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  • Thanx for the response, ElectricFeet. I am not using qTranslate as I have no need for it (at least for now). I have scoured the class-admin-meta-boxes.php file using TextWrangler (which has a helpful search function) and found all the lines that included the slider text length and changed all those values to 350 (just to be on the safe side). However, these changes still had no affect.

    With this not working, I went ahead and installed qTranslate (and made the suggested changes to it’s code since it’s not initially compatible with WP 3.8) and added your suggested code to my child’s functions.php file. Still no change to the number of characters that will display in the slider text.

    I’m at a loss here. I’ve been able to find and change codes in a number of files in a number of themes and they all do what they are supposed to do. But for some reason, making any changes for this one (seemingly) simple function does not result in the desired affect.

    Unfortunately, this is not a good thing as my client doesn’t want to change the copy used in the slider text and as I looked for another workaround I’ve discovered that the slider link button doesn’t work when I activate it.

    If anyone has found as solution to this I would be eternally grateful as my clients is hoping to have this site finished asap (naturally). Thank you in advance.

    Thanks for the reply @electricfeet. I don’t necessarily need 350 characters. In fact I only need about a dozen or so more characters to fit all the text I need in the slider images. Just the ability to change it somehow would be nice. Besides that, it’s just odd that I can find the code in the php files but amending it has no affect.


    @alin.ticlea, I too am using Customizr 3.0.9 but I don’t see a .carousel-navigation class. What files did you find that code in? I don’t see <div class=”carousel-navigation”> in .class-header-slider.php file. Or am I missing something here?



    ‘.carousel-caption h1 {
    font-style: italic;

    in the style.css file in your child theme.

    What version of Customizr does this code work in? I’m still using ver3.0.8 for one of my sites as I don’t want the huge hassle of redoing my header and footer after updating which I had to do with another site using this theme. I don’t see the class “carousel-navigation” in ver3.0.8.


    I found the code that controls this (or at least I thought it did) in the class-admin-meta_boxes.php file found in themes/customizr/inc/admin. I changed the values to 350 and saved it to my child theme but it had no affect on the number of characters allowed in the slider description. I’ve been melting my eyes out going thru a bunch of php files still looking for the actual code that controls this and will do so until I find a solution. I will let you know here if I do. Likewise, if you find a solution, let me know. Thanx.

    Thread Starter Seahawksean


    Oops. Sorry forgot to do that.


    I agree with you that the shop page is a pain to figure out how to customize if you don’t necessarily want products listed or you want to use a different sidebar than what is used for archive pages. I’ve been struggling with figuring this out for weeks now and haven’t found a solution. It shouldn’t be so difficult to make the shop page different from the other archive pages.

    How exactly did you use the woocommerce_get_page_id('shop') hook? By using this were you able to style your shop page any way you want including adding it’s own sidebar?

    Thanx in advance for any input you might have.

    Thread Starter Seahawksean


    That is weird. When I looked the other day to make sure there were widgets in the right sidebar there still were. I haven’t done anything that would remove that data from my database. Oh well.

    Thank you so much for your help @acub. Now I can continue on and finish this site.

    Thread Starter Seahawksean


    Okay, I realized my database wasn’t updated when I copied the parent index.php, renamed it to custom-page.php and added it to my child theme. So I changed the template to default template again and the main content showed up again. However the sidebar is still missing.

    I activated the parent theme to see if the sidebar would show up after changing the template to the default template but the sidebar is still not there even in the parent theme. So, that would indicate a problem with the parent theme, not just my child.

    I also deleted all the php files from my child theme but unfortunately that made no difference as well.

    Thread Starter Seahawksean


    Thank you for your reply @acub. I think you might be on to something. I forgot to check the page attributes and you are correct, I had the custom page template selected. However, the custom-page.php file from 3.0.9 that I was using was an exact copy of the index.php page so I didn’t think it was having any affect on my pages.

    I did go ahead and change the template to the default template and it did have an affect, just not the one I was hoping. When I switch to the default template all of my main content disappears all together. In other words, all that displays on the page is the header, footer, and page title.

    Now, this was the first problem I noticed when I first updated to ver3.0.10. All the main content disappeared. To try and find the solution I removed all my php files from my child theme and then added them back one by one. I discovered that the old class-fire-utils.php was screwing things up. Once I removed that from my theme the main content showed up again except for the sidebars.

    I’m going to go ahead and remove all the php files now that I have my page set to the default template and see if there might be another php file keeping my sidebars from displaying and I’ll let you know what happens.

    Thanx again.

    Thread Starter Seahawksean


    Wish that was the case but I didn’t use a custom template for this page. It’s just the right sidebar page which I have set as the default layout.

    Oddly enough however, the sidebars in my woocommerce pages appear just as they should.

    Ah, that’s excellent advice, @acub. Didn’t even realize you could do that! Yes, please share!! That is something I will definitely have to do for a couple of others I’m working on. Thanx!

    But if I don’t and they go into their dashboard, they will see the update notifications and get nosy. You know how clients are. lol.

    Oh, and did you not update to ver3.0.10? There certain messed things up quite significantly. That’s precisely what I would be concerned with. But, if you could share how one turns off updates than I won’t have to worry about it.


    Please don’t think I’m bashing your suggestion of plugins. I have resorted to using plugins in past websites when no other solution can be found. However, for this website, I am developing it for a client and I don’t want them to have to worry about any future plugin updates ruining the layout of or breaking their site. I’m trying to keep the site as simple as possible for them. That’s all.

    Plus, I like finding code solutions as it’s the best way to learn PHP.

    Thanx again for your input.

    Thread Starter Seahawksean



    I removed all the php files from my child theme but the sidebars are still gone. I didn’t think this would fix the problem since they don’t appear even when I activate the parent theme.

    So now I’m beyond stumped. The only other thing I can think of is that I installed the ver3.0.10 update via my dashboard and not from the downloaded file which I had done on previous installs. But I can’t see how that would be the cause of this problem.

    Hopefully, Nikeo might chime in and know a solution to this.

    Thanx for looking out and helping me to try and work through this major problem.

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