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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced AJAX Product Filters] Price range displays text before/after twiceIts bootstrap css given through CDN… once more thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced AJAX Product Filters] Price range displays text before/after twiceI am really sorry but was expecting price range to be displayed as text (that would be printed and the input would be used only for working with AJAX.
My mistake, it messes up with Bootstrap slider and was hiding them, so I couldn’t see anything. Maybe use a class that wont be overwritten by commonly used frameworks.
Sorry once more and keep up ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced AJAX Product Filters] Price range displays text before/after twiceOK I may have misunderstood the text right or left… but adding euro sign only i get an image like this
https://s28.postimg.org/i39djahwt/uploz2.pngand code generated
<ul class="berocket_aapf_widget " data-scroll_theme="minimal-dark"><li class="slider price"> <span class="left"> €<input type="text" disabled="" id="text_br_price1258118394_1" value="1400.00"> </span> <span class="right"> €<input type="text" disabled="" id="text_br_price1258118394_2" value="1500.00"> </span> <div class="slide "> <div class="berocket_filter_slider berocket_filter_price_slider ui-slider ui-slider-horizontal ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" data-taxonomy="br_price" data-min="1400.00" data-max="1500.00" data-value1="1400.00" data-value2="1500.00" data-fields_1="text_br_price1258118394_1" data-fields_2="text_br_price1258118394_2"><div class="ui-slider-range ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" style="left: 0%; width: 100%;"></div><span class="ui-slider-handle ui-state-default ui-corner-all" tabindex="0" style="left: 0%;"></span><span class="ui-slider-handle ui-state-default ui-corner-all" tabindex="0" style="left: 100%;"></span></div> </div> </li> </ul>
There shouldnt be product min and max price here? Products are from 1400 to 1500
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced AJAX Product Filters] Price range displays text before/after twiceI am pointing out an error plugin has.
The HTML I posted above is what plugin generates as code…
If you see, both span left and span right (prices that must be placed in right and left of plugin) should print but if you check slider.php<span class='left'> <?php echo $text_before_price ?><input type='text' disabled id='text_<?php echo $filter_slider_id . $unique ?>_1' value='<?php echo $slider_value1 ?>' /><?php echo $text_after_price ?> </span> <span class='right'> <?php echo $text_before_price ?><input type='text' disabled id='text_<?php echo $filter_slider_id . $unique ?>_2' value='<?php echo $slider_value2 ?>' /><?php echo $text_after_price ?> </span>
They print $text_before_price as well on right side and $text_after_price on left side span..
Check the image below.
https://s21.postimg.org/frskhz9l3/uplz.pngIf you are plugin author, I am pointing out a bug
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced AJAX Product Filters] Price range displays text before/after twiceI have achieved that by editing plugin but the HTML above is generated by the plugin. It seems wrong… the left span should have only 50 and not 5,000 price and vise versa for right span
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Add user specified fields on products (clothes)Thank you a lot … really appreciated your help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Add user specified fields on products (clothes)Yup, thats probably what I seek but I was planning to code it. I guess you cant give any tips, as you are a plugin author and seller, so thanks for pointing this out ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced AJAX Product Filters] Stopped working after updateI am sorry my shop is a live shop, so I had to reverse to previus version.
I noticed when updated that on filters widget, it was displaying some product characteristics that didn’t have any products.For example on tablets section, apart from iOs,Samsung, etc it also displyed some missplayed manufacturers from monitor section like Dell, Philips etc..
Also, when you hit on the manufacturer name the tik box didn’t trigger the filter, ajax ran but it brought back whole products.I am sorry I cannot provide an example, though my shop is live and it hurted a bit ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced AJAX Product Filters] Stopped working after updateI have inverted to 1.1.2 and works so its an update issue
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Multisite proper guideI am really sorry but for a wired way it now works. :/ Sorry for disturbance
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Multisite proper guideBoth domaing point same hosting account. Homepage loads (but both show Greek language) but if I use flag for English it doesn’t work for post and pretty permalinks. I just get the too many redirects.
(I had manually added on wp-config site_url to get current domain)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Multisite proper guideSorry, was refering to multi domain, just noticed it ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to achieve post hierarchical rewrites for custom post typesI’ve came up to the end of the problem. The real problem is that you cannot get unlimited (or different size) for rewrite rules.
Eg. you cant get a rewrite that says try if the last is post load this or else load that..
I tried to follow the original “post” rewrites but they use /category/ slug as well (even yoast can ommit it, but it makes custom rewrites for each and every post category – which making it by hand is really difficult)So the only approach is making a rewrite rule same as post and then call in functions.php all the rules needed for making each category a separated rule…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to achieve post hierarchical rewrites for custom post typesYou may add on taxonomy rewrite hierarchical to true and its done