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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: image code appears beneath imagesFor your typical page example, the problem seems to be broken html: An
tag is inside of an<image>
tag.<td><img src="" alt="Maratea <a href="" class="kblinker" title="More about Basilicata »">Basilicata</a> Italia” width=”180″ height=”270″ /></td>
Note how the quote-marks in the code have been converted to
— This means that either WordPress is treating that section as normal text or the code was entered in the normal TinyMCE window.So what’s the difference? Something I’ve missed? Does it matter if I paste the code or if I insert it using WP? Does it matter for instance how many letters I use in the alt text?
If you’re talking about the <img> code, then I don’t think it matters, as long as you are inputting the code using the code view of TinyMCE and not the WYSIWYG version. (I have the visual editor turned off, so I don’t have any real experience switching between the visual and code editors).
I’m not sure what is going on, but here’s my suggestions (if they don’t fix the problem, they’ll at least help narrow down the potential causes):
1. Download a plug-in that disables WP’s automatic formatting, such as the TextControl plug-in. Install it and activate it. Then see if the extra code goes away.
2. Follow your normal steps to add images on a new, blank page and see what happens (perhaps the old code, if any, is conflicting with the code WP/TinyMCE is adding).
3. If the problem is still not resolved, please post here the list of steps you are taking to add these images to your posts, so we can have a better idea what’s causing the broken code.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Not able to properly navigate files after InstallThis sounds like your Apache web server doesn’t “know” about “index.php” files.
To fix this, find the httpd.conf file in your Apache installation and open it in notepad or another true text editor. The httpd.conf file contains a bunch of configuration settings for your web server.
Look for the following code:
<IfModule dir_module> DirectoryIndex index.html </IfModule>
- After the “index.html,” add a space and “index.php”
- Save the file.
- Then restart the Apache service.
This should fix your first issue and hopefully the second one as well.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Eish! (still in development) Theme feedbackConsider using
instead of a fixed width, though IE6 doesn’t support the min/max. I’d also increase the font size a little bit, at least for the comments.On the main page, the “Comments” and “View” links for each post don’t line up for me. I don’t have Lucida Grande installed, and Firefox is using Verdana (the next in line under your stylesheet). Set Verdana as the main font family and you should be able to see what I mean.
Will there be excerpts shown on the front page?
All-in-all, this is a very clean/uncluttered theme.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Beginning steps – feedback appreciatedI’d remove the Login: Site Admin from the footer — that’s almost an invitation for mischief.
Also, a small usability tweak would be to rename tab “Blog” to “Home” — “Home” is commonly understood to be the front page / root page of a site. Plus, since you’re using WP as a simple CMS and not a true “blog,” the term “Blog” could also confuse readers.
One question – How can i remove the Comments closed icon in the header of every post. I don’t ever want to open up the comments on this blog.
Unless that option is listed in the the theme’s option page(s), you’d have to modify the theme’s files. For your theme, the relevant code is in “theloop.php” but that file is shared by many pages, so screwing something up by removing some code could break your entire site. It might be simpler to find a newer theme that is more “CMS” oriented.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: wp_list_categories overwrites order of categoriesPerhaps a plugin might help you?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Friendliest permalinks possibleThe “-2” is most likely due to having duplicate pages, both titled “Client” — the first one would have a slug of “client” and the second, “client-2.” (I’ve had it happen accidentally to me, and just tested this by creating a dupe “About” page on my test install.)
Look at the “Manage Pages” and see what all the pages listed are. The two “Client” pages may not be listed sequentially, so you may need to look through the list carefully (or just search for “client”).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: unsatisfactory search resultsSearch the Plug-ins Directory for a plug-in like “Search Everything.” If a plug-in fits your need, download it and install it on your site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: edit-pages.php *blank*I am having a similar problem – but with mine it is a 404 error.
A 404 error means that the file is probably missing.
Extract the edit-pages.php file from the wordpress install zip file and upload it to your server. While you’re doing that, look around the folder structure, *just* in case your site was hacked. Though, if you recently updated your wordpress install, this could be due to some random failure to upload every file.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Separate style for ‘Latest Post’?You’ll need to use Multiple Loops along with the
function.Your theme’s index.php should have two loops
followed by the first loop and then a second loop withquery_posts('showposts=9&offset=1');
right before it.Then, just customize the first loop as much as you want. But, you’ll also need to enclose the two loops in a conditional if statement:
if (!(is_paged()) { ... front page code (the two loops)... } else { ... basic loop for page 2 and so forth ... }
Otherwise, the first post on each of the “Previous Posts” pages will be treated differently.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Multiple Tags PagesThis is for 11Mystics (and anyone else curious). The following is how I’m currently grabbing the tag query string for display purposes. Inside my functions.php file is the following:
function my_get_the_tag_query() { $nice_tag_query = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $nice_tag_query = str_replace('/tag/','', $nice_tag_query); $nice_tag_query = str_replace(',', ', ', $nice_tag_query); $nice_tag_query = str_replace('/','', $nice_tag_query); return $nice_tag_query; }
Quick explanation: The above assumes a permalink structure where the base for all tag pages is “/tag/” (e.g. “”). The function grabs part of the URL/URI string and then uses the
function to clean up the output by removing the “tag” and slashes. Right now, I’m leaving the plus signs as is and just adding a space after any comma.For the web page title, just
the output of this function. If you’re using a common header file, then add an extra conditional statement for the title section, using WordPress’is_tag()
function.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: You need to register :-/Custom Query String Reloaded (moshu’s link) worked just fine for me (WP 2.5.1 install), so I’d recommend that instead of this plugin.