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  • Thread Starter Sens4


    Dear @alimir,

    For example, in the Automatic Display Restriction option, the Home page is present in default, but the Like button still appears on the home page. Also, the Automatic Display Restriction option does not allow to add random pages, but only specific ones. Does the plugin have the option to restrict the Like button to appear on a custom page, or an option to combine the number of Likes and show the same result for 2 pages/posts?

    Thread Starter Sens4


    Hi @champ

    It’s still the same. It doesn’t work for me in a fresh Twenty Seventeen theme.

    Thread Starter Sens4


    Hi Alimir,

    I can’t find any auto display filter in the free version, or are you talking about the pro version?

    Thread Starter Sens4


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    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Sens4.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Sens4.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Sens4.
    Thread Starter Sens4


    Thank you for the reply. I did check the WP and site URLs, everything is correct. Everytime the .htaccess needs to be flushed for the site to work. Any small changes in the WordPress Settings will lead to the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error, and the address bar shows https:// instead of https://

    Can’t figure out what’s the problem(

    Thread Starter Sens4


    Thank you very much

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [WP Snow Effect] Nothing
    Thread Starter Sens4


    Hi. I’m using twenty seventeen theme, static page. The plugin next to your plugin called Snow storm works fine, but this plugin does not work.

    Agree. Gutenberg should a plugin for those who like Facebook blocks editor. WordPress becomes dictorship that does not listen to anyone, thinking that they dominate. But Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL, Nokia all lost their leadership because the stupidity of their managers.

    I am pretty sure that in near future a much better platform will be designed and WordPress will go to hell.

    Thread Starter Sens4


    Thank you a lot!

    Thread Starter Sens4


    Dear Kazuki, thank you for your work.

    There are 2 problems with the update I have found:

    1) The selective protection works only for pages’ ID, but not with posts’ ID.
    2) The No right click message always appears even when the option no message is chosen.

    Can you please check?

    Thread Starter Sens4


    Thank you so much Kazuki. Because there are situations, when only important pages need to be protected, while the rest are not, so the opposite option would be perfect.

    Your plugin is amazing.

    Thread Starter Sens4


    Thank you for fast reply

    Thread Starter Sens4


    I very hope of that. This kind of blocks is just a copy of the Facebook notes idea, oriented mostly on photos. I stopped writing any Facebook notes since then, and, ridiculously, wordpress now apply the same sh*t.

    Thread Starter Sens4


    Amazing. Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter Sens4


    Amazing! I’m so sorry that I didn’t find the answer from the FAQ before asking.

    One more thing, is it possible anyway to:

    – make all the letters in specific rows bold the same elegant way?
    – show the numbers of the rows (minus 1) on the table automatically?


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Sens4.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 66 total)