Running WP 3.2.1
Dont know what version of PHP I am running, whatever the default is ( i am a noob to WP)
my footer.php is here:
?><div id=footernav style='text-align:left;'><?php /* A sidebar in the footer? Yep. You can can customize * your footer with four columns of widgets. */ get_sidebar( 'footer' );?></div><div class="cleared"></div><div class="Footer"> <div class="Footer-inner"> <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" class="rss-tag-icon" title="RSS"></a> <div class="Footer-text"><p><div id=hidden style='display:none;'><?php global $encDn;if($encDn != ''){ $encDomain = strrev(gzinflate(base64_decode($encDn))); $alloweddomain = $encDomain; $currServerName = str_replace("www.","",$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); if($currServerName == $alloweddomain){ remove_action('wp_footer','lcmp_theme_options_end'); } } ?></div> <?php global $themeFooter;if($themeFooter==''){echo $footerHtml; }else{echo html_entity_decode($themeFooter);}?> <br> Copyright ? 2010-2011 Health Care for Camps & Recreation, LLC. All Rights Reserved.</p></div> </div> <div class="Footer-background"> </div></div></div></div><!-- <?php printf(__('%d queries. %s seconds.', 'kubrick'), get_num_queries(), timer_stop(0, 3)); ?> --></div></body></html>