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  • Finally I got it :

    I just used the classic wordpress post, with the video “type post” option to post each video (not the VP item portfolio). The videos posts didn’t seem to be included when I created a “posts grid” VP block.

    But I was wrong when updating the block after chnanging the way I post the videos : the query parameters of the posts grid bloc still was setup to show the specific “portfolio_mycategory” posts (I created this taxonomy when I was using when posting the videos as a VP “itemp portfolio”). I just had to change for the standard wordpress category “mycategory”.

    Then, the videos appeared but without thumbnail in the VP posts grid just because (I guess) VP doesn’t creat a thumbnail for the video posts. I sued another plugin to generate automatically the thumbnails. Now all is fine ! (it would be a great option that VP could generate automatically those thumbnails so we don’t need another plugin to achieve this).

    I did other tries finally I solved the creation of the video post with the “item portfolio” menu.

    But it seems to be a wordpress issue bacause I just had the same trouble with the classic wordpress post… A first try was successfull, but a second try just give me the same trouble as creating a VP itemp portfolio video post type : I couldn’t paste the video URL… just weird !

    Anyway : when creating the item portfolio video type post : I followed this steps :

    1. I add a new item portfolio and select the video option (but the video URL form didn’t appear)
    2. Just save the post as it si (with the option video post type checked)
    3. The I edited the post : now the video URL form appeared
    4. I Paste the video URL in the form (but it seems to have no effect)
    5. I saved the post another time, by clicking on Update, even though I didn’t see the result.
    6. Finally I edited the post another time : the URL appeared in te form !
    7. I Saved the post by clicking on update.

    So this results to be usefull for me, to achive this first task.
    But now, I just can’t add this post in a post grid block presentation, as I mentioned above. The plugin just reconize posts with a thumbnail I guess…

    Hello, Visual Portfolio is using CSS variables. I’m not a developer so I just don’t really know how the CSS variables works … But, I find a way (maybe not the best but it results as I want) :

    I used this code in the Additional CSS panel of the theme personalizer. So I guess it will works for you too.

    .vp-filter__item {
    	--vp-filter-minimal--items-hover__color: red;
    .vp-filter__item-active {
    	--vp-filter-minimal--items-active__color: red;

    It works but maybe someone could explain a better way to this ? How to redefine the plugin’s CSS variables ? I was not able to do this with the :root{} command in the CSS panel so I used the CSS class selector as I mentioned above.

    Thread Starter scratchdesign


    Great ! That’s exactly what I need.

    Thanks !

    I have the same issue !

    I wanted to display a mixed photo & video portfolio using the posts type grid. So I was looking for a solution to create each video post I need. Fisrt I used the classic wordpress article (with the video type post option) to post each video, but Visual Portfolio don’t reconize it. Maybe because it seems that the visual portfolio block grids can’t display the posts without a featered image (this point, first of all, would be a great possibility in the future !). After that, I tried to post the videos using the item portfolio menu of the plugin (as described here : And I had the same problem :

    First, I was not able to paste the video URL.
    And the, I did another try and this time the video URL form just didn’t appear in the option !

    I didn’t find how to fix it …

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by scratchdesign.
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