIM, MySpace, Facebook, SMS, and email
    ? Importing of address book from these communication channels into one mashed up ShareThis address book
    ? Automatic update of new features and social web services

    However, ShareThis 2.0 does not currently offer the ability to easily disable the auto-output as of yet, but good news! We are currently in development of a new version that will enable you to place the ShareThis link wherever you wish on your posts.

    Thanks for using ShareThis!

    Hi dmail00,

    ShareThis 2.0 actually sends email via our mailing system instead of the host so there shouldn’t be any complications with the e-mailing feature.

    Thanks for your interest in ShareThis!


    We do recognize this to be a problem with our current loader, and we are working on an update that will fix this problem. We will have this update out as soon as possible.

    Thanks for using ShareThis!

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