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  • Plugin Author sedevelops


    I’m not doing anything special with my embedding/inserting of the player. I would guess that the html output cleanliness which you are referencing has to do with either your theme’s post_content filtering/template code OR a plugin filtering the post_content… or a combo of both.

    But, if the player is rendering, and looks normal (as it does on your site) I don’t think this is why there is an issue. The issue is either from your server and streaming media files or with the JS running on that page (see the console errors).

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    Added some extra room for a third digit. It will roll out with an update later today. look for v 1.0.9.

    This should address this issue.

    Plugin Author sedevelops



    At first I thought this might have been a problem with your MP3 encoding. I also encountered trouble playing the file in Firefox (Mac) on your site.

    So to troubleshoot, I downloaded the First track of the first player (When I’m calling), created two versions (the original file and a repaired file) uploaded it to my site, and played them.

    To my surprise, both versions played well, without doing the 10second loopback thing that occurs on your site.

    I then tried to embed two different players on the same page (as you have on your example page). Maybe, I thought, they were interfering with each other. Again to my surprise, there were no issues playing back.

    See this temporary link for a demonstration of playback on my website.

    My conclusion here is that this issue is either to do with some of the console errors I see when I load your page:

    #  The endpoint used to load this resource has been deprecated.
    #  Please update to the current Facebook JavaScript SDK.
    ########################## FB.Share:56
    The "fb-root" div has not been created, auto-creating FB.Share:56
    FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init(). FB.Share:56
    Uncaught ReferenceError: iframes is not defined [VM] fastbutton?bsv&size=tall&hl=en-US&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fjimmypritchard.c…am%3DEQ%2Frt%3Dj%2Fd%3D1%2Frs%3DAItRSTOXMPlDPSQNLAjp6QpbGVJ5Mgv6Zw (88):21
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'plusones' of undefined [VM] fastbutton?bsv&size=tall&hl=en-US&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fjimmypritchard.c…Fam%3DEQ%2Frt%3Dj%2Fd%3D1%2Frs%3DAItRSTOXMPlDPSQNLAjp6QpbGVJ5Mgv6Zw (88):2
    Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'hefn' [VM] fastbutton?bsv&size=tall&hl=en-US&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fjimmypritchard.c…am%3DEQ%2Frt%3Dj%2Fd%3D1%2Frs%3DAItRSTOXMPlDPSQNLAjp6QpbGVJ5Mgv6Zw (88):18

    OR with your web host provider:

    Maybe your hosting package is not configured to stream files like mp3s.

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    Guessing you figured it out?

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    As of version 1.0.7, I have enabled this feature. Check the README for isntructions. SHould be pretty straight forward. I did not use the enclosure postmeta as I did not find it to be working as it used to. So regex is used to find all mp3, ogg, or wav files from a posts post_content. Enjoy!

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    I’m not sure what you mean by this. there is no mp3 insertion really. You create an album post type and then use the media uploader to add audio tracks to that album post type. Save the album post and then use the TinyMCE button to insert the album player into a separate post / page/.

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    Glad its all set.

    As for playlist expansio : Not yet. Ill put this into the next update. ??

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    All fixed up. Update to version 1.0.6.

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    From within the Media Upload dialog for the album post in question, you must drag the tracks into order. It seems unnecessary, I know, if all the tracks are already seemingly in order, but WordPress will not assign the ‘menu_order’ to to attachments until you drag at least one of them into order.

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    Ah. I see. This is a Firefox/mp3 issue. I’ll work this weekend to add the playlist playthrough feature. This only occurs now with the flash fallback player on Firefox w/mp3 content.

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    Resolving thread.

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    DO you mean a feature where the player starts playing immediately upon the page loading, without an explicit play click?

    As it stands now, the player with play through the entire playlist after it is started just once. In other words, click to play the first song, and the player will play continuously through the entire playlist.

    Plugin Author sedevelops


    This is doable. I’ll look into this weekend. Thanks for the suggestion.

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