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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cant find codeits usually a plugin so it should be in the plugin folder. or best way to search for any part of code is to use firebug in firefox or chrome.
Hi, Thanks Justin for the reply. i set the “sort by” to names but it does not solve the issue. however, sort by is for front end itn’t it? i can not see any products at the wp-admin section. please see the image at the link: . the all products suddenly lost the wp typical post page pagination for the products page. on wp-pages and wp-post section pagination works. Now i think as i have more products the product page (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wpsc-product) cant load any more.
ThanksForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 24 hour WordPress LockdownLimit Log-in Attempts can lock the site for incorrect log in attempts. use separate IP or place to log in with know username pass, if i am not wrong. When you say you cant FTP its up to the hosting. but may be the site has been hacked and ftp settings were some how hidden. have you tried creating another FTP account? change slat key.. on wp-config.php, clear plug in on DB…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page/2/ gives me pageok error with permalinks enabledwhen you change the permalink does you htaccess changes accordingly. try deleting the htaccess and then set the permalink again. otherwise it just the theme of your site not your hosting.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Links menu vanished after WP updateNO i dont think thats why the site is hacked. the sites are getting hacked and WP is giving lots of advice to stay protected, which i appreciate. but my problem is i am getting a feelings of you are protected until got hacked!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Links menu vanished after WP updateaparently latest WP dont have links anymore. but if it was in use update should not remove it, but it was gone. now i have to use link manager, sites gets hacked every other day…………. suckssssssssssss……….
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Piece of text cant find how its thereHi, i just found a JS code in footer.php on my theme file also on the root dir of the site a php file futura_300.font.php. had the same js code. i removed both but the text still there. so there are more in my site. i dont want to delete and upload back the whole site as its tooo big.. i changeg FTP, DB pass and key any suggestion.. to get rid of it
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I cannot get to my admin panelclear active plugin row in wp-option table or as esmi said delete/rename the theme you are using so that wordpress goes on default theme
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Same person, new problem!it usually happened to me for permalink. assuming you are using custom permalink. Try using the default permalink and click on continue reading if it works on default links. then change the permalink to your choice hit save atleast twice. if still does not work then try deleting your .htaccess file and create with write permission(755 or 777) in it. hope it helps…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Activity] [Plugin: WP-Activity] Constant log in attemptHi, i am confused of plugins which one is the best. who is on which side. is it OK to make the admin user role as “No role for this user” in user section. will they be able to change its role setting if they are able to log in with admin user name.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Limit Login Attempts] SCARY! Limit Login Attempts lockout bypassed?hi, for MyInternetScout yes i see the user names. as i have shown in my last post i use another plugin call “activity monitor” that tell who has log in, what time…. Eventhough most of the time its admin they tried. but they used other usernames that are in use as well. can anobody suggest me where to find the log file in the server access log?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Limit Login Attempts] SCARY! Limit Login Attempts lockout bypassed?hi, i am using limit log in plugin. but i been seeing login tries 50-60 times even though the IP is in lockouts list. for 3 times that and i put 3 lockouts to extended lockout time but it’s not working as well. can anybody suggest how its happening? What i can do? the IP that has done it 30 mins ago:
Admin tried to log in to Mysite
IP |
User agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 MRA 5.6 (build 03278) Firefox/3.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)this guy tried more than 60 time in 10-15 mins duration. my lockout limit is 2 attempts
Please help