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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Hiding "Category Archives"I found a pseudo solution for this using just CSS.
.archive-title { visibility: hidden; } .archive-title span { visibility: visible; float: left; }
You will have to move the <span> up by adding
margin-top: -#px;
(at least that’s what I did to relign it with the top of the row) since this doesn’t completely remove “Category Archives:”, is only hides it. It’s still there, just not visible and still pushes your category name to the right.Hope this helps as it’s a pretty easy solution without having to add a plugin.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Shadow menuWhichever element has the box-shadow property added to it (I think it’s .nav-collapse.collapse) and just change that property to
box-shadow: 0;
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Hiding "Category Archives"Thanx @acub for the quick response.
I’d prefer to solve this without having to use another plugin. This should be an easy solution.
I went into Customizr’s class-content-post.php file and found this group of code:
<header class="archive-header"> <h1 class="archive-title"><?php printf( __('Category Archives: %s' , 'customizr' ), '<span>' . single_cat_title( '' , false ) . '</span>' ); ?></h1> <?php if ( category_description() ) : // Show an optional category description ?> <div class="archive-meta"><?php echo category_description(); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> </header><!-- .archive-header -->
From this section of code I removed
__('Category Archives: %s' , 'customizr' ),
which in theory should have removed “Category Archives:” from the article title and leave only the <span> containing the category’s title, however it did not. “Category Archives:” is still displayed.This should have definitely solved the issue so now I’m not sure if this a Customizr thing or if a WP file is calling “Category Archives:”.
I’ll wait to see if anyone else has a solution in the meantime. But if no one can then I’ll give your suggestion a try.
Thanx again.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Hiding "Category Archives"I’m trying to accomplish this too. I’ll let you know if I find a solution.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] How to disable mobile siteI used my child theme css to override the media queries which are found in color.css. Just add the ones ElectricFeet posted above to the bottom of your child css. If you use Firebug to inspect the elements in my site you will see which ones I added
width: 1024px
to (header, footer, main content, slider, container, etc) to both the main part of my css and the media queries.Just so you know my site is still ver3.0.9, so if you’ve updated to 3.0.12 be sure to use the corresponding elements in that version. Although I don’t think the names of the elements changed.
Another key is to make sure that in your php files that are used that you replace
class="row fluid"
with justclass="row"
. You’ll have to play around with the css a bit to add and remove margins to some of the elements to get them to line up the way you want.Let me know how it turns out.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Sidebars no longer appear afert updatingI tried creating a new page, but when I previewed it there was still no sidebar. ?? It just doesn’t make sense why they would disappear after that update, yet this appear when using the WP base themes. This is starting to get frustrating.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] [How To] Identify 3.0.12 ChangesYep, that reposted link takes users to the “changelog” properly. Thanx.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] social icon solution any time soon?As mentioned in a follow-up post, the file(s) which the code I posted above has since changed after the update to ver3.0.10. @sionlanini and @electricfeet are correct as to which files now hold this code.
As to the reason why the icon isn’t appearing is because the theme uses an font icon set. Can’t remember if it’s Genericons or something else off the top of my head, but not all SM icons are included in the theme. I added Etsy to my social media links but there isn’t an icon for Etsy so I had to do without.
I’ll have to look into your fatal issue a bit more and get back to you with a more in-depth solution if I can.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] How to disable mobile siteOh and @electricfeet, I would certainly not say I’m more skilled than you. Not sure any of us ever master PHP. LOL. But thank you for looking into my menu issue and at least confirming it’s not something I’m missing.
I even sent a personal email to Nikeo in hopes that he would know the answer and reply but have yet to hear back from him. Maybe he’ll do so in the next few days as it’s almost time to send this site live.
Thanx again.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] How to disable mobile siteAnd thank you @rdellconsulting for replying to my menu issue.
Not 100% sure of you question, but the breaking point is 979px, whereas the mobile menu kicks in. If I remember correctly 980px is the width of non-iPad tablets in portrait mode.
In regards to removing the code, I did remove
class="nav-collapse collapse"
(the 2nd one) from class-header-menu.php but it has no affect. The mobile menu still appears.And just to point out, I’m still using ver3.0.9 for this site as I’m leery of updating the theme because this site is perfect just the way it is (except for the menu issue) and I don’t want to screw it all up the update.
Let me know if this answers your question or not.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] How to disable mobile siteOf course that would work but I found it easier to just override the media queries in my child css as apposed to having to scan thru all that code in the parent’s css and remove all the queries. And of course once another update comes out you’d then have to go back and delete all queries again.
And you are right @electricfeet about needing to adjust the width and most likely, left margins of .row and .container. It takes a little time and trial and error to get everything laid out properly and static.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] How to disable mobile siteHow is it not displaying properly? Do you have a link to your site?
I have a client who only wanted a static site but since I was already familiar with Customizr after doing a previous site and really liked it, I decided to keep it for this static site. After a little research, help from other forum members, and pulling some hair out I was able to make my site static. You can see it here.
Basically, you just have to add a px width to the header, footer, main-content, and slider. In my site I set them to
width: 1024px;
. The only thing that is responsive by design is the bar I added below the slider.It’s working just as I want it to, except that I can’t figure out how to keep the non-responsive (desktop) version of the main menu when I scale the browser down. I’ve been working for weeks now to figure out what part of the code triggers the responsive menu but no one seems to have an answer.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] [How To] Identify 3.0.12 Changes@rdellconsulting,
Do you know of a similar code compare software for Mac users?@electricfeet,
Your link just takes users to the Forums homepage.I figured out my problem. Seems there was also a change made to the class-fire-utils.php file that wasn’t included in the changelog. Once I had included that in my theme because I added a social media link into Customiz’it! Once I removed this file from my child theme my main content reappeared.
What I did to find this solution was to backup all my files, then I deleted all the php files from my child theme. I then added them back one by one and checked my site after adding each one to make sure the site didn’t break. Once I added class-fire-utils.php, sure enough it broke so I knew that was the culprit.
Maybe you can do the same @mcsolas to find out what file may be breaking your theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] menuIf you are referring how to add a menu in your header (where is says “add your own menu”, all you have to do is go to Appearance > Menus from you Dashboard.
On the left you will see a sidebar with Pages, Categories,and Custom Links.
Assuming you’ve created some pages, you can select which pages you want to add to the menu from the list in the Pages section. Or you can add categories from the Categories panel if you created your own categories in Posts > Categories. Also, you can add a link to say, an external site but writing the url in the Links panel and adding that to your menu.
It’s pretty intuitive once you play around with it for a few minutes.
Hope this helps.