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missed a couple of things ??
here is a better version and a different filter
maybe this will help you:
its not perfect but maybe a way for you…
i needed the location and the date in the slug
the-80s-party-5 -> location-slug-y-m-d-the-80s-party
when you change the location of the event, you have to update twice … something to do when the hooks are fired and the data is saved to mySQL…
i am looking for the same thing … not with the year but to generate a more friedly looking permalink for repeating events…
i found this which explains how to hook into the post-object before it is commited to the db …
there you could just change the post_name (which is the slug and the permalink) and add some extra meta data from the events object to it
oke, so i will try and do something with this suggestion:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Fields] Repeatable fields wont opentried it this morning, still a wront “&” somewhere ?? wanna ave a look?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Fields] Repeatable fields wont openhere is the setup:
“hilfreichen boxen” is a repetable fieldgroup:
1. field is a simple textfield slug is content_widget_title
2. field is a wysiwyg-editor slug is content_widget_content (i know silly)i could hook you up with an admin account for the test instance but its in german i am not sure if something will break if i change the language to english
nope because i am not sure how to use it in my custom-tax-**.php
anyways, i will not use categories in my site and activly prefent users to get there (header()-redirect )
@agelonwl the only plugin running right now is em.
i still get the
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/classes/em-category-taxonomy.php on line 22
when there is no file called: taxonomy-event-categories.php
when there is a file called taxonomy-event-categories.php the warning is gone but no em-themed event list
i could come to any irc channel to talk more about that problem, if neccessary
i created a file called ‘taxonomy-event-categories.php’ in my theme root same as ‘single-event.php’ for some theming reasons (i used to use simple-fields plugin to do some theming)
when my theme is rnning the taxonomy-event-categories.php, i dont get the object error but strangly, em-theming is not working… it just drops an unstyle eventlist:
Freitag, 8. M?rz 2013 - Sonntag, 10. M?rz 2013 16:00 - 18:00 Orality in James Joyce Conference Arts Millenium Building, Galway Galway Freitag, 29. M?rz 2013 20:00 - 22:00 Traditional music session The Crane Bar, Galway Galway Samstag, 1. M?rz 2014 22:00 - 23:00 6 Nations, Italy VS Ireland Taaffes Bar, Galway Galway
when i rename the file, i get this error (with wp debug enabled):
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/classes/em-category-taxonomy.php on line 22 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ID in /wordpress/wp-includes/query.php on line 3385
but the em-theming is working at that point, but doing something strange in the loop. when i enabled the custom fields via simple-fields it was replacing all my content (even the custom vars) with the em-loop
i dont need the category page, so my dirty workaround is avoiding the category links everywhere…
function template($template){ die(var_dump($template)); global $wp_query, $EM_Category, $em_category_id;
right there …
give me some hints what you need to debug and i will do
I have exactly the same problem, even when i switch back to twentytwelve i get the php warning.
i found out two things while figuring what was going wrong. first, i created a taxonomy-event-categories.php to do som special formating, still either php warning and some formating or no warning but then not formating ??
i followed all advice here, plugins off, switch them, make a lot of extra pages, used all templates in every possible order, still no luck.
i even went to the function in em-category-taxonomy -> function template($template)
and tried die(var_dump($template));
when i get the php warning $template is an empty string, when i get no warning, the template() function never runs
i could give more debug if somebody tells my what to do…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Fields] Display Gallery in Simple FieldsHey Guys,
I was on the same quest to figure out, why my jq lightbo auto plugin didnt work on simple fields wysiwyg fields and the tip to add the appley_filters() hook was awesome …
maybe that should go into the faqs because its a pain when shortcodes and a lot of plugins wont work on simple fields
here is my solution for lightbox support:
$field_group_values = simple_fields_fieldgroup("content_widgets"); foreach($field_group_values as $widget){ $widget['content_widget_content'] = apply_filters( 'the_content', $widget['content_widget_content']); echo $widget['content_widget_content']; }
you dont have to creat a new object, just global the existing one!
and you dont have to run every placeholder through the output() function… just grab everything and put that into the output function…
but if its working for you… great!
have a look at this : its my single-event.php
you have to copy the template folder to your themefolder … ??