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  • Thread Starter sdwire


    Well… It turns out that what I thought would help … doesn’t.

    I really am looking for the full flexibility of Additional CSS to be reflected in the editor so that site admins (who don’t have access to install new themes or change the file system) can customize CSS and see it reflected in the editor. For example, I want to let them define their own class names for groups, define how child elements of those groups should look using CSS, and then assign those class names using the Advanced panel in the editor.

    Unfortunately, anything defined in Advanced CSS doesn’t get applied in the post, page, or site editor, so Admins can’t see how those customized looks are actually going to appear. It’s even to the point that the blocks-css plugin actually *removed* the ability to add custom CSS in the template and template parts editors because they didn’t work.

    I’m still eager to see some way for a site admin to create custom CSS for the site and have it apply in the block editors.

    Thread Starter sdwire


    Excellent! Thanks for the quick response.

    Thread Starter sdwire


    As an experiment, I have also tried network-activating Media Library Organizer rather than conditionally activating it with my own code.

    Media Library Organizer’s own code hooks the wpmu_new_blog action to call media_library_organizer_activate_new_site(). When a new user self-registers a new site on the network using wp-signup.php, that wpmu_new_blog action is triggered, but not from an admin page.

    Even when processing its own registered action, MLO is throwing an exception when it tries to activate the new site, because the install class was not instantiated because is_admin() returned false.

    Thread Starter sdwire


    My code is a private derivative of

    My version of line 51 uses the wp_insert_site action, which replaces the deprecated wpmu_new_blog used in this public repository. I misspoke earlier. I thought I was using the wp_initialize_site action, but it’s actually using the wp_insert_site action, which is the recommended replacement. (And wp_initialize_site and wp_insert_site happen one right after the other anyway.)

    Line 393 is where the plugin activation happens. This is inside the function that handles the wp_insert_site action.

    The whole point of my code (and the module in the public repository from which it’s derived) is to activate a collection of plugins when a user creates a new blog using the self-signup process for a Multi-Site network. This new blog creation process does not happen within the context of an admin page, so it doesn’t really matter what action I try to use or how late it is in the blog creation process. It will never be in an admin context, so the install routine of MLO will always fail as long as the install class only gets initialized for admin pages.

    Thread Starter sdwire


    And is a plugin that looks like it might do what I’m looking for. So far, it’s tied to a block and isn’t global, but I may be able to be creative by putting an empty block with custom CSS into a common header template part that’s used in every template until there’s a way to truly save global CSS.

    Thread Starter sdwire


    It’s really the ability to output any style. Things like shadows, negative margins for overlaps, z-order, custom value calculations, etc. These are things a graphic designer will want to control in detail for a website but will probably be very low priority to fully support in an end-user’s Global Styles UI.

    Oh — and… I hadn’t seen that one. Thanks for sharing. I’m VERY much interested in that progress and will follow that discussion closely. There’s a LOT in there that mirrors what I’ve been thinking, so I’m glad to see I’m not alone.

    Thread Starter sdwire


    Here’s the high-level. I run a multi-site installation of WordPress, and each sub-site has its own owner and site admin. I want to give site admins as much flexibility as I can in defining the look of their site. But they don’t have access to the filesystem or the network level dashboard, so they can’t just upload their own theme or change theme.json. But they CAN make lots of configuration changes to parts, templates, and global styles using Full-Site Editor. This gives them ALMOST as much flexibility as they currently have with my classic theme.

    In my classic theme, I had a customizer panel that let them adjust global CSS so that site admins can control as much of the CSS as they can. I’d like to offer the same in my upcoming Block-based theme, whether that’s as part of the theme itself or as a standalone plugin.

    The longer answer is that I also want to let a designer use the Full-Site Editor to customize parts, templates, global styles, and custom CSS and then save the whole collection as a “design” that can then be available for other site admins to select and customize. I can do that now with my classic theme using a custom but primitive full-site editor I had built back in 2014. WordPress’s official Full-Site Editor is a much better experience for my site admins, though. But if I can’t add to the global CSS from a plugin and have it take effect in the Full-Site Editor, then I don’t see how I can offer the same capabilities in my Block theme that I currently offer in my classic theme.

    The plugin has a much faster release cycle than WordPress has. Keeping the plugin up-to-date will give you the latest block editor (and full-site editor) features and updates long before they make it into WordPress.

    At this time, the plugins directory has version 12.3.0 of Gutenberg generally available. WordPress 5.9 (which is still “only” a Release Candidate) will ship with the equivalent of version 11.9 of Gutenberg.

    Which is right for you? It depends on how much you value having the latest features as they come out.

    The problem is in a meta tag that Divi Accessibility adds:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 />

    It’s missing a closing quotation mark for the content attribute

    Even the vendor’s own website – – exhibits the problem, displaying a small piece of javascript code at the top of the page.

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