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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Critical Error on https://wp.michaelmckenney.comMy site is also down and probably a lot of other sites. The site sent me and email
The site (WordPress) sent me an email with the error message below and provided a link to access the site in recovery mode. I deleted OceanWP and reinstalled but the theme failed to load.
“OceanWP: This theme failed to load properly and was paused within the admin backend.”
WordPress version 6.0.1
Active theme: a child them of OceanWP with minimal mods
Parent theme: latest OceanWP
PHP version 7.4.30Error Details
An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 128 of the file /home/mmmmmm/public_html/ Error message: Cannot redeclare oceanwp_webfonts_enqueue() (previously declared in /home/mmmmm/public_html/`Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [jQuery UI Widgets] jQuery UI Widgets on SSL enabled pagesLooks like the forum filtered out the url for the info. Let me try that again.
Thanks for that KTS915. I agree database residuals can remain after some plugins are deactivated. Deactivation is distinct from un-installing. Having worked with WordPress for five years or so, I’ve learned to be conservative with my plugin selection aiming for well established plugins by quality developers. On the many sites I work on, I have rarely had any plugin conflicts because of it.
So this database has ~350 records in the
table, most are transients. Lots related to GravityForms and the other plugins. Can you or anyone else suggest a strategy of what to look for and how to test.Also, any other ideas to tackle this problem?
[What a busy week for me.] Okay, to troubleshoot this I first setup another WordPress site in my sandbox with s2member as the only plugin. I used the _s theme ( which is the framework I used to make the production theme. Out of the box I got the custom capabilities to work. Just had to confirm that CC does indeed work and, yes, it does (awesome plugin!).
Next I transferred the production theme to the test WordPress install and configured it to use the theme’s menus. The CC continued to work so I have excluded any coding issues in the theme files itself.
In the sandbox version of the production site where I am having the problem I’ve systematically turned off all plugins and test CC. I got down to s2members alone and I am still having the issue thus ruling out a plugin conflict.
This tells me that either the s2members installation has a historical configuration issue that wasn’t relevant when using the four default levels or, less likely, that there is some kind of issue in the database unrelated to s2members but impacting it.
Any advice on what to look for would be greatly appreciated.
ScottThanks for spotting that, KT915. Interesting that I could still see the menu without the quotes around access_s2member_ccap_pfs_module_1 in the sidebar code.
I’ve added the quotes but unfortunately I’m still having the same problems. I am still redirected to the Membership Options Page.
I should also add that to play a streamed video, now that you have s2member setup with a AWS IAM user, you have to configure each video with the correct permissions.
To do this select the video in AWS S3 and click the properties tab (upper right side). Click Add More Permissions. Select Authenticated Users for the Grantee and make sure you check Open/Download then click Save.
ScottOkay so even though you are planning to only stream video and not have members download it you must fill out the Download Options > Basic Download Restrictions. I’ve set it to unlimited for all levels. This enables the jwplayer javascript in the header of your theme.
AWS S3/CloudFront integration
Once I resolved the above issue I was easily able to setup CloudFront. Here is how:Log into AWS and create a bucket in Services > S3. Use the bucket naming convention as per s2members instructions. Add this to s2members > Amazon S3/CDN Storage Option panel.
Then create a user in AWS Services > IAM, say s2user. Make sure the “Generate an access key for each User” is selected then click Create. In the popup click Download Credentials. A file should be downloaded that has this users Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Add these to the s2members > Amazon S3/CDN Storage Option panel.
In the AWS IAM > Users section select your new user. In the Permissions tab click Attach User Policy and scroll down to the CloudFront Full Access policy and click the Select button. I also created a Group to which I added this user and gave the group the CloudFront Full Access policy as with the user. Don’t know it this is optional.
Then select the users Security Credentials tab. Copy the Access Key to the s2members > Amazon S3/CloudFront CDN Storage Options panel. I did give the user a password but this may be optional. It didn’t hurt.
