Bkurious Hello, I found a solution to the problem you describe, if you have code in the WP-PageNavi footer is not updated when you make a change, because the ajax script works only within the scope of “content”, for that I have changed the code within the pages that must show the WP-PageNavi, such as within the category page (category.php), as I show in the example:
<? php endif;?>
<php if (function_exists ('wp_pagenavi')) {wp_pagenavi ();}>
</ div> <! - # content ->
</ section> <! - # primary ->
<? php get_footer ();?>
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You also need to add the same code page (<? Php if (function_exists (‘wp_pagenavi’)) {wp_pagenavi ();}>) within the other pages that you want to display. (eg index.php, etc …)
I hope you find it useful and excuse my English but I’m Spanish and I used the google translator. ??