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  • Thread Starter sevenupcan


    Good idea alphodide, I’ll try that. So your saying basically take the anchor tags out of it’s natural flow by using the absolute positioning, so that the “number of posts” falls behind hind it, making appear as if it is in front?

    Thread Starter sevenupcan


    No that’s alright, I’m only wondering if it is possible to display the number of posts in a categorie on the left hand side of the text rather than the right. Thank you for your response. Hopefully someone will know.

    This is a little related, I decided to create a post as a user with level 1 and set it to private. When I then logged in as the admin, level 10, i could not see this post. Is this the way it’s designed? If so is there a way to change this? I would like to know all the post that are on my system.

    Another thing was i installed the Post_level plugin. Perhaps this might be interfering with this meaning I cannot see the post?

    Actually I beleive there is a tag that will allow you to list the categories like breadcrums, expcept instead of using > ust a comma. Just not sure where abouts on the Codex it mentions that.

    Otherwise if all else fails you could remove the line break element and use some css to add a comma to the end of each list item except the last.

    You can find how to do this here, again replace the > with a comma.

    Thanks, I read the codex on the definition of pages and Pages. :S lol.

    Maybe it’s just me, but i think that if your someone that hasn’t used WordPress before it takes some time getting your head around the process of building a site using WordPress. As WordPress is as the name suggests a blogging tool, more complex sites can be hard envision how one might create such a site.

    However having said that, once you get your head round it, and realise that you just use different category templates for each type of different page, you begin to realise it’s reasoning. Because the beauty of WordPress and other CMS tools is that it generates the content automatically, using includes and other dynamic data processes, it’s actually reletively simple to create. (In theory, im still yet to find out)

    I just thought i should mention this, because not all designers realise this, it took me a good few hours to suddenly click. I’m always learning how WordPress actually processes everything.

    Im trying to do a similar thing. The way I see it, and tell me if I’m going along the right lines here. Is that the terminology used to describe a Page, is quite difficult. You see, my site will use what I consider as different pages, ie home, tutorials, scripts, photographs. Yet these can actually be created as categories, and still have the same effect as pages? The only problem is that I want the links to my so called pages at the top of the site, and then that pages sub categories in the sidebar. Because they will technically be two category tags in the one page, is this possible? or are you only allowed to call one category tag?

    It takes a while to get your head round what I’m trying to say, but the fact is that the use of WordPress is only limited to your imagination. (almost)

    Am i thinking correctly here?

    Have you tried using the get_calendar template tag, <?php get_calendar(daylength); ?> ? More on this can be found here,

    All you need to do is add the tag into say the side bar and it should be viewable.

    Great, just what i was looking for. The first link looks more secure, however it seems a little more trouble to install. The only thing that scares me is the database part of the installation, i go all wobbly when i see that stuff, haha. Can i use the same database i use for my WordPress blog?

    Thread Starter sevenupcan


    Thanks Denis for your input it’s been really useful. I’m lookng at creating template pages that will accomodate for my needs.

    I’ve seen these custom fields but never really understood their use, i’ll look on the Codex and see if I can find some info on them.

    Jinsan thanks for informing me of Drupal I did a search and found their site, looks like it can do a lot, would take some time to master it though like all things.

    That’s what i like about WordPress, it’s the most rounded of CMS i know, very neatly done, even if it’s not a fully pledged CMS, after all it is called WordPress.

    Thanks again, i’ll let you guys know if I make something of this.

    Thread Starter sevenupcan


    Thanks for responding. I’m afraid I’m no good at indepth php code or other similar languages.

    This tag system your talking about. How difficult would it be to implement just this into WordPress, does the whole structure of WordPress change when you apply this system to it?

    It’s funny you mention pay. If I feel I cannot create something adequet for my needs I might be willing to pay someone to do it properly, ie you. However, there are a few things. This is only for a hobbie and I wouldn’t be making any gain on what I’ve paid you. Secondly when you have created it, do you offer it to everyone else? (which I think would be only fair to everyone else) but then I’ve already paid for it. :S And lastly how long would it take to complete?

    So i guess, my best bet is to find a slow alternative “for-now” method. I’ll continue to see what I can do, and thank-you for providing that link to your article, your other articles about semantic webs and folksonomies were good reads.

    Yes this was the same for me, eg either using or Seems like the 99% has now become more like 90%. lol

    My appologies, i forgot to provide a link to my site. Sorry for the double post.

    alanc – I know exactly what you are trying to acheive. I’m trying to achieve the same effect with my own site. The reason i would like to make a site with WordPress is because of it’s simplicity, yet vast range of features.

    However I’m trying to keep make use of the content management system but don’t look like blogs. At the moment I havent had chance to do this, however, i keep updates at my site as to what I’m doing, feel free to follow the posts I make if you like.

    Thanks for your reply. Something fishy about the config file, perhaps it’s just me (human error) but I’m pretty sure all the values were filled correctly.

    What happened was, i thought perhaps I might be that one percent that needed to put the DB_HOST in so i tried using the db host name, but still that didn’t work, so I tried the db ip, but still that didn’t work.

    So then i thought i would try the database interface /wp-admin/setup-config.php but that wouldn’t load, something about not having the right permissions, so i changed them to every possible permissions combination, well not all, but a lot. But that didn’t seem to work. So i changed them back to how they were.

    Then i decided to do a clean install even though i was sure all the files has been transfered and not altered apart from the ones i had touched. Still using the DB_HOST value of “localhost” and that didn’t work, but when i changed it to it worked. I’m not at axpert at databased, so I’m not sure what happened.

    Thank-you for your response, now to see what other things face me! ??

    Did anyone find out what was causing this? I have exactly the same error.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_bloginfo() in /<snipped path>/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 304

    This is my first time using WordPress, so it is a clean install, using the latest version first which i downlaoded today.

    All infromation seems to be entered correctly into the config file.

    // ** MySQL settings ** //
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘database_name’); // The name of the database
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘database_username’); // Your MySQL username
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘**************’); // …and password
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    // Change the prefix if you want to have multiple blogs in a single database.
    $table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // example: ‘wp_’ or ‘b2’ or ‘mylogin_’

    // Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the
    // chosen language must be installed to wp-includes/languages.
    // For example, install to wp-includes/languages and set WPLANG to ‘de’
    // to enable German language support.
    define (‘WPLANG’, ”);

    /* Stop editing */

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);

    The only settings i changed was, the database name (i take it this does not mean the database domain name?), the mysql username and the mysql username password.

    Does anyone know where i might be going wrong?

    Thank-you for your time

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