IF Glitzfisch solution is for 2.5.1 – then please let me know what line to look at – because that line is not in my media.php
In the media.php that was included in my 2.5.1:
$html = ‘<img src=”‘.attribute_escape($img_src).'” alt=”‘.attribute_escape($alt).'” title=”‘.attribute_escape($title).'” ‘.$hwstring.’class=”align’.attribute_escape($align).’ size-‘.attribute_escape($size).’ wp-image-‘.$id.'” />’;
$url = ”;
$html = apply_filters( ‘image_send_to_editor’, $html, $id, $alt, $title, $align, $url, $size );
The error I receive
Line 7
Charac 2
Permission denied
Code 0
I can add images to the media library – but when I try to insert into post – this is the error I get.
Incidentally – yes, I have cleared my browser cache, yes, I have reinstalled, yes, I have disabled all plugins. The *only* thing that comes close to a resolve is logging in via https://website/index.php
Weird thing is – seems to work fine in Vista… how weird is that?