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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Site alignment
    Thread Starter scruff_design


    Hi Matt,
    Thanks for that, Thats worked great thanks.


    Thread Starter scruff_design


    here is the php form the posts widget

    global $vc_teaser_box;
    $posts_query = $el_class = $args = $my_query = $speed = $mode = $swiper_options = '';
    $content = $link = $layout = $thumb_size = $link_target = $slides_per_view = $wrap = '';
    $autoplay = $hide_pagination_control = $hide_prev_next_buttons = $title = $max_text_length = '';
    $posts = array();
    $str = preg_replace("News & Events Overview News Archive Events Archive Publications");
    echo $str;
    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    	'el_class' => '',
    	'posts_query' => '',
    	'mode' => 'horizontal',
    	'speed' => '5000',
    	'slides_per_view' => '3',
    	'swiper_options' => '',
    	'wrap' => '',
    	'loop' => '',
    	'autoplay' => 'no',
    	'hide_pagination_control' => '',
    	'hide_prev_next_buttons' => '',
    	'layout' => 'thumbnail,title,excerpt,meta',
    	'link_target' => '',
    	'max_text_length' => '',
    	'thumb_size' => 'post-carousel',
    	'partial_view' => '',
    	'title' => ''
    ), $atts ) );
    $posts_query = $loop;
    list( $args, $my_query ) = vc_build_loop_query( $posts_query ); //
    $teaser_blocks = vc_sorted_list_parse_value( $layout );
    while ( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
    	$my_query->the_post(); // Get post from query
    	$post = new stdClass(); // Creating post object.
    	$post->id = get_the_ID();
    	$post->link = get_permalink( $post->id );
    	$post->post_type = get_post_type();
    	if ( $vc_teaser_box->getTeaserData( 'enable', $post->id ) === '1' ) {
    		$post->custom_user_teaser = true;
    		$data = $vc_teaser_box->getTeaserData( 'data', $post->id );
    		if ( ! empty( $data ) ) $data = json_decode( $data );
    		$post->bgcolor = $vc_teaser_box->getTeaserData( 'bgcolor', $post->id );
    		$post->custom_teaser_blocks = array();
    		$post->title_attribute = the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' );
    		if ( ! empty( $data ) )
    			foreach ( $data as $block ) {
    				$settings = array();
    				if ( $block->name === 'title' ) {
    					$post->title = the_title( "", "", false );
    				} elseif ( $block->name === 'image' ) {
    					if ( $block->image === 'featured' ) {
    						$post->thumbnail_data = $this->getPostThumbnail( $post->id, $thumb_size );
    					} elseif ( ! empty( $block->image ) ) {
    						$post->thumbnail_data = wpb_getImageBySize( array( 'attach_id' => (int)$block->image, 'thumb_size' => $thumb_size ) );
    					} else {
    						$post->thumbnail_data = false;
    					$post->thumbnail = $post->thumbnail_data && isset( $post->thumbnail_data['thumbnail'] ) ? $post->thumbnail_data['thumbnail'] : '';
    					$post->image_link = empty( $video ) && $post->thumbnail && isset( $post->thumbnail_data['p_img_large'][0] ) ? $post->thumbnail_data['p_img_large'][0] : $video;
    				} elseif ( $block->name === 'text' ) {
    					if ( $block->mode === 'custom' ) {
    						$settings[] = 'text';
    						$post->content = $block->text;
    					} elseif ( $block->mode === 'excerpt' ) {
    						$settings[] = $block->mode;
    						$post->excerpt = $this->getPostExcerpt();
    					} else {
    						$settings[] = $block->mode;
    						$post->content = $this->getPostContent();
    				if ( isset( $block->link ) ) {
    					if ( $block->link === 'post' ) {
    						$settings[] = 'link_post';
    					} elseif ( $block->link === 'big_image' ) {
    						$settings[] = 'link_image';
    					} else {
    						$settings[] = 'no_link';
    					$settings[] = '';
    				$post->custom_teaser_blocks[] = array( $block->name, $settings );
    	} else {
    		$post->custom_user_teaser = false;
    		$post->title = the_title( "", "", false );
    		$post->title_attribute = the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' );
