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  • Thread Starter scmsteve



    Thread Starter scmsteve


    Probably should have used elseif and not called wc_clean, but you get the idea I was going for… ??

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by scmsteve.
    Thread Starter scmsteve


    Resolved, it is that plugin, so will work on it with them.

    Thread Starter scmsteve


    Sorry, looked into this, and it seems that if you are on a wc page you are just assuming you should apply the default. I put this bit of code to see if orderby was set, and if it was to use it even in the wc case. This may not be how you want to fix it, just putting it out here:

            public function add_new_shop_ordering_args( $sort_args ) {
                    // If we have the orderby via URL, let's pass it in.
                    // This means we're on a shop / archive, so if we don't have it, use the default.
                    if ( isset( $_GET['orderby'] ) ) {
                            $orderby_value = wc_clean( $_GET['orderby'] );
                    } else {
                            if ( isset( $sort_args['orderby'] ) ) {
                                    $orderby_value = wc_clean( $sort_args['orderby'] );
                            } else {
                                    $orderby_value = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby', get_option( 'woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby' ) );
    Thread Starter scmsteve


    Is this related to this earlier post with a similar problem?

    I see that problem was resolved, so maybe this requires a different tweak to cover this case.

    Thread Starter scmsteve


    Sorry, doing more testing disabling plugins after I made a test site, it seems that it may be a conflict caused by “WooCommerce Extra Product Sorting Options”. Looking into it.

    Just gently asking if any progress was made on this. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.

    I’m sad to report that this is showing up again on our site, only this time with a Bundled product type using “WooCommerce Product Bundles”.

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '656711' of undefined
        at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (woo-add-gtin.min.js:1)
        at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery.js:3)
        at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (jquery.js:3)
        at Object.trigger (jquery.js:3)
        at Object.a.event.trigger (jquery-migrate.min.js:2)
        at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (jquery.js:3)
        at Function.each (jquery.js:2)
        at a.fn.init.each (jquery.js:2)
        at a.fn.init.trigger (jquery.js:3)
        at HTMLDivElement.a.onFoundVariation (add-to-cart-variation.min.js:1)

    This version does seem to have fixed it for us. Many thanks!!

    Hi Scott,

    I thought it fixed the problem, but, well, caching… It is still there.

    By the way, the version string is still 0.3.0, it took a while to be sure I had the updated version in place. Oh, I see, a bit late, it is still 0.3, the download had added -2 and I mistook it for a version update.

    It seems to be failing in the same place as before, as i.wooGtinVars is “” so it can not call .variation_gtins[] on it.

    ALso, setting a breakpoint on the init shows that when it is trying to set either compositeVariationListener or singleVariationListener, wooGtinVars is undefined also so the test for is_composite isn’t working.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by scmsteve.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by scmsteve.

    We are current on all plugins on our site, WordPress as well.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by scmsteve.

    Funny, I thought my email replies would find their way back here, but they haven’t. LoL I just noticed it was noreply. Sorry.

    Anyway, here is some debugging for you:

    Unfortunately the beta version did not solve the problem on our site either.

    Here is the JS console at crash time:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '256753' of undefined
        at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (woo-add-gtin.min-0.3.0.js:1)
        at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at Object.trigger (jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at Object.a.event.trigger (jquery-migrate.min-1.4.1.js:2)
        at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at Function.each (jquery-1.12.4.js:2)
        at a.fn.init.each (jquery-1.12.4.js:2)
        at a.fn.init.trigger (jquery-1.12.4.js:3)
        at HTMLDivElement.a.onFoundVariation (add-to-cart-variation.min-3.4.4.js:1)

    If I view source to see what is going on at that point, I see:

        a.prototype.onFoundVariation = function(t, a) {
            var i =
              , r = i.$product.find(".product_meta").find(".sku")
              , e = i.$product.find(".product_weight")
              , o = i.$product.find(".product_dimensions")
              , n = i.$singleVariationWrap.find(".quantity")
              , s = !0
              , _ = !1
              , c = "";
            a.sku ? r.wc_set_content(a.sku) : r.wc_reset_content(),
            a.weight ? e.wc_set_content(a.weight_html) : e.wc_reset_content(),
            a.dimensions ? o.wc_set_content(a.dimensions_html) : o.wc_reset_content(),
            a.variation_is_visible ? (_ = wp.template("variation-template"),
            a.variation_id) : _ = wp.template("unavailable-variation-template"),
            c = (c = (c = _({
                variation: a
            })).replace("/*<![CDATA[*/", "")).replace("/*]]>*/", ""),
            i.$form.find('input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id').val(a.variation_id).change(),
            "yes" === a.is_sold_individually ? (n.find("input.qty").val("1").attr("min", "1").attr("max", ""),
            n.hide()) : (n.find("input.qty").attr("min", a.min_qty).attr("max", a.max_qty),
            a.is_purchasable && a.is_in_stock && a.variation_is_visible || (s = !1),
            b.trim(i.$singleVariation.text()) ? i.$singleVariation.slideDown(200).trigger("show_variation", [a, s]) : i.$"show_variation", [a, s])

    It is the last line that is triggering it, where it gets into your woo-add-gtin.min-0.3.0.js:

    !function(i, n, t, a) {
        var o = {};
        o.init = function() {
        o.variationListener = function() {
            t(".single_variation_wrap").on("show_variation", function(n, a) {
                if (a.variation_id) {
                    var o = a.variation_id;
    *                t(".hwp-gtin span").text(i.wooGtinVars.variation_gtins[o])

    The asterisk marks the line that is triggering it. At this point, o is a number, and the [o] is underlined in the debugger, saying it can’t read property (the number that is in o) of undefined.

    console.log(i.wooGtinVars) at this point gives:

    {gtin: ""}
    	gtin: ""

    So trying to get .variation_gtins[] on it is failing.

    To be brutal, and really having no idea quite what I’m doing here, I just thought I’d test for that case and not let it happen:

    15                     // Fired when the user selects all the required dropdowns / attributes
    16                     // and a final variation is selected / shown
    17                     if( variation.variation_id && typeof window.wooGtinVars.variation_gtins != "undefined" ) {
    18                             var id = variation.variation_id;
    19                             $(".hwp-gtin span").text(window.wooGtinVars.variation_gtins[id]);

    And this let our site/product work.

    I hope this provides some insight as to what is going on, and maybe you can think of a proper fix, or tell me what further information I might be able to give you to help.



    Hi Scott, seeing this on our site as well, using WooCommerce Composite Products. If I can help debug, let me know. We had to temporarily disable your plugin. I just thought I’d add this as a data point for you so you know it wasn’t isolated to one site.

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