To get the Amazon CloudFront Private Key from AWS click on your login name and select the Security Credentials option from the dropdown. You will get a warning popup which you can just close. Open the CloudFront Key Pairs section and click the Create New Key Pair button then click the Download Private Key File button. Copy the Private Key to the Amazon Private Key section of the s2members > Amazon S3/CloudFront CDN Storage Options panel.
Now select the Yes, automatically configure my Amazon … checkbox and click Save All Changes at the bottom. When the page refreshes after the save you will get error messages. Don’t worry. Go to AWS Services > CloudFront and you should see two distributions (Web and RTMP) with the status labelled as “In Progress”. Wait until the status changes to Deployed. Took me about 20-25 minutes. When you see the Deployed status go back to s2members > Amazon S3/CloudFront CDN Storage Options panel and uncheck the Yes, automatically configure my Amazon … checkbox. Click the click Save All Changes button again. That should clear ay error message.
Now upload a video to your S3 bucket and embed the jwplayer in a protected page as per the instructions.
Perhaps when Jason has time the error message that appears when one saves the Yes, automatically configure my Amazon … checkbox can be finessed to something like “Check AWS CloudFront for the distribution’s status to change to Deployed”. Maybe update the video tutorial if time permits. This really is a great plugin. First time I’ve used it with AWS. Kudos to Jason and the developers.
ScottOkay Cristian and jaswsinc, I see you have been actively addressing other peoples issues over the past few hours. I’d greatly appreciate a pointer in my direction. I’ve re-watched the video tutorials as well as searched the forums. Obviously I’ve got something misconfigured.
I’ve tried the video shortcode [s2Stream player=”jwplayer-v6″ player_path=”/jwplayer/jwplayer.js” file_download=”video.mp4″ rewrite=”yes” /] as well as the file download shortcode [s2File download=”large.jpg” inline=”yes” /]. The file download shortcode just gives me the URL for the file.
ScottOkay, after a decent night sleep I reconstituted the site on my localhost sandbox. I switched the theme over to twentytwelve. Still no video player showing and, like the live site, I don’t see the jwpalyer.js script in the site header even though I can access it at https://localhost:8080/mytestsite/jwplayer/jwplayer.js. I know about case sensitivities on unix systems. The jwplayer is in the right location. Nothing aberrant is in the htaccess file.
I looked at the other live site where I do have s2member installed and am running a twentytwelve child theme. I’ve using it for audio delivery via /wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/. The jwplayer works there and I do see the jwplayer.js script in the header.
Okay, so maybe it is a plugin conflict. I systematically turned off each plugin and tested for the video player. I’m now down to running only twentytwelve and s2members on WP 3.9.1 and I don’t see the player or javascript file! I downloaded a fresh copy of s2members from the WP repository just in case there was a file corruption. Still no go.
The only relevant difference between the two sites is I don’t currently have PayPal configured on the wayward site or sandbox. I would not expect that playing videos would be tied to having the PayPal configuration setup. Correct me if I am wrong.
Again any advice would be greatly appreciated.
ScottThe fact that I don’t see the jwplayer javascript file bugs me. So to do some trouble shooting I uploaded the s2hacks.php file to /wp-content/mu-plugins/ and ran it ( to wipe the AWS configuration. This wipes the s2members S3/CloudFront configuration. Now I can just focus on a local installation.
I then uploaded the video.mp4 file to /wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/ and updated the test page shortcode to use the locally hosted video file rather than AWS S3. Again no video!
JWplayer is correctly installed as I can see the javascript file at:
As before I do not see the jwplayer.js script file included in the browser html source. The theme is a (predominantly) css-customized version of underscores ( It has wp_head() which, I would expect, should be sufficient for the s2members plugin to register and enqueue the jwplayer javascript. Perhaps I am getting a plugin conflict. I’ll have to test the configuration tomorrow in the sandbox. Any advice would be appreciated.
ScottHi Pippin,
Thank you for your speedy fix. I’ve updated to 1.7.1. We will see how that behaves. I’ll mark this as resolved.
ScottHello Pippen,
Thank you for your quick response. The Payment Notes section just says “No payment notes”.