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  • Thread Starter sghoepfner


    @lau28lo Thank you, I will check it out!

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    Hi Cory, yes Duplicator is no doubt a great solution, considering I am a complete beginner I was able myself to do a complete revamp of my friend’s website offline at localhost and succesfully migrate it, now live and almost the way I wanted ??

    I am not so sure how the issues described on the link sent relate to my wp-admin blank page, since as I said, no plugin seems to be the root of the issue (I have renamed plugin folder in order to deactivate them via ftp and nothing happened, wp-admin still blank).

    I will try to read carefully the whole thing on the link you sent. One thing I remember is that after successfully migrating, that page where I had ‘permalinks’, test, clean, etc. I remember I clicked on them but nothing happened.
    Because I saw the site was newly updated, I just assumed nothing happening was a good sign and closed down that page. I have no idea how to go back to that point on duplicator process, since it has been finished.
    I will keep on trying to figure our how to regain access to wp-admin, and I will surely post back any results…
    My intuition says it is something to do with wordpress not finding the user, or there is something redirecting the admin page, but I have no idea where to go.
    Soraya Hoepfner

    Hi There,
    I have run into the same problem. My nightmare is that actually migration worked like a charm, and my new site is well updated. Only the wordpress admin panel is not.
    Most of tutorials talk about issues with plugins – not my case.
    or issues with wp-config,but I don’t think so, since website is live and well.

    I have an old version of WordPress which I was planning to update after the migration, not before. So is it safe replace wordpress installations partially since now if I download an wordpress package it will surely a later version than my existing one on ftp?

    Since my website is fine, plugis are not the cause of the issue, what can be causing the wp-admin to be a blank screen?
    When I type ‘
    it takes a while and it returns a blank page. on the address bar I see then:

    instead of the original /wp-admin I have typed in.

    I am a complete beginner and not confortable with erasing folders, since the website that took me so long to figure out how to update offline and migrate to online is working just fine, how could I take care only of restauring back-end access?

    Any tips would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter sghoepfner



    Indeed, I just had to change <? to <?php at the opening and it disappeared!
    I didn’t even have to write anything about short_open_tag on a php.ini file, nothing,
    I just located finally the line and added 3 miraculous letters
    Thank you soo much, Andrew! All the best!

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    Great idea1 yes, I have just changed and the line disappear. Back to my customized template, it is showing there in every page… I am reading the posts regarding php tags to see if I understand first before messing up even more.

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    Hi Andrew, thank you very much I will follow that lead, I will post back if I solve as it might help other beginners! Greetings from Berlin!

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    just posted a screenshot of it, if that helps to understand…

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    Just deleted the created menu area. nothing happens.
    I still get this line on my front end, so it does not come from functions.php!

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    nonon, this does not appear anywhere! that is my problem! I don’t know where it comes from!

    It is not written in any of the files (cause I search ALL) and it appears on my frond end, at the bottom of every content area of every page.

    The only thing related to ‘header menu’ I have done was to create and register such an area, following a tutorial, I have inserted

    function register_my_menu() {
    register_nav_menu(‘header-menu’,__( ‘Header Menu’ ));
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_my_menu’ );

    This have indeed created this option of menu, that is all. now I have this appearing written in all my pages. And I have not noticed before, so I don’t know what have cause this to appear.

    And if I go in functions and delete this, the menu are will disappear and everything I put there will disappear, I suppose..

    I have now tried to selected this text and right click ‘view page source’. There I see:

    <div id=”comments”>

    </div><!– #comments –>

    <?wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘header-menu’, ‘container_class’ => ‘header_menu_class’ ) ); ?>

    </div><!– #content –>
    </div><!– #container –>

    So, that means this is a comment? But what is generating this comment? and How to remove it?

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    HI Andrew,
    no, I don’t have any caching plugin.

    Weeks ago I followed a tutorial on how to create a new menu area, which I have done to create a Header menu. The code inserted looks fine, since now wordpress indeed shows it.

    It took me so much work to figure out how to create a menu for that area that I am not ok with the idea of deleting this piece of code which was inserted in functions.php file. I am afraid of messing the whole thing but I will give a try, since apparently there is no way to know the source of this line… I don’t even know what it means, but thanks!

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    WP_DEBUG is already set to ‘false’ in my config file, so that means this is not a php notice? What is this actually? I don’t even know how to call what I am looking for…. ??

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    To be precise:
    in the container area, at the bottom of each content, this appears:

    ‘header-menu’, ‘container_class’ => ‘header_menu_class’ ) ); ?>

    Is there any tool I could use to locate where this comes from?

    Thread Starter sghoepfner


    Hi Andrew, thank you so much for your reply. The whole thing is offline, on localhost, because as I am a beginner I am not confident to do it in the real website, so I am not sure how could I show you, nor I see how can I send a screenshot.
    All I can say is that I have been customizing an already custom template and at some point, I didnt notice, this line started to appear at the bottom of the content in every page.

    I did modifications in files header, functions, style following several tips for different things I have been trying out. Now I want to finally export the whole new thing and cannot have this line removed.
    I am not so OK with applying a code to hide those warnings, cause I suppose they have a reason to appear.. but don’t know where this comes from!

    I am just having the same need- to hide my right menu on the front page, I see the solution has been helpful, and so the my question is a very basic one: the below mentioned code
    “.home .site-header .site-navigation,
    .home #footer-nav {
    display: none;”

    should be inserted where exactly? on page.php file (of the template I am using?) anywhere on it? Thank you, it is really no obvious to me! ??

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