Forum Replies Created

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  • not sure. Diffs are:

    < Version: 1.4
    > Version: 1.5
    < Requires WordPress 2.1 or later. Not for use with WPMU.
    > Requires WordPress 2.7 or later. Not for use with WPMU.
    > 1.5   - Kill iframes. Use blog's role/cap system to allow local users to view reports. Thanks to Stefanos Kofopoulos for helping to debug encoding issues.
    < 		$hook = add_submenu_page('index.php', __('Blog Stats'), __('Blog Stats'), 'manage_options', 'stats', 'stats_reports_page');
    > 		$hook = add_submenu_page('index.php', __('Blog Stats'), __('Blog Stats'), 'publish_posts', 'stats', 'stats_reports_page');
    < 	if ( isset( $_GET['noheader'] ) )
    > 	if ( isset( $_GET['dashboard'] ) )
    < 	$day = isset( $_GET['day'] ) && preg_match( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', $_GET['day'] ) ? "&day=$_GET[day]" : '';
    < 	echo "<iframe id='statsreport' frameborder='0' src='$blog_id&noheader=true$day'></iframe>";
    > 	$key = stats_get_api_key();
    > 	$day = isset( $_GET['day'] ) && preg_match( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', $_GET['day'] ) ? $_GET['day'] : false;
    > 	$q = array(
    > 		'noheader' => 'true',
    > 		'proxy' => '',
    > 		'page' => 'stats',
    > 		'key' => $key,
    > 		'day' => $day,
    > 		'blog' => $blog_id,
    > 		'charset' => get_option('blog_charset'),
    > 	);
    > 	$args = array(
    > 		'view' => array('referrers', 'postviews', 'searchterms', 'clicks', 'post', 'table'),
    > 		'numdays' => 'int',
    > 		'day' => 'date',
    > 		'unit' => array(1, 7, 31),
    > 		'summarize' => null,
    > 		'post' => 'int',
    > 		'width' => 'int',
    > 		'height' => 'int',
    > 		'data' => 'data',
    > 	);
    > 	foreach ( $args as $var => $vals ) {
    > 		if ( ! isset($_GET[$var]) )
    > 			continue;
    > 		if ( is_array($vals) ) {
    > 			if ( in_array($_GET[$var], $vals) )
    > 				$q[$var] = $_GET[$var];
    > 		} elseif ( $vals == 'int' ) {
    > 			$q[$var] = intval($_GET[$var]);
    > 		} elseif ( $vals == 'date' ) {
    > 			if ( preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', $_GET[$var]) )
    > 				$q[$var] = $_GET[$var];
    > 		} elseif ( $vals == null ) {
    > 			$q[$var] = '';
    > 		} elseif ( $vals == 'data' ) {
    > 			if ( substr($_GET[$var], 0, 9) == 'index.php' )
    > 				$q[$var] = $_GET[$var];
    > 		}
    > 	}
    > 	if ( isset( $_GET['swf'] ) ) {
    > 		$url = "";
    > 	} elseif ( isset( $_GET['chart'] ) ) {
    > 		if ( preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+$/', $_GET['chart']) )
    > 			$url = "{$_GET['chart']}.php";
    > 	} else {
    > 		$url = "";
    > 	}
    > 	$url = add_query_arg($q, $url);
    > 	$get = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout'=>300));
    > 	if ( is_wp_error($get) || empty($get['body']) ) {
    > 		$http = $_SERVER['https'] ? 'https' : 'http';
    > 		$day = $day ? "&day=$day" : '';
    > 		echo "<iframe id='statsreport' frameborder='0' src='$$blog_id&noheader=true$day'></iframe>";
    > 	} else {
    > 		echo convert_post_titles($get['body']);
    > 	}
    > 	if ( isset( $_GET['noheader'] ) )
    > 		die;
    > }
    > function convert_post_titles($html) {
    > 	global $wpdb, $stats_posts;
    > 	$pattern = "<span class='post-(\d+)-link'>.*?</span>";
    > 	if ( ! preg_match_all("!$pattern!", $html, $matches) )
    > 		return $html;
    > 	$posts = get_posts(array(
    > 		'include' => implode(',', $matches[1]),
    > 		'post_type' => 'any',
    > 		'numberposts' => -1,
    > 	));
    > 	foreach ( $posts as $post )
    > 		$stats_posts[$post->ID] = $post;
    > 	$html = preg_replace_callback("!$pattern!", 'convert_post_title', $html);
    > 	return $html;
    > }
    > function convert_post_title($matches) {
    > 	global $stats_posts;
    > 	$post_id = $matches[1];
    > 	if ( isset($stats_posts[$post_id]) )
    > 		return '<a href="'.get_permalink($post_id).'" target="_blank">'.get_the_title($post_id).'</a>';
    > 	return sprintf(__("Post #%d"), $post_id);
    < 	dashStats.not( '.dashboard-widget-control' ).load('index.php?page=stats&noheader&' + args );
    > 	dashStats.not( '.dashboard-widget-control' ).load('index.php?page=stats&noheader&dashboard&' + args );
    < 	$http = ( !empty( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) ) ? 'https' : 'http';
    > 	$q = array(
    > 		'noheader' => 'true',
    > 		'proxy' => '',
    > 		'page' => 'stats',
    > 		'blog' => $blog_id,
    > 		'key' => stats_get_api_key(),
    > 		'chart' => '',
    > 		'unit' => $options['chart'],
    > 		'width' => $_width,
    > 		'height' => $_height,
    > 	);
    < 	$src = clean_url( "$$blog_id&noheader=true&chart&unit=$options[chart]&width=$_width&height=$_height" );
    > 	$url = '';
    < 	echo "<iframe id='stats-graph' class='stats-section' frameborder='0' style='width: {$width}px; height: {$height}px; overflow: hidden' src='$src'></iframe>";
    > 	$url = add_query_arg($q, $url);
    > 	$get = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout'=>300));
    > 	if ( is_wp_error($get) || empty($get['body']) ) {
    > 		$http = $_SERVER['https'] ? 'https' : 'http';
    > 		$src = clean_url( "$$blog_id&noheader=true&chart&unit=$options[chart]&width=$_width&height=$_height" );
    > 		echo "<iframe id='stats-graph' class='stats-section' frameborder='0' style='width: {$width}px; height: {$height}px; overflow: hidden' src='$src'></iframe>";
    > 	} else {
    > 		echo $get['body'];
    > 	}



