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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] W3 Total Cache and WPtouch PostI don’t remember what my settings were but I know following this video solved the issue.
What do you mean by rss file?
Bump. Anyone?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] W3 Total Cache and WPtouch PostAfter some intense digging, I finally figured out how to take care of these issues.
Here is a YouTube video showing how to REALLY make W3 compatible with WPtouch
I updated to .6. Just got one of those HUGE spikes that actually take my blog down. I had to reboot the server to kill everything.
Should I just turn preloading off? I have over 3,000 posts on my blog.
I tried to uninstall the plugin yesterday and it gave me an error message when I hit the “confirm” button. Strange. So I reactivated the plugin right away, turned it back on and saw options that I didn’t have before. Very strange! For example the “Advanced” settings in the debug console were not there before.
Additionally, the cache tester stopped giving me a timestamp error.
At any rates. The site did better for the rest of the day and the memory usage didn’t randomly go up as it used to do for the last few days.
However, I still get 2 HUGE memory usage spikes at around midnight and 8am. These have happened everyday since I updated WPSC and I have no idea why. (here is a picture of memory usage
As usual, any insight would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The link under “Current Version” returns a 404. The “Download version” link in the sidebar does work but I believe it is the version before the update you did earlier today. I’m sorry to be such a pain, but can you confirm? Thanks
dooncha – thanks for the help. I had already updated the .htaccess file with the new rules.
I looked on the page you linked to and (I must be dumb), I cannot find any link to a development version. I am currently at .5 and this seems to be the latest I can get. Could you please let me know what I am missing?
arpitshah – I will give it a try. Thanks for your tips!
Cache is on. It’s going insane! Here is a picture that hsows the server load. You can clearly tell when I updated to WPSC’s latest version: Note that my site hasn’t seen any increase in traffic, neither did I install and changed anything on the site.
And here are my settings: Preload Mode settings:
The Cache Tester gives me an error:
I set the debugger to send me emails but never received anything (also checked my spam folders and nothing there).
To me, there truly is a problem with WP Super Cache and this problem appeared with the last update. It’s making my site go up and down and it’s pretty embarrassing, and stressful.
Hopefully you guys can help me figure out what’s going on.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] Configuring WP Super Cache Properly On High Traffic SiteI’m still not sure about something… By turning preload mode and super cache compression ON, do comments show up as soon as they are posted? If I make a post update, will this update show on the blog right away? Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] Configuring WP Super Cache Properly On High Traffic SiteThank you ??
BTW I donated by sending a book from your Amazon wishlist yesterday. You should receive it in the next couple weeks I think.
Oh and by the way, I’m not the only one having this problem. Readers of my site told me they are having the same problem too.
Thanks for your help.All the user agents are in there. They’ve been there forever. I updated to the pro version of Wptouch and I still have the same issue.
I updated to WP 3.0 and I still have the same problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: All-in-one-SEO prompted Upgrade but ErrorNot a fix, but a start…
You can download the previous version of All in One SEO Pack from here
Then go to your WP admin panel, upload the file and activate the plugin.
Stay away from 1.6.12 until it is updated an fixed.