Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Cookie Kit] The problem of displaying videos from YoutubeThe plugin hasn’t been updated in a long time.
no support replies
module domain not working
probably abandoned itForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Motors VIN Decoder] Plugin not workingHello! Thanks for the answer
I checked by disabling the template and plugins.
It turns out that the reason is in the popular Elementor plugin even in the latest version 3.6.8. When I add a shortcode to a page and use the visual page editor – Elementor. But it works when I add the widget of this module.
I also noticed that not all text elements in the plugin do not support translation into other languages (so that the fields can be translated using additional plugins like WPML or analogues). For example fields:Try a sample VIN Recheck SPECIFICATIONS NOTE
When you have the opportunity – please make changes, thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPML Shortcode Translator] Please add support php 8+Although I see it works
It was rather a compatibility issue with other modules earlier.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Display testimonials (in all languages) on one pageHello Mihaela, yes I understand
I’m not new to WordPress, I’ve been working with it since 2009)
a page in another language is created, and all the same shortcodes are added there
but the task is different, to show the same reviews (in the original language) on other pages of language versions
since, for example, it is suitable for the Ukrainian and Russian languages, show reviews in the original language – all people understand the translationForum: Plugins
In reply to: [html after URL] not working with wpml multilangualWhile waiting for an answer
I see such a solution, without plugins, working:
add_filter('user_trailingslashit', 'noPage_slash', 66, 2 ); function noPage_slash( $string, $type ){ global $wp_rewrite; if( $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() && $wp_rewrite->use_trailing_slashes == true && $type == 'page'){ return untrailingslashit( $string ); } return $string; }
add_action('init', 'htmlPage_permalink', -1); function htmlPage_permalink() { global $wp_rewrite; if( ! strpos( $wp_rewrite->get_page_permastruct(), '.html') ){ $wp_rewrite->page_structure = $wp_rewrite->page_structure . '.html'; } }
- This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Sergiy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WebP Express] problems with code validation when “Alter HTML” is enabledThanks for the replies and updates of the useful plugin
Earlier it showed errors with the method: “How to replace:? The complete page (using output buffering)”
and sometimes in the template the logo in the header of the site disappeared from the mobile adaptive version (but this is not on all templates, on generatepress ok, for example on the7 it may be so arranged that it was not quite ok in it)then changed to this method
“How to replace:? Use content filtering hooks (the_content, the_excerpt, etc)”
but it does not convert the site logo to this formatnow, when I double-check, I see that both show ok
I will check it again, but most likely everything is ok already)
and often have to be disabled on many shared hosting: “Enable direct redirection to existing converted images?
Enable redirection to converter?
Create webp files upon request? ”
but as I understand it, these are optional optionson the7 template shows this yet, but not entirely critical (there were a lot of code validation notifications before):
Error: Bad value wp-content / webp-express / webp-images / uploads / logo.png.webp 307w, wp-content / webp-express / webp-images / uploads / logo.png.webp 307w for attribute srcset on element source: Width for image wp-c… ges / uploads / logo.png.webp is identical to width for image wp-c… ges / uploads / logo.png.webp.
From line 71, column 128; to line 71, column 345
> <picture> <source srcset = “wp-content / webp-express / webp-images / uploads / logo.png.webp 307w,… / wp-content / webp-express / webp-images / uploads / logo.png. webp 307w “sizes =” 307px “type =” image / webp “> <img c
Error: Bad value wp-content / uploads / logo.png 307w, wp-content / uploads / logo.png 307w for attribute srcset on element img: Width for image wp-content / uploads / logo.png is identical to width for image wp-content / uploads / logo.png.
From line 71, column 346; to line 71, column 621
age / webp “>
</ pict
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WebP Express] problems with code validation when “Alter HTML” is enabledmaybe there is an even simpler method for generating webp images (universal and less painful for all templates in the integration, so that the code is cleaner), writing a rule in htaccess and adding images created in a separate folder
желательно бы добавить и создание webp изображений через библиотеки хостинга, а не через коммерческие сервера доп
как это работает в популярном плагине WebP ExpressForum: Plugins
In reply to: [10WebSocial] Error message in admin page of pluginBut there is one more error after the update, now in the place where the feed is displayed – he writes: Cannot get other user media. API shut down by Instagram. Sorry. Display only your media.
I will try to reconnect the user, but there may be an error in another
In the plugin settings, I have already cleared the cache
/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wdi_settingsI thought that this no longer affects, but after rechecking selectively disabling plugins – yes, it turns out that the plugin affected this
WPML Multilingual CMS 4.4.12 (latest)
thanks for the hint ??now I will think about what to solve with this, whether the new version of the plugin will solve this problem, or will have to temporarily disable it in order to make edits on the page (saving template options)
maybe it is necessary to register it somewhere in the template’s functions.php or wp-config.php
like: wp_cache_add_global_groups( ‘options’ );
to update cache of all options, or update all optionsUP:
in general I figured it out, WPML synchronized the options of the main translation page (on which the page was created)
when I changed the meaning of the main translation, then it was updated for the additional translation
well, as I understand it, you can look for where to disable synchronization in the general settings of the same plugin (set your values for different page translations)
decided)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexy Breadcrumb] Breadcrumb – multilanguageSince the update of the module has not yet been released (to support WPML + polylang translations), and who needs to quickly fix the translation of the main text for several languages through the polylang module, here is an option:
replacing on line 149 with:
flexy-breadcrumb/includes/class-flexy-breadcrumb-trail.php//echo esc_attr($fbc_front_text); $my_lang = pll_current_language(); if ( $my_lang == 'uk' ) { echo "Text home ukr"; } elseif ( $my_lang == 'ru' ) { echo "Text home rus"; } else { echo "Text home eng"; }
@se8pro , try to update the latest version I’ve added an option in the admin.
Under Contact -> Drag & Drop Upload -> Auto Delete Files.
Thanks for solving the issue, and a quick solution.
I updated the module and checked, now everything works with this option ??I tried this and it works. remove_action('template_redirect','dnd_cf7_auto_clean_dir', 20 ); Add that code inside your theme functions.php file. I will add an option in the admin where you can enable/disable, maybe in the next update.
Thanks for the quick response.
I added only this code to the active template, but an hour after submitting the form, I see no file. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work.
Or maybe you need to add with the previous code?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload for Contact Form 7] Disable Auto Deleteadd_filter('dnd_cf7_auto_delete_files', 'cf7_adjust_auto_file_deletion'); function cf7_adjust_auto_file_deletion( $time ){ $time = 31536000; return $time; }
unfortunately this code does not work
the file is deleted from the temporary folder, and the folder itself is the same
does not affect and change the date by more (seconds)
latest WP version 5.7.2
are there any alternatives?
or do I need to add add_action and add_filter together?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexy Breadcrumb] Breadcrumb – multilanguagewho needs it faster, you can do it with a small fix:
replacing on line 149 with:flexy-breadcrumb/includes/class-flexy-breadcrumb-trail.php
//echo esc_attr($fbc_front_text); esc_html_e('Home', 'flexy-breadcrumb');