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  • Plugin Author Sean Conklin


    Sorry for the delay, was moving this weekend.

    There should be no difference in connectivity between multisite and single site modes.

    The questions that come to mind here are:
    1) What is the hosting company (we may have experience or details to check with them).
    2) Are any errors being trapped, either printed to the screen or stored in a log file that you can log in to see? PHP tends to be chatty about errors, warnings, notices, so there may be a lot relating to the entire site, but we want to look for anything related to communications.
    3) Is the error similar to “Error connecting to Benchmark Email API server. Connection throttled until X to prevent sluggish behavior. If this occurs frequently, try increasing your Connection Timeout setting.”?

    Plugin Author Sean Conklin


    It sounds like you are asking for a short code to place the sign up form in a footer area. The sign up form begins as a sidebar widget and most themes do offer footer widget areas, so you can just go into the Widgets area and drag Benchmark Email Lite into the footer widget area. Once you create the widget, the widget also provides a short code that you can copy/paste into other parts of your content as needed, and note the widget can operate this way even if placed in the Inactive Widgets sidebar.

    Please let us know if this resolved your concern.

    Plugin Author Sean Conklin


    Hi Tracy, Just a note that v2.4.6 officially released on Tuesday. If you were running the 2.4.6-devel it should have notified you of the update. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks for checking in with us!

    Plugin Author Sean Conklin


    Hi l0c0luke,

    Your web server needs to be able to speak outbound to on SSL port 443. If your firewall is blocking this, then you would need to add a rule. Most web servers allow outgoing connections, but you may be in a more secure environment.

    To diagnose your specific issue, I recommend putting a test PHP file in your web root and running it from the command line (php ./test.php) or a web browser to see what’s going on more specifically. The file can contain this sample test run of the listGet command with your API key:

    // Settings
    $service = '';
    $api_key = 'PUT-YOUR-API_KEY_HERE';
    $timeout = 30;
    ini_set( 'default_socket_timeout', $timeout );
    // Load WP
    require( 'wp-load.php' );
    require( 'wp-includes/class-IXR.php' );
    // Try Connection
    $client = new IXR_Client( $service, false, 443, $timeout );
    $args = array( 'listGet', $api_key, '', 1, 100, 'name', 'asc' );
    call_user_func_array( array( $client, 'query' ), $args );
    // Output
    print_r( $client->getResponse() );

    This request suggests that we should have a feature that reports whether it can talk to Benchmark Email API server separately from the individual token authentications. We’ll work on that in an upcoming release.

    Plugin Author Sean Conklin


    Glad to hear that worked for you! We’ve been talking about doing a point release really soon as in a couple of weeks away depending on testing results. The next release will have this important fix in it plus the new calendar/slider feature on the post/page metabox (campaign to email). That wouldn’t be a large release, but should be enough to be release worthy. We do try to not annoy users with too many small updates ??

    The development version is called “2.4.6. Development”. When we release v2.4.6 WP wouldn’t consider “2.4.6 Dev” to “2.4.6” an update, so you’d need to manually update that one time. I believe we can prevent this in the future by using the stable version as the dev track prefix. I’ll confirm that for future reference. It would be nice for when folks download the dev track to have WP auto update that once the dev track rolls out as a full version, instead of waiting for the next version to come out.

    Plugin Author Sean Conklin


    Hi Tracy,

    You can download and install the Development Version (from the Developers tab) where the fix and other updates are sitting awaiting further testing and eventual release.

    We can only support completed versions, but you are free to use that community code, just as you are free to run WP3.9 beta-3 right now, with the proviso that it’s not completed code quite yet!

    Plugin Author Sean Conklin


    I’ve added question numbering to the FAQ section (linked above) and updated Q8 to reflect the current user interface steps.

    Plugin Author Sean Conklin


    Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for your patience as this took us a couple days to get back to you on this site. You may also contact BenchmarkEmail directly via their support number, forums, or contact form for when more immediate help is needed.

    It sounds like you are referring to the contact subscription verification+confirmation email, otherwise known as double opt-in. That email does not get sent from WordPress, rather it gets sent from BenchmarkEmail once they receive a contact subscription. Our plugin operates in double opt-in mode, so it triggers this process on the BenchmarkEmail side. To understand why see our FAQ here in Q&A #12:

    The answer to how to change the text in there, see Q&A #8
    Note: Instead of “Lists”, their current UI calls it “Emails->Contacts->My Signup Forms”

    We’ll update our text there to be as current as possible, and also number those questions soon!

    Let us know if this helps or if you need further assistance.

    Plugin Author Sean Conklin


    SVN comment: Fixed a PHP warning in admin_init hook widget upgrade code when no tokens are configured and debug mode is on. Credit to frenchbob for the bug report.
    Sending lib/class.settings.php
    Sending lib/class.widget.php
    Transmitting file data ..
    Committed revision 884387.

    Thank you, Bob. I have committed a fix into the Development Version. We’ll be rolling this in with the next point release coming soon.

    Plugin Author Sean Conklin



    BenchmarkEmail lists their prices here:

    They charge either per send or per contact with unlimited sends. They also offer a free plan that is limited to 10k sends/month and cannot import lists. They also offer a 25% non-profit discounts.

    Hope that helps you out!

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