Okay, worked out that was in style.css. But I edited it and it still didn’t work, if I change theme it works…:S But with the theme I want it doesn’t. It used to tho….
Hmm…how do I enable it? :S I have been on to manage. There is no option. it reads:
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on style.css, how do u edit it? :S
opps I found the style.css, how wud I edit it to show font selection, colour and background colours? :S
(thanks for your patience with me, I am absolute noob)
Sorry I posted that at the exact same time as you posted that link for the plug-ins. I just wanted to know how to change the font style, font colour and background colour. No one seems to know how to this. I will check one of the plug ins to see if one of those can do that….:(