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  • Hey Zeek, thanks for your feedback.

    As far as I was aware I had removed all XSS vulnrabilities from WPLD via a combination of PHP functions htmlspecialchars and strip_tags. If you’re aware of any pages where XSS is still possible please let me know and I can secure them.

    While XSS is a minor issue which is more aimed towards phishing and only really applicable on larger websites, it’s easy to fix and I’m happy to do it.


    The WordPress forums have taken out my code but you would add style=”font-weight:bold;” to the ‘<a href’ part.

    1. How do I set the number of links per page?
    Currently you can’t. However I aim to add this feature to the next version release.

    2. How do I SEO the directory? I can see that the directory title and description are not showing on metatags. Is it possible to add meta keywords in category pages?
    Currently no. There are issues with the SEO Permalinks too which are more important. Custom meta tags are not currently a priority.

    I hope this answers your questions, cheers.

    I still maintain my plugins but typically don’t spend much time developing them any more and there are several issues with WPLD since it hasn’t been updated for WP 2.8.4 yet.

    However, to answer your questions-

    I am using a wp link directory and my question is, Can we make links bold? And if so, how?
    Open and edit wordpress-link-directory/styles/original.css (or whichever theme you are using) and in this section:


    Add: font-weight: bold;

    If this doesn’t work you can edit lines 2167-2174 which display the links and line 1993 which outputs the link itself:

    return ‘‘.$title.’‘;

    Would become:

    return ‘‘.$title.’‘;

    Check out the readme file in the /lang/ folder, it should tell you a bit more on how to implement other languages. The short and skinny of it though, is to simply take your desired language file from /lang/ and drop it into the main directory. If WordPress is already set up correctly it should work instantly.

    I just released a new version and the installation issue has been fixed, as well as some other smaller issues.

    I’m not sure why you think others were getting help when you were not, the simple fact is that I haven’t maintained this plugin since the day I launched it for public release, until now of course. I assume that the others simply opened the plugin file and ran the SQL inside.

    Let me know if there are any further issues.

    Thread Starter Seans0n


    I tried echoing out the javascript in place of the shortcode, but unfortunately it needs to go between the head tags.

    Anyone have any ideas on how I could do this? I.e. place some javascript between the head tags of any page or post which has [theshortcodehere] on it?



    Internationalizing your plugin is pretty easy. I did it with my first plugin and it’s now available in French, Dutch and German.

    Read up on and this guide which I found really useful:

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Permalinks, permalinks!
    Thread Starter Seans0n


    Does anyone have any experience or know of any plugins which create permalinks? I tried an e-commerce plugin but I couldn’t find in the code where the permalinks were set.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Shortcodes problem
    Thread Starter Seans0n


    Almost forgot, my code is available at:



    This was a problem where I did the readme.txt file incorrect and wrote carbon_footprint_display_footprint() instead of carbonfootprint_display_footprint(). If you upgrade the plugin it should work fine, alternatively call the function as carbonfootprint_display_footprint().

    Thread Starter Seans0n


    Quick update: I’ve discovered that the .mo file pulled by WordPress depends on the WPLANG constant defined in wp-config.php:

    define (‘WPLANG’, ”);

    So I defined as en_UK:

    define (‘WPLANG’, ‘en_UK’);

    And to be on the safe side I made a copy of the .mo file and called it

    Yet even with this the plugin refuses to adopt the .mo file. I can only imagine that the path specified in load_plugin_textdomain() isn’t correct. I’m going to play around with it a little more and see if that makes any difference.

    Hey there, as you’ve mentioned the new version now has a captcha option, which should be enough to get rid of spam. If not I may try to filter entries through akismet too, like WordPress does.

    You mentioned that you’d like a search feature as well, I’ve added that in version 1.4 and it’s not perfect but it does have the option to search by URL, title or description (or all).

    In future updates I’d like to accomplish some of these features:

    – Play around with WordPress permalinks and use these instead of $_GET variables to display pages, categories & links.
    – Collect rank of reciprocal page (if supplied) and add the ability to accept/refuse links based on this value.
    – Ability to select number of links per page (with paged navigation i.e. Pages: 1, 2, 3).
    – Add optional tracking of hits in/out.

    In answer to your question about requiring reciprocal links I think that most people who run link directories are trying to get links back to their site and this helps accomplish that. I’d also like to modify the script to also get the pagerank of the reciprocal link page and accept or refuse the link based on that, though I may not be able to due to Googles pagerank system.

    Of course for those people who just want to keep a directory of links and aren’t worried about links back and SEO, etc, the option to accept all links is there, and the captcha system now gets rid of most spam. Ideally the system would accept all links that aren’t spam but put them in a queue for the admin to look at before approving the link, but this will have to wait for a future update.

    Anyway, just wanted to reply and say thanks for your comments.

    Cheers – Sean

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Permalinks Help
    Thread Starter Seans0n


    I’ve now tested this out in a couple of places and I still can’t get it to work so it’s obviously something I’m doing wrong rather than a bug on WordPresses side. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter Seans0n


    That’s absolutely perfect, you’ve helped me out again. Just wanted to say thanks this time =]

    Thread Starter Seans0n


    When I moved the add_management_page outside of the init function the script returned:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_management_page() in C:\WebServ\wwwroot\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-dux\dux.php on line 14

    So instead I added this code:

    add_action('admin_head', 'wpdux_menu');
    function wpdux_menu(){
    	add_management_page('Dux0r', 'Dux0r', 8, __FILE__, 'wpdux_adminpage');

    and it worked fine. Thank you =)

    I also replaced the activation add_action(); with register_activation_hook(__FILE__, ‘wpdux_init’); again, but it still refuses to run and display the echo. Any thoughts?

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