Forum Replies Created
Just noticed this myself. Will see if I can suggest a patch later today.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] [Plugin: WP Super Cache] Double forward slashI’m seeing them when in .htaccess
RedirectMatch 403 (\,|//|\)\+|/\,/|\{0\}|\(/\(|\.\.\.|\+\+\+|\||\\\”\\\”) \
As in, one of the lines of the 5G Blacklist Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] [Plugin: The Events Calendar] facebook sync eventsI also modded it to accept a comma-separated list of object IDs. My comedy company has two pages it maintains for different troupes, but we wanted both on the website. Perhaps you could add a multi-select option like that in the future to the plugin?
Notice: Undefined index: custom_field_template_replace_keys_by_labels in /home/voltagewade/ on line 1981Notice: Undefined index: custom_field_template_replace_keys_by_labels in /home/voltagewade/ on line 2023
Notice: Undefined index: post_tag in /home/voltagewade/ on line 2800Also:
Notice: Undefined index: tax_input in /wp-content/plugins/custom-field-template/custom-field-template.php on line 2800Also:
Notice: Undefined index: custom_field_template_replace_keys_by_labels in/wp-content/plugins/custom-field-template/custom-field-template.php on line 2077Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] [Plugin: The Events Calendar] facebook sync eventsThis is fantastic.
I did have to remove line 153, the fclose($fp), it was erroring.
Could you set up the sync to happen on a WordPress action hook? If so, people can use wp-crontrol to make it happen on a regular basis.
After further investigation, it seems you are updating the metadata. My apologies.
My particular situation comes when a particular uploaded image just barely meets the image size requirements. Case in point:
I define a size “My_Img_Size” and give it a width and height of 600px each. I then upload a 600×400 image. The plugin does not generate an image (copy) that is that size. Because the width of 600 matches one of the defined max’s, it just assumes ‘full’ is good enough.As it is, to make do, I have to first run image_get_intermediate_size(), and if it doesn’t find the right sized image (the full size), I then must run image_downsize(). If you created the custom size that happened to match full size, I could just run wp_get_attachment_metadata() and go home early.
Technically, it does. If you check the DB, it saves correctly.
However, since the cpt_custom_post_type[capability_type] input has two value fields on it (value=”post” value=”<?php echo esc_attr($cpt_capability); ?>”) only one can show, and it picks the first one, “post”. Its only a display bug. A bad one, but a display bug none the less.Sweet. Looking forward to it. Thanks!
Its a PHP ini configuration. max_file_upload.
objects should never have a capital letter in them. Learned that the hard way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress HTTPS (SSL)] [Plugin: WordPress HTTPS] PHP 4I had heard, also forgotten.
Thanks for the reminder.It actually seems that the uninstall / reinstall did work. It just takes a couple hours for it to affect the system.