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  • Thread Starter Alex Frison


    @darshanaw, thanks a lot! It’s working now! ??


    Thread Starter Alex Frison


    Really strange, I don’t see it, no matter which browser or incognito. But will figure it out and test it also on different computers.

    Thanks a lot for your help!


    Thread Starter Alex Frison


    Moin Alex,

    ich hatte eigentlich auf deine Antwort gewartet und jetzt ging es auf einmal wieder. Ich hatte gar nichts gemacht. Vielleicht war es nur ein tempor?rer Schluckauf! Keine Ahnung. ??

    Works perfectly now!

    I also just installed it on a WordPress 5.5 Version. And it’s not working either.

    Tried to remove a custom taxonomy from a custom post type.

    Plugin Support Alex Frison


    @shicksus thanks a lot for your feedback. Could you be so kind and let us know the exact message of the scan report? First time we had something like this. Maybe it is just a false positive.

    We appreciate your help!


    Plugin Author Alex Frison


    Hey @tekihatsu

    we really appreciate you are staying with us. As Christina told you, we are only collecting technical data. For example, how many users are still using PHP 5.3, so we can decide, if we support such old and unsecure versions of PHP or not, based on the numbers of users. We only collect data to improve the plugin and user experience, nothing else. Because as you too, we are also absolutely against collecting any personal data!

    Thansk a lot and have a great day!


    Plugin Author Alex Frison


    Hey @jschmidtsbss and @zerogravity first of all, thank you very much for your feedback and loyal user until now.

    I do understand your frustration, but I like to set some things straight, so you pobably understand, that we tried our best to make this transition to the new API as smooth as possible.

    1. We got a notice on Saturday afternoon May 4th from Dropbox, that we need to change the API to make it work with the latest security fixes and that they will shut down the current Dropbox API already on Wednesday May 8th. So only 4 days! Counting the weekend, that’s only 2 business days!

    2. We started immediately with the necessary adjustments in our plugin and asked them if we can postpone the shut down to a later day, to inform all users in a proper way with enough time to authenticate the new API.

    3. We only got 2 days more, Friday May 10th. They didn’t even want to give us one more day to postpone! But we really begged them to give a bit more time. They were not happy to postpone the day of shutdown the API at all. So we can be lucky that at least we got 2 days more at end, after telling them the consequence for such a short term notice. Even though it was still way too short, but what should we do? We were not able to decide the shutdown! ??

    4. On Tuesday, May 7th, after a lot of testing and work by the whole team, we released the new version of BackWPup with the new API and admin notice and sticker notice in the support forum, to inform the users to update the plugin and reauthenticate Dropbox as soon as possible. We tried to have it published as soon as possible, so our users have more time to do the new authentication.

    The frustration and stress is and was on our side aswell, especially we got such a short notice and we had to handle it very quickly. And of course, all frustration by the users is coming back to us now. Which we do understand and we are really sorry about it, but in this case we are in the same boat unfortunately. Our hands were tied.

    Because of the tar.gz.backup problem, we were just in the middle to work on it, until the Dropbox emmergency came up. We are continuing working on it and soon have a solution for it.

    Because of the popup window, we will check what’s going on on this.

    You can be absolute certain, that we really do care!

    PS. Daniel just took over the team lead of the plugin team a month ago, so he is completely involved in this process and he surely wants to run his “baby” as smooth as it always have been and have loyal and happy customer!

    So please be a little bit patient and you will see, things will work as you are used to.

    Thank you very much! And I hope we won’t get caught by any surprises, like the Dropbox API switch, again.

    I hope you will still continue to use BackWPup. We would really appreciate that!

    Have a good weekend!


    Plugin Support Alex Frison


    @ejoyshop es tut uns wirklich leid zu h?ren, das du solche Probleme hast.
    Leider haben wir keinerlei Support-Ticket erhalten um bei deinem Problem zu helfen. Wir würden es uns sofort anschauen, wie wir auch bei den anderen Usern gemacht haben. Kannst du uns vielleicht in einem Support Ticket mehr Infos geben bzw. uns den Log zur Verfügung stellen? Das w?re sehr nett!

    Welche Version nutzt du gerade, denn das Problem mit der Aktivierung ist in der vorletzten Version schon behoben worden.