    Same issue here. 3.0.6 with 2.7.1 on windows. Never got the edit dropdowns to work.

    Thread Starter shaky


    I also didn’t get a mail saying there were comments in the moderation queue. Is that normal too?

    I installed on an old blog the other day. I did think it felt slower, but I haven’t timed it.

    Same issue here. No LiveSearch

    I’m getting the same error now.

    My host says:

    “Access denied with code 406. Pattern match “\\$_GET” at

    \\$_GET is blocked due to it’s use in a recent phpBB worm. Due you know why
    that string would be in the post content?

    I’m using default Kubrick and I get the error when trying to edit the theme. Seems sidebar.php contains $_GET

    Thread Starter shaky



    Done and working fine. Check below for the patch as suggested by angusman.



    I’m getting the same thing. Fix above didn’t work either.



    I’ve cleared out the old rules, but still getting the previous link and then the 404 error

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: the_content
    Thread Starter shaky


    That is all I have. Haven’t changed the default at all.



    Same here. Also not displaying post count

    Thread Starter shaky



    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: the_content
    Thread Starter shaky


    Also, that page isn’t showing the image that is in that one post.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: the_content
    Thread Starter shaky


    Try here:

    Then click on the previous link


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: the_content
    Thread Starter shaky


    Actually quite like the showing of just a few, but then when it gets to the end of the posts and you click on ‘previous entries’ you get a 404 error

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