Forum Replies Created
Oh ya Thank you.
I never tested the plugin that way. Now it worked good.
Thanks again!Thank you for the fast reply.
Here it is …. We have 2 kinds of customers (we offer 2 kinds of services…. online shopping and information display). We request subscription for both.
1. customers who wants to buy products in our platform.
2. customers who wants to read information posted on our page not to buy a product.
We want to handle this 2 different categories of customers separately. We are using paid memberships plugin to register the 2nd types of customers only. But when a customer already registered as number 1, tries to register on number 2, the plugin replies “This e-mail is already registered. Please choose another one.”. We need the plugin to cross check the email address and phone number only from its list of members not from the wordpress users list.
What we want is : to enable a customer to register in both services if he or she wants.Oh Thank you it worked for me now while I update the code under store-header.php file of dokan, on my theme folder. Thanks for the support , I got many knowledge on the way.
Thanks for your reply. I used it like this on dokan-lite/templates/store-header.php. but no luck.
<?php $hide_vendor = array(1378); ?>
<?php if ( ! dokan_is_vendor_info_hidden( ‘phone’ ) && ! empty( $store_user->get_phone() ) && !in_array($store_user->get_id(), $hide_vendor)) { ?>
<li class=”dokan-store-phone”>
<i class=”fa fa-mobile”></i>
get_phone() ); ?>”><?php echo esc_html( $store_user->get_phone() ); ?><?php } ?>
Thanks for your reply.
I need to add this extra code on functions.php not rewrite the plugin file. Because I need to hide phone number of only some vendors not all.
I don’t think you understood me right. my question is how to hide vendor phone number from vendor shop (store), if specific condition is meet? eg: if($vendor_id==1470 )
Thanks again.Hi , Thank you for your reply
I want to hide phone number of specific vendors from ‘single product page’ and their own ‘store’. Because I want clients for those vendors to buy products through my website , so that I can know the number of sales for those specific vendors for sure.
And you can assist me with codes I’m fine with it.
Thank you.