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  • Thread Starter seanrobert



    Wow, what support.. I will look forward to your release…

    Yes, you are absolutely right the states are in there and can be selected if you have the US included in the General “Selling Locations” shipping area, agreed. Sadly, until now (your present plugin excluded) you cannot access them for any sort of rate/table based shipping set-ups. Because of the fact that in the General tab of the WC UI (user interface) the US is lumped as one big unit “Country”.. As far as the plugins go that will allow you to add rate/table shipping by WEIGHT (I was able to find one plugin that allowed you to do it be Quantity–which I am not sure why because then you are basing it on volume and it would be considered flat rate shipping) we here in the US are cut off… WC doesn’t split the USA because in the UI (“Selling Locations” ) there is only the choice of “Countries” not “States” and I searched through core to find that but I was unable or too scared to mess about… Thus your current plugin, as an example, lumps the US as one unit regardless of what the filter on the shopping cart page says… I cannot apply different rates to the individual states in a plugin’s UI because until now (hopefully) no plugin can effectively “see” the individual states to apply varying rates to…


    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter seanrobert



    Thank you for your response.. Please do keep me posted on your updated plugin.

    I am sure you are aware of this (I am a potter not a coder). But I have been messing about with this issue for a bit now and have figured some things out.. The current WC does not have the individual US states listed so users will have to enter them manually. This is not a huge deal I did use this line that I added to my child-themes functions.php:

    * Code goes in functions.php or a custom plugin. Replace XX with the country code your changing.
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_states’, ‘custom_woocommerce_states’ );

    function custom_woocommerce_states( $states ) {

    $states[‘US’] = array(
    ‘US1’ => ‘Alabama ‘,
    ‘US2’ => ‘Alaska ‘
    *if anyone wants to try this make note of the number after US. This is critical or WC will only show you the very last entry in the list and you WILL have to enter all the states written before, yes I did that…maybe twice, Im not telling:)

    I do prefer this as opposed to having another plugin to maintain… Will your plugin have this ability to enter the states? Also, as I have found out, even after the states are entered into the child-theme/functions.php the other plugins that claim they can sort by states this is where they fail. Not sure if it is a WC issue or that the plugin is not querying the info correctly but after extensive trial and error I could not get them to work efficiently. My work around was to create 50 new “countries” then listing those “countries” individually in the WC settings that enables WC/Plugin to find each other. I hope you have better luck with that… Good luck and thanks!


    Thread Starter seanrobert



    I followed your instructions and it did work, once… Then I refreshed the browser and when back into the cart. Nothing again… Also, anytime I add anything on your UI page and save it triggers something and WC erases the “specific country” area. I then have to go back and select the US and hit save… This would be great. Thanks for trying.


    Thread Starter seanrobert


    Thank you so much for your quick response… I will change that and see if that works… Cheers.


    Thread Starter seanrobert


    weight not state, sorry.

    Thread Starter seanrobert



    Thank you so much for the response. Ive been up all night trying to modify plugins to get the result I want… First off, great plugin. Clean, simple, nice UI. I only wish that it had the ability to sort by “state”… That is where I messed up your plugin. I modified the lines so it read “weight” instead of “quantity”, and it worked for awhile then stopped queuing anything new…

    I would love to be able to add a filter to enable “states” in the drop down “Specific Countries” in the settings of Woo.. That code seems to be very allusive to me. Your approach is brilliant though… If you could add or help me add how to search by weight instead of quantity that would be brilliant.. That is a very simple work around to a heavier “sorting by state” solution because here in the states the shipping “zones” are not drawn cleanly around states anyway so your solution of adding zip codes is brilliant.

    I am sending you a link to a plugin that is very similar to yours but does allow for a “sort by state” feature inside it’s UI, HOWEVER, I still have to go into the functions.php and add all 50 states manually… Yours is sexier. Thank you, thank you!


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Gamma Gallery] Not working

    Sad, this plugin looks great but nothing seems to work.

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