Hi Ross,
I looked into the two links in your post and i’m a bit lost on what they do.
here is more precisely what I would like and if I have to type the code into the page I will do it…
the books are numbered N1 to N196,
So that’s 196 books each with their own page
at the bottom for each page will be:
Page: NCL1 NCL2 NCL3 NCL4 …Next >
and it moves along as you go further along the pages with “< Previous” added at the beginning , until you reach N196 which will then loop back to N1.
Do I need to type that out on each page, then individually add the links or is there a way in wordpress that will add this automatically to the pages?
With my posts its automatically done with a Previous and Next links that are automatically generated.
I am not versed in any professional way with wordpress of html but I can learn.