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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Side-effect on translations in 7.4.0Excellent! Many thanks for the quick fix and for the DIY option. I overslept and only saw the latter together with the hotfix [which was then easier], but I much appreciate the lifeline!
Oh, and of course: Solved ??
Many Thanks,
sergeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Swipe on TabletHaving had a quick look at your site, I couldn’t actually see that you are using “Lightbox”. Or perhaps you only use it on specific albums? If so, which?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Swipe on TabletYes, swiping is possible if you use “Lightbox”
(e.g. [wppa_set name=”wppa_thumb_linktype” value=”lightbox”])Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Selected cover photos not showingThanks, Jacob!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Selected cover photos not showingIndeed, something fishy appears to have happened with the latest update.
Until Jacob can give us an authoritative answer, one quick solution might be to reinstall a previous version, e.g.
To do so, you’ll need to delete the folder wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus, then “Add plugin” and upload e.g. the above zip file (or any others you might still have).
Granted, that solution isn’t perfect, but as a stopgap, it’ll at least get back your original pics on your site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Photo Counter DisplayOh! Mystified … [grappling at straws:] Are you using the latest version of WPPA? I experienced those troubles before they were fixed in 7.3.06
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Photo Counter Display[wppa type=”pcount” parent=”1″] should display what you want.
Insert that short code in a page using the “text”, not the “visual” display, that should print 100 at that point in the page.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Photo Counter DisplayJacob’s answer of course is wider in scope and allows much more tinkering, but if you’re after a simple solution, there are also the built-in functions “acount” and “pcount”, e.g. use as:
[wppa type=”pcount” album=”13″] and
[wppa type=”acount” album=”13″] print photo count and subalbum count of the given album.
[wppa type=”pcount” parent=”13″] and
[wppa type=”acount” parent=”13″] print photo count and subalbum count of the given album including sub-albums.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] WPPA My rating not workingOh! Now that’s one question for Jacob to answer. As a wild guess, I’d speculate at wppa-boxes-html.php, but that’s a dodgy one for us users to go messing with, as the next update would likely overwrite said file.
Best to wait what Jacob says, or simply leave it at “Rating” in English? Surely with the stars, folks would understand, non?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] WPPA My rating not working@neof1960: Definitely. Do use the “translate” option!
You can also use those same rules in Album titles, and even in tags, meaning that you could have 2 sets of tag clouds, one for each language.
Luckily there is even an option to change all tags globally in Table VIII-B14 where you could introduce your translated tags.The Polylang plugin works fine in this combination, albeit that Jacob would argue more in favour of qTranslate-x (an updated version of qtranslate). He would say that Polylang is not suitable to make album and photo names and descriptions multilingual, because it is not database friendly, i.e. one should have separate db entries of each photo for all languages and that violates the core of the wppa design rules.
That said -and with Jacob’s invaluable assistance- I was able to use Polylang quite effectively, to display my albums, images and tags in 4 languages – cf
Using these translation rules you’ll be able to define easily just which image has been rated the most, as permanently checking through 2 (or more) albums will likely be cumbersome, ineffective and error-prone (quite apart from halving your storage needs ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] ExcellentI second the motion!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Mobile vs Desktop… and of course; Resolved, Hooray!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Mobile vs DesktopMany thanks indeed, Jacob, the masonry mix hits the nail on the head!
Throughout the last few hours, I felt like I was following the WHO’s recommendations to the letter; “Test, Test, Test” ??
In the end, I left the thumbnail sizes exactly as I originally had set them for the desktop, and plonked for the “Best of both worlds – masonry mix” option which shows the pics in a reasonable size on an actual mobile (whereas emulating a mobile in a pc browser gives the wrong results). I figure that will give the most mileage to most users out there as well. [BTW, I’m surprised that not more folks have previously raised this point…]
I am once again indebted to you for your wonderful assistance and will see to that asap ??
sergeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Mobile vs DesktopNo worries, Jacob! I’m neither giving up, nor was I anticipating this to happen all that quickly.
And after all, it’s Easter, a little rest surely won’t go amiss ??Best,
sergeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Latest Albums in Photo Albums WidgetTry Settings IV-D1