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  • Thread Starter Serge


    Uh, OK, I d/l from the development page. Hope that’s the right one

    Thread Starter Serge


    Whaddyamean: “It took a while” ?
    I wasn’t expecting anything for days, and here you are mere hours afterwards!

    I’d love to try it, but where’s the zip?

    Thread Starter Serge


    Aye, aye, Sir ??

    Thread Starter Serge


    That sounds very interesting, thanks for the suggestion.
    To tell you the truth, my heart sank when I started out again at the instructions just now.

    I’ve also been wondering if perhaps an extension to the existing po/mo files might be an option? I really have but a few actual pages which are all translated and work well with polylang. The main part -and reason for being- of the site is all about photos of an artists’s Life work [my late uncle as it happens]. So all I’d need is just a handful of translations, perhaps 50 at most, for those keywords used in wppa albums/custom fields of images. I thought that might be easy to handle with eg

    Truly, all I need is a “wppa-only translator”, the rest is fine as is. I guess such a facility

    to use the qTranslate syntax inside wppa regardless of other translators.

    might well suit many other wppa users too (?)

    TBH I’m somewhat weary of going now for an unsupported/orphaned plugin that has already displayed some fraying edges, and that might possibly keel over fully some time in the [near?] future with new PHP versions.

    Thanks again for the suggestion, Jacob.
    I shall hold back my further forays into qtranslate.

    Thread Starter Serge


    Well, I’m non-plussed ??
    I just couldn’t get the &^%£)% to operate at all yesterday, whereas your betatest clearly works – and flawlessly at it!

    You’re absolutely right, making copies for each lingo is a futile and wasteful effort, a database is the way to go for sure.

    Armed with my full backup, I’ll have another go and report back.

    Thread Starter Serge


    Alas, Jacob, I must for once [ever so slightly] disagree with you.

    You’re right of course, that I found those “All” translations quite ‘accidentally’, they probably emanated from
    And yes, I truly do not want to copy all my albums and photos into 4 languages ??

    However, after battling with QTranslate-X for 4 hours, I have decided to give up and thank heavens that I made a full site backup only minutes before installing it;
    – Migration from Polylang proved impossible, manual assignment of existing (translated) pages not working. [From the docs, I understood that QTranslate must be the only translation plugin in a site … thou shallt have no other gods beside me…]
    – QTranslate-X does not work in widgets in WP > 4.5 and is apparently incompatible with PHP > 7~ish (e.g. and others). I got plenty of PHP error messages, and the whole thing simply didna work (err, after I disabled polylang)
    – QTranslate-X is “orphaned”, its author has stopped further development > 1yr ago with the result that most support requests in QTranslate-X forum have been left unanswered in well over a year. Except the odd pointer to QTranslate-XT, another extension to the X version you refer to (cf

    Unless of course you meant to refer me to said Qtranslate-XT?

    Or are you running Qtranslate-X on a site alongside other translation plugins?

    Thread Starter Serge


    Excellent. Thanks, very much Jacob! Yes, that works!

    Just one slight addition (as you didn’t test it, and for the potential benefit of any future readers); the shortcodes end with [wppa_set] … and -as you wrote- Table IX-A7 must be ticked (=enabled) and IX-A8 set to “all”.

    Brilliant; a solution within the hour! You overexcel yourself :-))


    Thread Starter Serge


    Wonderful! Copying works perfectly now.
    Many thanks once more, Jacob. I can’t express how glad I am that you’re reacting so quickly and efficiently to bug reports / feature requests :-)))


    Thread Starter Serge


    Quite! ??

    Thread Starter Serge


    Brilliant! It does work, yes. Many thanks.

    However, I do feel the need to add that the scheduling only works when viewing the site as a “regular” visitor, whereas -when I’m logged in as wp-admin- I can see all photos, even those scheduled for showing in a month/year or two.
    I hasten to add that this does not bother me (in fact, it could be called useful in that I can see what the final result will be like once the scheduled date is reached). Nevertheless, I thought it might help to mention this here in case anyone trawls these pages in the future with a similar issue.

    Many thanks indeed!

    Thread Starter Serge


    Oh, I assure you it’s a genuine pleasure to assist you in this vein, and thus contribute to this wonderful plugin. In my search for the best WP “photo display” plugin, I have kissed many a frog, but only WPPA+ turned out to be a prince :-))

    Thread Starter Serge


    I actually noticed some time ago that the scheduling functionality had issues, and was surprised that this hadn’t been flagged by others. That made me wonder if said functionality is being used much(?), and therefore this may not require a high priority. As you said elsewhere; the best way of keeping a photo from being shown is not to upload it to the internet in the first place!
    Still, since the option is there, it’s probably better if it works ??

    Thread Starter Serge



    Sub “Album admin” tick box “Schedule”, the dates available are 2014-2020, maybe extend that to the future?

    Thread Starter Serge


    I fear your last reply got into the wrong section, you probably meant to answer this sub: “WordPress search for photos?”

    But yes, many thanks for fixing pcount, that works as it should now!
    (and I’ll start a new thread re “schedule” to prevent it slippping out of your attention)

    Thread Starter Serge


    Thanks, Jacob! That’ll help me show an up-to-date figure, it’s a bit of a bind to insert this manually.

    While reporting bugs, allow me to misuse this thread and briefly point out that the years on the “Schedule” are also running out, they are currently set to 2014-2020.
    Assuming that the schedule still works, perhaps you might want to tweak this to add a few more years? say 2020-2026?


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