Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [GeneratePress] I think their support has quietly quitThis 1-star-review does not reflect GP support.
Being a GP and GB user I was able to read the thread that spawned this review. And following it one can see that the GP support team did take their time to thoroughly go through the issue and provide a solution. In detail.
How Rick came to the conclusion that the shortcomings of WP are actually the fault of Generatepress is somewhat interesting. However I understand that he was frustrated and felt the need to relieve himself.
Also: in all my years needing the GP support they have always solved the problem. Sometimes it took ~15 minutes for an answer, sometimes a few hours. But they never let me down.
Hello Alex,
thank you for clarifying that. ??
Hello Alex,
thank you for that information. I am already designing the template with Generateblocks which works perfectly.
I’m just looking if it is possible to also use the block editor in single listings to style and place the content instead of the classic editor. Because sometimes I might want to deviate from my template and put something additional in the post content.
But maybe I just misunderstood you. Would you please follow up on my question to clarify, please? Thank you so much.
Hey Nick,
thank you so much for taking the time answering this request. Nice to see that others would like to use it as well. I’m aware that this might take some time finishing.
It would be a really nice addition, making the use of further plugins obsolete. Also based on you looking out for a substitute plugin for me makes me want to support your plugin even more. So when the Pro version gets this addition count me in as a customer (maybe even before that).
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Qubely - Advanced Gutenberg Blocks] Remove Google FontsYes oh my god, please introduce an option inside Qubely to disable all Google Fonts. I too wasn’t using them at all and look in the console and see that Roboto gets loaded. And I have to ask: why?
I cannot use qubely on my site as it is right now and will have to uninstall and get another solution if there is no fix. A shame that I cannot continue using the pro version and will have to refrain from using it.
Joost, you can do with your plugin as you please, you are the author and have done tremendous goods for the community.
Yet you have to acknowledge if other users don’t rely on the content analysis feature and want to have it removed, together with other stuff they don’t like about your plugin. That’s just fair and square. (under the given license terms)
So your 1-star review leaves a bad taste.
I would have welcomed this plugin and might have stuck with yoast seo but have yet moved on to wpSEO, which is a paid plugin, but works tremendously well and was worth the investment.Maybe consider the development of a plugin that gets rid of some of your features as a hint to offer the option to disable some functionalities of yoast seo.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Premium Version ist ein FlopDas Review kann ich nicht nachvollziehen, denn seit Germanized PRO werden mir PDF Rechnungen automatisch wunderbar erstellt. Habe einiges an Optionen an der Rechnung ver?ndert und l?uft einwandfrei.
Ich kann Germanized PRO nicht genug loben für den Funktionsumfang und die fehlerfreie Umsetzung. Support habe ich bisher 3x in Anspruch genommen und jedesmal nach sp?testens 24 Stunden eine Antwort gehabt. Muss bei shogunteam wohl was schief gelaufen sein.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Category Pages showing Nothing FoundHey zetahayden,
I had the same error, but after going to Settings > Permalinks and saving everything worked again. So I too think it should fix your error. Please try again and report back.
Many thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Price calculator or product configurator?Since the user is german and to avoid difficulties with my explanation I’ll provide it in german.
Du k?nntest das evtl. über GravityForms l?sen. Andere Formularplugins k?nnen das evtl auch, bei Gravity wei? ich das.
Schau dir mal auf GravityForms rechts oben bei “Try the Demo” in der Sidebar dann die Pizza-Beispiel Demo an. Dort ver?ndert sich der Preis dann je nachdem, was man ausw?hlt oder abw?hlt.
In deinem konkreten Fall k?nntest du ein Formular für jede Seite erstellen und dort einfach einbinden. Du kannst auch Formulare duplizieren, falls sie sich ?hneln. Du musst aber beachten, dass du das Formular nicht auf der Seite aufsplitten kannst (soweit ich wei?) und dass in der Demo von GravityForms natürlich optische Anpassungen gemacht wurden. Ich kann das Teil aber empfehlen. Hoffe, das hilft.
Just want to throw my experience with MRP in there: for me it works flawlessly, I installed it on 3 blogs just recently and it’s working as it should.
Regarding the interaction with disqus I cannot help, but would think there needs to be some coding to make them work together.