Scott Dayman
Forum Replies Created
Got it. Thanks! Fortunately, the Authy app handles Google authenticator as well. Good for sites that haven’t been configured with Authy.
How did you fix it? I’m having the same problem.
I haven’t checked in here for a while. Turns out it was a CloudFlare change. you for the support on my original issue. As we discussed, I had to use a Rebuild Thumbnails plugin to fix the broken images. All is well now.
The Version 2 Plugin’s Bulk Optimization feature is beautiful!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPFront Notification Bar] link to an emailHere’s the Open URL code I used:
mailto:[email protected]For more mailto features, Google for mailto syntax.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Events Widget] Sorting for future and past eventsThanks for the Line 404+ suggestion. I added it in. As I said, we don’t have many future events; usually just one, which is why I didn’t immediately reply.
With your tweak, and now the new version you just released, I am happy with the events listing. Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Events Widget] Sorting for future and past eventsI have what might be a more workable request:
Sort ALL events Descending. So my most future event will be at the top (We don’t schedule that far in advance).
As a secondary request, if someone selects “Future Events Only,” have it sort Ascending, so the next event is at the top, more future is farther down.
Thank you!
p.s. I think what has changed was mentioned in the post from a year ago. Future events are Descending, and past events are Ascending. Correct?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Events Widget] Time is 7 hours behindThat did it. Thanks!
Have you tried the following option on the Performance Setup screen?
“Clear cache when a scheduled post is published”
(checkbox) The entire Falcon cache will be cleared when WordPress publishes a post you’ve scheduled to be published in future.I installed this on a friend’s real estate (rentals) site. I’ve cut back on the image sizes to be compressed and that has helped. His site has about 10 different image sizes, some of which are never used.
Some thoughts:
1) Don’t compress the smallest sizes. TinyJPG doesn’t distinguish between large and small images when counting compressions. The smallest images aren’t going to benefit as much as the larger images when it comes to overall savings.
2) I really like the option to Resize and Compress the original image. The site I manage uses Original image when you click on the thumbs. Scaling down a 6 Megapixel image down to 1280 max really helped.
3) When I go over the 500 free images, an additional thousand compressions only cost me $20 or so, which I find worth paying for the service.As others have mentioned in this forum, drag the General Options to the bottom of the options list and it will work.
Woah! That’s awesome! Is it safe to leave that in permanently? I’ve already noted the modification in my personal notes.
Nice tool. It helped me find a widget HTML issue. However, I ran MailPoet on a post that had no unclosed tags and have the same issue.
I dug some more and notice that:
1) The MailPoet Preview doesn’t show nested lists. It’s exactly how it looks in my mail client.
2) The MailPoet HTML Source Editor *does* show nested lists. If I copy all that HTML and save it to ~/Desktop/newsletter.html, it displays beautifully in Safari.
3) What ends up in my inbox no longer has any “li” tags. It looks like it’s replacing all “ul/li” entries with ZeroMargins and AmpersandBull.I can send you URLs, source, etc., if you’d like.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Image Display] CaptionsDid this get resolved? Mine is still showing captions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Image Display] Image linking to URLNo luck here. It just flat out doesn’t work. I’ve even turned off all other plugins. All other Link options work. Trying it via shortcode doesn’t work, either.