Forum Replies Created
Thank you for your answer!
Hi Ahmed,
Thank for your reply.
I don’t want to add pressure on your shoulders, but I am curious to ask you: when are you planning to release the next update?
I am not an expert so I don’t know how these things work and I would love to have a little piece of info about it.
In the meantime, would you recommend to follow @jrftillison advice about reinstall the previous version of the plugin?
Thank you in advance,
SendcloudDear Daniel,
Thank you for your feature request.
Unfortunately we will not implement this in the near future. The good news is: there is a work around for this. In your Sendcloud account in the Incoming Order View you can add filters, also regarding statusses. So if you filter only the orders with the status you like to process, you will not see the orders with statusses as “Pending”, “Refunded” or “Canceled”. For more information please check the following article on our Help Center. I hope this helps you process the orders correctly!
If you have more questions you can always reach us via the Support or the Chat button in your account. I hope to have informed you suffiently. Have a nice day!
– Technical Support SpecialistDear Adam,
If you followed the steps explained in our help-center article and are still encountering issues with the connection, please submit a support ticket via your Sendcloud panel to ensure that our support team can take the necessary action and help you out with this asap.
Kindly also mention your WooCommerce and Sendcloud-Plugin versions in the ticket along with a description of the steps you followed and the error you’re getting.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Kind regards,
Technical Support Specialist | SendcloudDear marie999,
Thank you for posting your question.
I would like to kindly ask you to open a support ticket in order to investigate your case.?
You can easily create a support?ticket by logging?into your Sendcloud′s account. Click here for more information.
Our Support Team is looking forward to receiving your ticket.
Kind regards,?
Sendcloud Technical Support Team
Thank you for this feedback.
We will discuss this during our review and we will check if we can organize this. You have a valid point!
I hope your meeting will be planned soon. Have a nice day!
Thank you for your feedback.
It is correct that the previous release didn’t had a detailed description in the changelog. We just updated the changelog accordingly. I hope this will answer your questions. See link:
In the future we will of course try to prevent this situation. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.If you don’t use the checkout option from Sendcloud side the plugin should indeed work. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected].
I hope you have a nice day!
Kind regards,
Loes – Technical Support Specialist, Sendcloud BVHi,
Thank you for your message.
We received this question before. There is confirmed that this is not a sendcloud issue. But rather that the sendcloud plugin triggers the error. I would recommend you to:
– Go through the code (probably /wp-includes/functions.php) and change the argument to the correct one that is not depricated anymore – the one that is mentioned in the error message
– Set up WooCommerce shop from scratch so he can make sure to only use up to date plugins / themesBasically all you need to change is the depricated one to the correct one from: (“WC_Cart->tax_display_cart”) should be changed to (” WC_Cart->get_tax_price_display_mode()”) and then it should work. Can you please change this and let us know what the result is here?
I hope this will solve your issue. If not please do not hesitate to contact us!
Have a nice day!
Kind regards,
Technical Support Specialist – Sendcloud B.V.Hi,
We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied regarding our service in case something goes wrong with a parcel. We discussed your cases with our Customer Service team and we found 2 open claims. These cases are being handled by the carrier for quite some time now.
Our colleague contacted you last Tuesday to discuss the possibilities. We will do our best to resolve these claims as soon as possible with the carrier and we’ll keep in touch! We’re sorry for the delay!
– Senna
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your message.
I cannot find your current Sendcloud account, but you can check if your account is completed with following:
– Settings > Addresses > Billing Address
– Settings > Addresses > Sender Address
In addition, we recommend that you add a payment agreement to your account. You can activate this via Settings > Finance > Direct Debit. Without these settings some integrations may block the connection so that it is not possible to create one.Could you first add these to your account? After that I advise you to follow the instructions in our Help center; I hope this solves your problem and closes your ticket.
If not, or if you have any other questions, please let me know and send an e-mail to our Support: [email protected]. I wish you a nice day!
Kind regards,
Technical Support Specialist – SendcloudDear @baastje ,
We replied to the mentioned issue with the user directly and it was solved.
The solution here is to make sure you have an address added in your Sendcloud account. You can find this via Settings > Addresses > Invoice address & Settings > Addresses > Sender address.
Could you first add these to your account? After that I advise you to follow the instructions in our Help center. I hope this solved your issue as well.
If not, or if you have any other questions, please let me know and send us an e-mail to [email protected]. I wish you a nice day!
Kind regards,
Loes – Integration Specialist Sendcloud
Hi Dtiren,
Thank you for your reply.
I checked indeed and we picked it up via the ticket. We will stay in touch via the e-mail. I’m sorry for the inconvinience until now.
Have a nice day!
Kind regards,
Sendcloud Customer Success Representative / Integration SpecialistDear Aftab15,
Thank you for your message. You can only set the method as following: when order value is exceeding amount of X than offer shipping method for free. This is something you can enable via the backend of WooCommerce. It is not possible to set a 20% shipping costs from order value. I hope to have informed you well. I wish you a great day!
Kind regards,
Sendcloud Customer Success Representative / Integration SpecialistDear Dtiren,
I cannot reproduce the issue you addressed. Can you please send me an e-mail to [email protected] if this issue still occurs? I want to look into this and solve this as soon as possible of course. When you send the e-mail please add your inlog e-mail address from sendcloud, and the name of your webshop please. You can write the e-mail with attn. Loes
Kind regards,
Sendcloud Customer Success Representative / Integration SpecialistDear ff kk,
Thank you for informing us. We have identified the issue. Currently, the use of the dimension checker is only possible for carriers PostNL and DHL. If you enable service points for other carriers, the service point picker will not work. Therefore we recommend to only use this feature for these two carriers and otherwise disable it. We are looking at how we can enable this feature for more carriers in the future.
I have updated our helpcenter to inform that the feature is limited to PostNL and DHL service points.
– Simon (from IT staff)