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  • On Windows XP Pro, IIS 5.1 with WordPress 1.2 locally in my laptop web root.
    I had tons of problems getting php5/MySQL/WP to work. So many reports have you just check phpinfo(); to see if it is working after an install – No problem great I’m good to go! I test a simple page using MySQL – awesome no problems! But once I ran something with more complex (WordPress) it all goes to hell. I’m not pointing fingers I don’t know where the bug lies, PHP, IIS, MySQL, WP???
    I will try to do this by mememry I hope I remeber all the salient details but don’t bet on it. Istarted with a PHP 5.0.1 manual install as an ISAPI, but eventually had to evert to PHP 4.3.8 CGI… read on.
    I had a full Gamut of problems mentioned on these boards
    1) Installing WP 1.2 can’ t find the DB – maybe I missed this instruction somewhere but I had Create the DB (used MySQL Control Center) . Great now it finds DB but it won’t make tables!
    2) People on this borad suggested installing .72 Gold to make the tables then up grading, and indeed .72 does indeed make the tables.
    3) Upgrading .72 to 1.2 worked sorta ok, I needed to comment out a section of code in the upgrade functions that turns the passwords into a MD5 hash, I just couldn’t get it to work even with the extension installed. But OK now I can see the WP index.php!
    4) Trying to login in my generated password and I get either a blank page. Some people are recommending running as CGI so tweak my settings to run PHP5 as CGI instead of ISIAPI.
    5) Now I get CGI time out errors and the more famous “The specified CGI application misbehaved” crash( Bummer I can see the home page, I can even create a user and post a comment, but I can login as the admin. Oh around this time I went directly into the options Table and changed into localhost so these awakward redirects would stop.
    6) So there are all kinds if suggestions all over the net on fixing this and basically none of them worked for me. things like turning of Zend Optimzation in the 5.0.1 PHP ini but I didn’t even have that setting! So I bit the bullet and did the one workaround I had been avoiding, that was installing PHP4.3.8 instead.
    7) Installed PHP 4.3.8 as a CGI and BINGO WordPress .72 -> 1.2 is Admin login is now working!
    Brew another pot, Format C:\, send Bill G some hate mail, start over, repeat…
    Good luck.

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