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  • Thread Starter selym


    Hey wpfan1000,

    Yeah, I’ve Googled for plugins too and haven’t turned up much either. I suppose it’s not a highly sought after functionality.

    I’m actually VERY interested in learning a programming language. I’ve just come to realize this is one area that I cannot teach myself. I must have about 4 PHP books, but I can only get so far before I putter out. I’ve also tried codecademy courses too, and once I hit a road block and spend a long awhile standing still not knowing or comprehending the next step, I get frustrated and move on. I really think the only way I can learn coding is one of those semester long in person classes that keeps me inching along and someone is right there to help when I get stuck.

    Until then, I just feel like I’m blind reading these codex pages. I’ll take a look at that page again and tinker around though. Even if I don’t fully comprehend it all, it would be so satisfying to piece together a working plugin of my own.

    Thanks again for taking the time to respond with helpful info. ??

    Thread Starter selym


    Thanks for the reply wpfan1000. Sequential is preferred, but not absolutely necessary, so post id for the titles would work. I’m not a coder, so I don’t know what any of that means in the link, but I’ll go use the keywords “save post” to keep searching and see if anyone else has done the same thing yet and written about it. Thanks again.

    Can’t say I know, but whenever I have issues site wide like that, I usually go over to Settings –> Permalinks in the wordpress admin and click “save changes” again (without modifying anything). This has helped me. Not sure why.

    Hey jacquelinesusann-

    I don’t know if this will help, but I noticed on some of your pages, the url ends in -2 or -3. This is the actual permalink that’s right under your title in wordpress admin. I find this happens if I’ve created multiple pages of the same name.

    For example, let’s say you create a page called “about the book” so the url is, then you delete it to try again. When you create a new page called “about the book”, you may have deleted the previous page, but it might not really be gone, so the permalink is called about-the-book-2. You can check if these old pages (or posts) are still present by going to your main Pages or Posts screen. If you have any that are in the trash, delete them permanently.

    Then I would go back and change the permalink in the page from about-the-book-2 to about-the-book, and adjust the menu accordingly, etc.

    Not sure if that will help, but it’s helped me in the past.

    Thread Starter selym


    Ok, thanks. I guess I should disable the keywords option then. I suppose I should also find the user guide for this plugin and start reading because I honestly don’t understand what it can do for me. :/

    Thread Starter selym


    Hi CaliVW78,

    I haven’t documented anything because I’ve changed a number of things along the way (computers, themes, plugins, etc.), but I’d be happy to share my current set up with you if you think it might help.

    Feel free to contact me at the form below.

    Thread Starter selym


    Yep, there are bundled plugins that come with that theme too, so that’s a good idea about reaching out to them. I can also mess around on my dev site with the default theme too.

    It’s not a host issue as I have at least one other site on the same shared account that runs BPS without issue, so you were right about that being very unlikely. ??

    Thanks again for the super quick responses and help. If I hear anything from the theme folks, or find anything else worth sharing, I’ll be sure to follow up here.

    Thread Starter selym


    I disabled every single plugin, activated BPS, and my site links still went screwy again. Perhaps it’s a theme issue. (Toolset Classfied) I really don’t know, but if it is, there’s nothing I can do because I can’t easily change the theme since the site is built around that classified functionality.

    Oh well. Thanks for your quick responses and help.

    Thread Starter selym


    Ok, I get one error message during debug mode…

    Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method ftanm::register_admin_menu() should not be called statically in /xxxxxxx/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 496

    …and only found one post with a similar error message.

    It looks like it’s from the font typed animation plugin (AKA Animated Typewriter Effect plugin), but when I deactivate this plugin, and then activate BPS, my site links still go screwy.

    I’ll try deactivating all plugins and reactivating one at a time next and report back here soon.

    Thread Starter selym


    Hi there-

    Thanks for the quick reply. It’s a single site, not multi-site. My permalink structure is the same as your test site, postname.

    Hmm, I’m pretty sure I never even got to click anything in BPS. As far as I remember, I activated the plugin and it broke the site links. I’ll try and replicate what I just said to confirm and report back here shortly.

    Thread Starter selym


    Thanks for the reply bradvin. I appreciate it.

    What I don’t understand is that the original image is 250×250 and is resized to a thumbnail (150×150) to be displayed in the gallery and the animation still works.

    I would think it would lose animation when it’s resized there, but it’s not. Only when I try to adjust the size in the gallery to make them bigger since the thumbnail size is a bit small for me.

    Thread Starter selym


    Hi @bryan Lam,

    Oh, that url was not real and was only included to provide an example of how I use my profile plugin.

    According to the profile plugin author, “the user is identified from the URL. If the URL doesn’t specify a user, we display the current logged in user. Problem with third party plugin integration is that these plugins uses the logged in user ID and there no way to identify the loaded profile instead of logged in profile. So you will only get the review for logged in users.”

    I want the logged in user to be able to visit a(ny) profile and view that users specific ratings, and leave a specific rating for that user, but instead all I see is the ratings for that one (profile) page left by the logged in user.

    I figured if anything would work, it would be ratings widget since it’s such a mature plugin, but sadly I don’t think it will work for me either. ??

    Thread Starter selym


    Hi @bryan Lam,

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I had seen the “User Availability Setting”, but that’s not exactly what I need. I just tested by putting the thumbs up/down rating on the one profile page, gave it a thumbs up to test, then visited a few other user profiles and it was unfortunately the same on all of them. Oh well.

    Thread Starter selym


    Hi Cais-

    Yes, I switched to MAC exclusively (at home) too, but as nice as I hear MAMP is, I did not want to depend on an application doing any of the configuration for me.

    I did verify the ports before posting my response.

    For MySQL, I ran the following command.

    mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE ‘PORT’; which displayed 3306

    And the listen port in httpd.conf was set to 80

    I guess I’ll just keep poking around until I can figure it out.

    Thread Starter selym


    Hi Cais –

    I’m using a Mac Mini running Yosemite that has Apache pre-installed (version 2.4.9), and I installed and configured PHP (version 5.5.14) and MySQL (version 5.6.17) myself. I am using the standard ports for Apache and MySQL.

    I did update from Mavericks to Yosemite a couple months back which updated Apache and caused some minor issues I had to address, but I’ve still been able to add galleries without the issues notes above since then.

    Perhaps something else changed unbeknownst to me that needs to be adjusted. I’m just not a developer and not very family with php, but I’d more than willing to make an adjustment if someone can decipher the error. Any ideas?

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