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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] How to replace “Posts” page in OceanWPHi
If you mean the menu:
Appearance > Customize > General Options > Page Title > VisibilityThe only options i have are:
Show on all devices
Hide on Tablet
Hide on Mobile
Hide on Tablet and MobileI cant hide on the desk!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Insert PHP Code Snippet] HTTP ERROR 500Ive seen this, we found a bug in out PHP code, example below:
$_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] = http 500 error in Elemntor when saying (and screwing the whole page over, we had to restore from a backup)
$_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]; = OKCan see the code wasnt fully complete…… we only use it for a single line, but i can see how this might crash the whole system.
Hi Philip
Thanks for the clarification, i am not one to directly edit any PHP files behind an engine.
With this in mind to answer anyone if they read this what we did was install an PlugIn which will give the same functionality as you describe but with a full GUI use inside WordPress.
We used “PHP code snippets (Insert PHP)” plugin, this allows to create a “snippit” in WordPress, it then gives you a direct ShortCode to use in Elementor which we found works very well, adding this shortcode to any text area worked for us. It only runs when the short code is used, or can be run globally (for each widget created).
However you pointers did help in tracking this add in down.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] How to replace “Posts” page in OceanWPSo heres a link from Elementor
However this isnt fully working, i still get a HUGE GREY BAR at the top under the menu with the POST title in it, i cant seem to turn this off what ever i try in the My Templates section for that specific page….
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] How to replace “Posts” page in OceanWPCustomize the PAGE USED TO DISPLAY THE POSTS
You cant tell me the page you see when repeating the above is the ONLY PAGE we can use to view posts and how anyone viewing the site will see a post when looking at them.
Any video will just be a repeat of the step by step process explained above, the video will be unable to elaborate on this process.
– “How do i create a custom “view posts” page”
– How do i create a page to DISPLAY the contents of posts
– How do i create a custom page layout used to display post data (text and images) visitors of the site see filled with the post data
– How do i change the design of the POST DISPLAY page used to show the posts stored in Word PressAll the above are the same question worded in different ways! If this doesn’t explain it then i need a phone number as i cant believe this is not understandable as a question.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Ashley.
Hi Philip
In the interest to make sure this helps other members here i am going to try and be detailed.
Where exaxtly are you adding the below code?
//shortcode to dump all $_SERVER vars function dump_http_response() { foreach($_SERVER as $key=>$value){ $data .= $key . ' = ' . $value . '<br />' . PHP_EOL; } return apply_filters( 'get_http_response', $data ); } add_shortcode('http_response', 'dump_http_response');
When i try this i get:
/shortcode to dump all $_SERVER vars function dump_http_response() { foreach($_SERVER as $key=>$value){ $data .= $key . ‘ = ‘ . $value . ‘
‘ . PHP_EOL; } return apply_filters( ‘get_http_response’, $data ); } add_shortcode(‘http_response’, ‘dump_http_response’);I think some documentation link with regards how “functions” are created in the short code section might be helpful here, it appears to be Javascript in format…
It appears the “function” is supposed to create a short code which can then be used somewhere on the page, so i assume this function code needs to be ABOVE the widget that uses the function as i bet its page (not global) specific?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PopBox For Elementor] Pop Up from ImageHi, same question….. looks like no answers so might use another widget… (will respond here if i find one).
So we have tried adding very basic PHP to the short code, it just outputs the PHP entry, its not “executing” the PHP as a command, just outputs the PHO script as text… this appears to be “common” issue, so back to my original question. How do i execute PHP code inside Elementor to pull what i need?
- This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Ashley.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] How to replace “Posts” page in OceanWPI can instruct to repeat the issue:
– WordPress > Posts > All Posts
– Create a post with a title, text and picture
– Go to WordPress > Posts > All Posts, find the post you just created, hover over the title then click “view”The resulting page used to VIEW that post is the one we need to customize (with Elementor). Thats the same page clients see to view posts, we cant find how to edit it, it looks nothing like all our other pages.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Ashley.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] editingHi
Turns out it can be done inside Elementor and WordPress directly…. its taken from the Page Name right at the top under “pages”, what ever this is listed as is used for start of the <tltle> html tag…
The plugin you mentioned might have more functionality (ive not looked at it), but the above was what i was looking for.
Hi Philip
Thanks for your help, we will review this over the weekend…..
I understand the issues with regards the server back end pulling the data, this was one of the main reasons we are hosting WordPress on our own Apache server so this could be put in (the back end could be adjusted to make sure it works).
Many Thanks
Are you on about the <title> html page? if so i asked the same question in the OceanWP help forum, i dont have an answer for it yet either.
I would think its OceanWP as thats the “theme”, Elementor is only the content creator inside the page….
If you find an answer, would be nice to know.
wonders the same?
Hi Philip
Thanks for the input, i think i understand what your saying, it appears theirs no way “nativity” to grab the info into Elementor, and it only arrives in the form email once the form is submitted THEN processes the needed fields in the back end to populate them (which crabs the clients info if selected in the fields to send after its submitted).
Does the above sound correct?
I’ll check out what you suggest, if we need more help we will open a ticket, i’ll update back here once i have it working…
Sounds like you need 1 form per page, as some background from someone who has web developed since the 90’s.
Most reasons you WONT want to allow an email address put in to the page to then send to that person is you just created an “open relay” engine which is a huge “no, no” on the internet, the spammers will get there hands on it and use it to spam everyone (through your servers). If you lock the servers down, your get so much traffic it might end up technically “DoS” on your server while it tries t handle all the failed attempts.
Creating a form thats the same for every page works, then copy this forum to all the other pages. There are 2 ways of doing this to negate you manually creating the pages.
Method 1
Create the page you want so its working, then “copy” that form by right clicking the “edit pencil” and select “copy”, then close that page editing to get back to WordPressOpen the new page, right click a NEW SECTION, then PASTE, that will paste the identical form to the new page, now its there you can drag it to the correct location.
Method 2
Install plugin “Duplicate Post”, this allows you to “Clone” whole pages from the Pages section. Create the page you want so its working, then “clone” it to allow you to edit the whole page.Personally i would use option 1…