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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HungryFEED] XML errorIn debug mode you put the whole feed in a buffer…
if (!$feed->init()) { ... }
Isn’t there a chance to use the buffer to mask the ampersand and send it back to SimplePie?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HungryFEED] XML errorThis feed including the “&” might not be quite correct but other feedreaders do accept it!
The error says:
“HungryFEED can’t get feed. Don’t be mad at HungryFEED. SimplePie reported: This XML document is invalid, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: XML_ERR_NAME_REQUIRED at line 59, column 28”There you can find the ampersand. So the “&” problem comes from SimplePie which is called by HungryFEED.
Shouldn’t there be a way to put a filter…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Lightbox Plus] Howto degrading gracefully ???just in case somebody else is interested:
I found a solution for the lightbox/colorbox problem. It might not be the easyest and safest way, but for me it does the job at IT-online:- The link address of the thumbnails is the corresponding permalink of the post.
- So when there is no scripting the post is shown (is_single).
- In the onload event of JS (if it is present) each address is replaced by the address of the post content (image, video, form…) to be shown in the “lightbox-div”
That’s it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: handling comments on category pages?Sorry, I forgot that in the category template there must(?) be a (maybe empty) loop after the new WP_Query:
$query = new WP_Query( array( 'category__and' => array( $cat_id, $title_cat_id) ) ); global $withcomments; $withcomments = 1; while ($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post(); endwhile; comments_template(); wp_reset_postdata();
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: handling comments on category pages?Since there are quite a lot of users struggling with (or against?) similar problems… and very few answers up to now, I try to share the results I found which seem to work (for me at least):
Associated with every category I have a (empty) post titled “my category title” which belongs to this category and to a “title_cat”
After the main loop of the category template I put wp_reset_postdata() to start a second loop:
$query = new WP_Query( array( 'category__and' => array( $cat_id, $title_cat_id) ) ); global $withcomments; $withcomments = 1; comments_template(); wp_reset_postdata();
We now have a category page showing the “category comments” and the “category comment form”.
When we submit a comment by this form, WP realizes that it ( is_single and ) belongs to the title_cat post. So WP tries to leave this category page, but we want to keep it…
Now the action hook ‘template_redirect’ seems to be to late…
…but the ‘get_comment_link’ filter works. So in our functions.php we put:add_filter('get_comment_link', 'ms_get_comment_link', 10, 3 ); function ms_get_comment_link($link, $comment, $args) { $cats = get_the_category(); foreach ($cats as $cat) { if ($cat->term_id == $title_cat_id) $title_cat = true; else $category = $cat; } $cat_ID = $category->term_id; if ($title_cat) { $category_link = get_category_link( $cat_ID ); return $category_link . "#comment"; } else return $link; }
Up to now the category page will only show the “category page comments”.
If we want to show the comments of all posts within the main category another loop is needed…If there is a better (simpler) solution please let me know. Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_get_archives and Conditional TagsHi juliageek,
the trick with changing the behavior of wordpress is, that you never change any file of your WP installation in the wp-admin or the wp-includes folder.
All changes are made in wp-content
- either in your theme: wp-content/themes/my_theme/functions.php
- or in a plugin you have installed: wp-content/plugins/my_plugin/my_functions.php
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_get_archives and Conditional TagsThank you Otto42, thank you lumpysimon. That’s exactly what I was looking for. Works much better than my tries excluding a bunch of posts by IDs with the “getarchives_where” filter only…
And you can even exclude more than one category:$exclude = ‘1,5’; // category ids to exclude
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: spam comments by fake user…The YouTube video is a brilliant instruction changing the .htaccess file … I hope it will help!
Great site this 15 Most Important WordPress Plugins To Help You Fight Spam.
I thought Akismet would do … but now I think I’ll add one or the other plugin from that list!
Thanks to everybody
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: spam comments by fake user…Thanks for your ideas!
whooami I must admit that trackacks and pings are enabled at my site and I’m afraid I haven’t quite understood how it works really. Does the admin panel tell me if it’s a trackack or a ping?
WpBlogHost thank you I’ll have a look there in a minute…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Robots Meta] Plugin does not work!Hi there,
thank you pepsirules2k and rferrall for your hints.
I also tried with Robots Meta 3.0.11 and automatic upgrade and it worked fine for me … though it doesn’t make sense to me really …
If anybody is still looking for the old versions he can find them at:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Clicking on a dates archive redirects to homepageHi MAK,
for two days I was checking all my additional actions and filters trying to solve this “homepage problem” … and I really was at my wits’ end…
Your last message saved me… thank you very much!!!
I didn’t find the time to check the source yet and I’m afraid there are some other feature problems with the Robots Meta plugin in the “Prevent Indexing” section which I want to check first…
Would you post again please if you get a clue!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: attachment fields as image meta data?Sorry Mike,
didn’t check this thread for quite a while
if you are still interested:
- the 11 is the $priority
- the 2 is the $accepted_args
just visit:
good luck
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Removing options in upload table… but it’s your chance:
- If you update WP you would have to do all the hacks again … and then they would be in other places …
- If you use action and filter hooks you can update any time … your changes will be OK!!!
- … and you can use other plugins (functions) with no errors !
Why not give it a try ??
WP Plugin APIMichael
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Removing options in upload tableYou can change almost everything in WP using filter and action hooks provided that you don’t hack anything in WP.
All your changes should be located in the wp-content folder (themes or plugins).If you start hacking WP you will very likely get lots of error messages by the safety management of WP.
Most of the lines you want to hack are in wp-admin/includes/media.php (1302-1314 and many others …) but it’s the wrong place to really change the output !!!
My plugin function can only work if you have a clean (unhacked) WP-Installation.
If you go on hacking I can’t help you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Removing options in upload tableHi there
I just tested my function putting it in my themes functions.php
It works perfect together with photojar-base plugin.
And you don’t even need the two include_once statements!If you still have problems, disable all of your other plugins – just for a test – write a post and upload an image.
- There should be no errors.
- And the two option button lines are gone!