    		$post->post_type = get_post_type();
    		$post->content = $this->getPostContent();
    		$post->excerpt = $this->getPostExcerpt();
    		$post->thumbnail_data = $this->getPostThumbnail( $post->id, $thumb_size );
    		$post->thumbnail = $post->thumbnail_data && isset( $post->thumbnail_data['thumbnail'] ) ? $post->thumbnail_data['thumbnail'] : '';
    		$video = get_post_meta( $post->id, "_p_video", true );
    		$post->image_link = empty( $video ) && $post->thumbnail && isset( $post->thumbnail_data['p_img_large'][0] ) ? $post->thumbnail_data['p_img_large'][0] : $video;
    	$post->categories_css = $this->getCategoriesCss( $post->id );
    	$posts[] = $post;
    // $options = vc_parse_options_string($bxslider_options, $this->shortcode, 'bxslider_options');
    $tmp_options = vc_parse_options_string( $swiper_options, $this->shortcode, 'swiper_options' );
    // }}
    $this->setLinktarget( $link_target );
    // wp_enqueue_script('vc_bxslider');
    // wp_enqueue_style('vc_bxslider_css');
    // wp_enqueue_script('vc_swiper');
    // wp_enqueue_style('vc_swiper_css');
    //wp_enqueue_script( 'vc_carousel_js' );
    //wp_enqueue_style( 'vc_carousel_css' );
    $options = array();
    // Convert keys to Camel case.
    foreach ( $tmp_options as $key => $value ) {
    	$key = preg_replace( '/_([a-z])/e', "strtoupper('\\1')", $key );
    	$options[$key] = $value;
    if ( (int)$slides_per_view > 0 ) $options['slidesPerView'] = (int)$slides_per_view;
    if ( (int)$autoplay > 0 ) $options['autoplay'] = (int)$autoplay;
    $options['mode'] = $mode;
    // $options['calculateHeight'] = true;
    $css_class = $this->settings['base'] . ' wpb_content_element vc_carousel_slider_' . $slides_per_view . ' vc_carousel_' . $mode . ( empty( $el_class ) ? '' : ' ' . $el_class );
    $carousel_id = 'vc_carousel-' . WPBakeryShortCode_beopen_posts::getCarouselIndex();
    <div class="<?php echo apply_filters( VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, $css_class, $this->settings['base'], $atts ) ?>">
    	<div class="wpb_wrapper">
    		<?php echo  wpb_widget_title( array( 'title' => $title, 'extraclass' => 'wpb_gallery_heading' ) ) ?>
    		<div id="<?php echo $carousel_id ?>" data-ride="vc_carousel"
    			 data-wrap="<?php echo $wrap === 'yes' ? 'true' : 'false' ?>"
    			 data-interval="<?php echo $autoplay == 'yes' ? $speed : 0 ?>" data-auto-height="true"
    			 data-mode="<?php echo $mode ?>" data-partial="<?php echo $partial_view === 'yes' ? 'true' : 'false' ?>"
    			 data-per-view="<?php echo $slides_per_view ?>"
    			 data-hide-on-end="<?php echo $autoplay == 'yes' ? 'false' : 'true' ?>" class="vc_carousel vc_slide">
    			<?php if ( $hide_pagination_control !== 'yes' ): ?>
    			<!-- Indicators -->
    			<ol class="vc_carousel-indicators">
    				<?php for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $posts ); $i ++ ): ?>
    				<li data-target="#<?php echo $carousel_id ?>" data-slide-to="<?php echo $i ?>">
    				<?php endfor; ?>
    			<?php endif; ?>
    			<!-- Wrapper for slides -->
    			<div class="vc_carousel-inner">
    				<div class="vc_carousel-slideline">
    					<div class="vc_carousel-slideline-inner">
    						<?php foreach ( $posts as $post ): ?>
    						$blocks_to_build = $post->custom_user_teaser === true ? $post->custom_teaser_blocks : $teaser_blocks;
    						$block_style = isset( $post->bgcolor ) ? ' style="background-color: ' . $post->bgcolor . '"' : '';
    						<div class="vc_item vc_slide_<?php echo $post->post_type ?>"<?php echo $block_style ?>>
    							<div class="vc_inner">
    								<?php foreach ( $blocks_to_build as $block_data ): ?>
    								<?php include $this->getBlockTemplate() ?>
    								<?php endforeach; ?>
    						<?php endforeach; ?>
    			<?php if ( $hide_prev_next_buttons !== 'yes' ): ?>
    			<!-- Controls -->
    			<a>" data-slide="prev">
    				<span class="icon-prev"></span>
    			<a>" data-slide="next">
    				<span class="icon-next"></span>
    			<?php endif; ?>
    <?php return; ?>
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