    Bzgl. Abmahnung, durch die Nutzung von PayPal Express entsteht keine Abmahnungsgefahr.

    Kannst du uns dann auch sagen, welche WooCommerce Version du nutzt? Unser Release war ziemlich gleichzeitig mit der Ver?ffentlichung von WooCommerce 3.6, welches auch für viele andere Zahlungs-Plugins Probleme mitbrachte, die nichts mit unserem Plugin zu tun hatten, sondern mit dem WooCommerce Update. Die Info w?re sehr hilfreich um den Zusammenhang bzgl. deines Zahlungsausfalls genau einzuordnen oder ob es woanders Konflikte gibt, die wir in Zukunft vermeiden oder beheben k?nnen.

    Vielen Dank im Voraus und sorry für die aufgekommenen Probleme!


    Plugin Support Alex Frison


    @maddinq das Problem mit der automatischen Reaktivierung tritt nur noch einmal auf bei dem Update von 2.0.0 auf 2.0.1, da es in der 2.0.0 noch so drin ist. Updates von ?lteren 1.X Versionen oder zukünftige von 2.0.1 lassen den Express Checkout deaktiviert. Tut uns leid für die Umst?nde!

    Plugin Support Alex Frison


    Das Problem liegt wohl an der neuen WooCommerce 3.6 Version, die gerade einen Tag sp?ter nach unserem letzten PayPal Plus Release ver?ffentlicht wurde.

    @frankeck @markus880 @findyournose @gato0815 k?nnt ihr best?tigen, dass ihr die neueste WooCommerce Version 3.6 am Laufen habt?

    Vielen Dank im Voraus!

    Plugin Support Alex Frison


    Danke dir Dieter für das Feedback und sorry zu h?ren, dass PayPal nicht ganz rund lief heute.

    Dir auch noch Frohe Ostern! ??

    Plugin Support Alex Frison


    @mbun kannst du bitte auch an [email protected] die genau Fehlerbeschreibung mit Screenshots senden und evtl. Zug?ngen, das w?re super! Danke dir!

    Plugin Support Alex Frison


    @theinternalthe first of all, thanks for your feedback and we apologize for the irritation.

    Second, we don’t get any commission for each sale or whatsoever. We get a fixed amount per month for maintenance and support. That’s all. We never intended to upset the users, nor did PayPal.

    With the new version, it won’t deactivate any other payment gateways and also not auto activate PayPal Express.

    We heard the complains and told our client to deactivate such function. Which they agreed and the change came along with a big update in Version 2, which took a little bit more time, since we had to implement the Express Checkout function.

    So if you like, try the newest version and you won’t see anything like this. Also won’t see something like this in the future, since we do really care of the users and trust they have in our work.

    In conclusion, your warning is not valid anymore. We would really appreciate if you would change your review.

    Thanks a lot and have a great weekend!

    Plugin Support Alex Frison


    Moin Tobias,

    vielen Dank für dein Feedback bzgl. PayPal Plus und sorry, dass du damit Probleme hattest. K?nntest du bitte noch mal die neueste Version mit den Fixes installieren und prüfen ob alles wieder geht? Das w?re super!

    Dass du den Eindruck hattest, dass wir uns zu Schade sind, einen Kollegen das Plugin durchzutesten, finde ich schade aber nachvollziehbar.

    Ich kann dir nur sagen, wir haben 2 Wochen mit 4 Entwicklern und 2 Supportlern das Plugin zig mal durchgetestet inkl. Testprotokoll und was dazu geh?rt. Auch PayPal selber hat es mit ihrem Team gründlich durchgetestet. Deswegen umso ?rgerlicher wenn Fehler auftreten, die aber immer wieder auftreten k?nnen aufgrund von schier undendlichen M?glichkeiten in der Kombination der WordPress Version, Hosting Einstellungen, Pluginversion und Einstellungen, anderen installierten Plugins, Browsern und so weiter.

    Es w?re sehr nett, wenn du die neue Version testen k?nntest und dein Review bei Erfolg revidieren k?nntest. Wir w?ren auch heute noch da um einen evtl. Bug, falls das Problem bei dir immer noch vorhanden w?re, zu fixen.

    Ich freue mich von dir wieder zu h?ren!

    Vielen Dank im Voraus und Frohe Ostern!


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