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  • Did anyone try the latest version?

    I’m afraid of trying …


    Further playing .. with WPtouch Pro.

    When I turned ON IPAD features .. splash pages comes up but video does not load.
    When I turn OFF IPAD features.. splash page comes up and video works.

    Turn ON theme .. splash shows up .. but video does not load
    Turn OFF theme… NO splash page or video

    Disable WPtouch Pro

    Iphone: NO splash or video
    Ipad: Works okay

    I was playing with other plugins … and noticed that when I change the WPTouch Pro to a more basic template I get the splash image now .. but the video will not play.

    On the iphone, if I switch to non mobile mode .. no image and not video.
    I then choose the mobile mode .. image but not video

    It works on the iphone going to the URL direct.
    And .. it all works on my laptop and ipad.

    Same issue there… flash plays fine on my desktop but no mp4 on the iphone.
    The twist, it works on the ipad.

    I can play the mp4 file on the iphone going to the file directly though.
    I have the iphone 4gs if that helps.

    I have used this type of mp4 for the last year the only difference is that you have been doing updates. Also.. I’ve tried jw player 5 and 6. Same issue.

    I did find one plugin causing an issue.. Hana Flv Player
    I removed it and add media now works.

    I have the same issue .. I can, through WP add media, add my images. I see them in the interface in WP and I see them in FTP.

    However it will not post as a single photo or as multiple photos as a gallery in the editor.

    Same issue.. my post_revisions is not working.

    I added, deleted, marked, edited .. nothing will turn it on.
    I checked the screen option. Nothing there.

    define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, true);
    define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, 5);

    I tried without define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, true);
    I tried with define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false);
    I tried adding and deleting define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, true);

    Odd, the other blog I use doesn’t even have those settings in the wp-config.php and it works there.

    I removed the code just in case.
    Same issue.

    Last ditch effort I tried a plugin.
    It at least showed up but had a few issues as it didn’t see any revisions even if I made them after the plugin. At least it showed up on the page.

    Great question… how does someone post an email with a photo. All the older plugins seem outdated and not supported.

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