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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: privacy
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    I’ve solved my immediate problem of controlling access to the site its whilst under development, by getting the host company to control access through their server.

    However I want eventually to turn the Blog into a Membership site with controlled access to selected pages, which I think can’t be done through the hosting company, and I was about to buy a Plug in to allow me to do this through WordPress. So I think I will still have to deal with this problem at some point.

    I actually seem to have access to some of the Plug-in related functions, although that has also revealed another problem, that the Plug in doesnt seem to have installed even though the FTP software I used seemed to indicate that the transfer had occurred.

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    The cache thing didnt work, but thanks anyway.

    I’ve solved my immediate problem of controlling access to the site its whilst under development by get the host company to control access through their server.

    However I want to turn eventually the Blog into a Membership site with controlled access to selected pages, which I think can’t be done through the hosting company, and I was about to buy a Plug in to allow me to do this through WordPress. So I think I will still have to deal with this problem at some point.

    I actually seem to have access to some of the Plug-in related functions, although that has also revealed another problem, that the Plug in doesnt seem to have installed even though the FTP software I used seemed to indicate that the transfer had occurred.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: privacy
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    No youre right. Others cant edit it. The fact that was able to continue editing despite having logged off, comes from the fact that I have both a and a blog, and you have to be logged out of both of them for your computer to forget who you were (I did previously try clearing the cache).

    But the fact remains that others can still read the Blog. And I dont want them to YET.

    Any advice on the plugins thing is much appreciated. The software was down loaded to the hosting company automattcally by them rather than thro me. I wonder whether they have downloaded the .com software (where you wouldn’t expect any control of plug ins – the reason im switching) rather than the .org software. However, that would seem unlikely, as it must be obvious that if people wanted the .com software they wouldn’t be interested in external hosting in the first place.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: privacy
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    The fact that I can edit it even when I’m not logged in.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: privacy
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger



    I downloaded that plug in and FTP’d it to my wordpress Blog.

    But when I try to get into the Plug-ins section of the dashboard in order to activate it, I am told I dont have sufficient permisions, een though I am logged in.

    So, my site is totally unprotected (even to the point of being editable by others), but the one place I need to access to stop that, is the one place I cant get access too. What a nightmare !

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: privacy
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Does anyone have any specific suggestions for Plug Ins (or other approaches), preferably free ware.

    I was actually planning on buying a fancy plug in to convert my Blog to a Membership site. But all I wanted at this stage was a simple one- password control system whilst I set the thing up. And I’m surprised it’s not provided, particularly as it is provided on the wordpress hosted software.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: The Erudite
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Freepss. I’ve got it working now. Thanks.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: The Erudite
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Chris –

    The best way to avoid conflict is to reflect very honestly about the underlying sentiment of dialogue such as:

    “And where did you find that one? Is it where I suggested you look (in your theme’s directory)?

    (say, did you notice that file you found mentions the theme’s CSS directory? Going out on a limb here, but maybe you should look there next!)”

    Just mull over it until you become more conscious of the faint undertones of John Cleese and Manuel, and the offense that is likely to cause.

    It might be no surprise to you that the actual program files in need of editing were not the ones directly available through the WordPress interface, but not to me.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: The Erudite
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    And when I say I can’t find it I am actually looking at the program files on the server now, rather than what is directly available through the wordpress interface.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: The Erudite
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Thanks. But I cant find anything called the-erudite-2.0 directory. All I can find is a directory called the-erudite which then has a subdirectory css which has a file in it called erudite.css, which (unlike the one directly accessible through WordPress) does have the HTML code you referred to earlier. I have edited that and FTP’d it, but it doesn’t seem to change the way the web page looks.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: The Erudite
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    I finally found out how to do FTP although the files were already in my hosts web server. Anyway I found the actual css file, and found the suggested rouge lines, edited them as suggested by freecss (just deleted them using Notepad and re-saved to the server), but when I go back to WordPress, as run from that server, the problem seems to have remained. Not sure if there is anything else I should have done.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: The Erudite
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Re your last point:

    No – but I have paid for plug in’s designed for use with word press, and for a linked hosting package, both of which WordPress presumably have some coomercial interest in. And even if it is free, it doesnt justify rudeness.

    There is obviously some thing odd about the css file that is included in the css directory for that Erudite theme (in that its not actually loaded by the Theme) and its not obvious where to find the actual css file that is loaded by the Theme

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: The Erudite
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Or altrnatively not using WordPress at all.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: The Erudite
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Or alternatively, perhaps I should be looking for anther WordPress theme that doesnt have any daft features that need editing out. All I want is a one column theme that just allows for text, a list of Pages (the main ones not the sub ones), there must be one out there surely ? I dont really want the Blog format, just a simple website format. The only reason for my using WordPress is the availability of a Plug in to create a Membership site (which is what I want to do). But the lack of suitable templates is a real pain.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: The Erudite
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    I dont know what FTP is

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