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  • Thread Starter scorpion3367


    Hi Hannah,
    Thanks for getting back to me on this. Unfortunately, the site that I’m currently working on is being hosted locally using MAMP so I can’t really provide any links. I could possibly take some screenshots but wouldn’t know where to post them.
    The short answer though is no. This is not what is happening by default.
    The link you included to the virtue blog is what I wish was happening, at least in terms of the layout (perhaps with the exception of the image sizes on the example page you provided).
    Maybe I haven’t got my settings correct?
    The images that are currently being displayed on the individual post pages are external (URL sourced from the original content).
    The content curation plugin I’m using inserts a ‘bookmarklet’ onto my browser’s (Chrome) Bookmarks Menu Bar.
    When I find relevant content I would like to add to the blog, I simply click the ‘curate’ bookmarklet which opens a new window where everything is formatted for automatic insertion as a new blog post including the text and the external image source. It allows for certain parameters to be tweaked but once I’m satisfied, it’s just a matter of clicking the ‘publish’ button for the new content to be posted into the blog.
    So then to confirm, I open the blog summary page which now lists a summarized version of the new post but does not display the photo (*note – my settings are configured to display the portrait image).
    Then when I click on the headline to open the post itself, the image is displayed there along with the story/article/text and a link to the website where the visitor has the option to read the entire content.
    So what I guess I’m trying to figure out, is how to have that same image/photo appear on the blog summary page from the same external source. In other words, without having to download the photo and then upload it to the media library and set it as the post’s featured image (which is the only way I am able to make it work at this juncture).
    What currently appears on my blog summary page to the left of an excerpt from the post is a 600 x 600 placeholder image (gray box with a pencil icon). Preferably, that placeholder would be populated with the same externally sourced image being used in the post.
    When I approached the plugin developers with this dilemma, I received the following response:
    “So what you are asking is more of how your theme handles images. It is possible to update your theme to do this but this requires coding and most likely editing your theme files.
    Here is the code (see original forum post) we use in our themes and in our own projects. Where your theme calls images in pages like index.php, single.php, archive.php, etc., you would put a call to this function. What it does is if there is a feature image it uses that. If there is no feature image then it uses the first found image in that post.

    Whew! I hope that all makes sense. I would be ever so grateful for any additional insight you might be able to offer. Hopefully it’s just something as simple as a few settings tweaks.
    I look forward to hearing back from you at your convenience.

    Thread Starter scorpion3367


    Thanks anyway but after another hour of searching and testing, I was finally able to resolve this situation using CSS and Theme Options .

    1) Post Title Font and Font Color was resolved by making the necessary modifications in the Theme Options Typography H2 Headings section.

    2) Post Date was resolved using CSS in the Theme Options Advanced Settings Custom CSS Box by inserting:

    .postdate {font-family: Insert Name of Font Family Here;

    3) Border Radius on both Post Summary and Single Post Pages was resolved using CSS in the Theme Options Advanced Settings Custom CSS Box by inserting:

    .post.category-Insert Name of Category Here{

    Thanks to anyone who may have taken the time to try and assist with this but I guess we’ll consider this self-resolved and posted for future reference for anyone else who may encounter the same issues and now has the resources.

    Thread Starter scorpion3367


    OK! So after 4 more hours of searching and experimentation, it seems I have stumbled on a resolution that addresses the bulk of what I’m trying to do.
    With the insertion of the following CSS:

    .post.category-(name of category inserted here)
    background: #008e3d;

    I was able to change the background color of the post on both the Post Summary Page as well as the generated Single Post Page (when a visitor clicks on the Title of the post).
    Thankfully this didn’t require any advanced template changes or php functions and was addressed with a simple CSS insertion.

    Still trying to figure out how to manipulate the Post’s Title Font, Font Color and Border Radius to have rounded edges on each corner of the content container so if anyone is able to advise as to how to best achieve this (also hopefully using a simple CSS fix), I would be ever so appreciative.
    Thanks in advance for your time and consideration in this regard.

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