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  • Thread Starter scdwb


    Can any one help out with this? I haven’t a clue what is up.


    Thread Starter scdwb


    Still struggling with this but would the following method work:

    In the registration form have a hidden field called “role” with the value “author”. Then include this code in the header.

    if (isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['role'] == "author") {

    So if the submit button has been pressed and the role field equals author then it would update this user immediately on registration to level 2. Which is the author level.

    If this method works, I could use it for my letting agents registration form.

    The other registration form for normal users on my site would not have this hidden field so their role would not change on registration and would stay as the default subscriber role (which I have selected in the admin).

    If this method will work could someone help me out with the code as I’m a bit stuck. I know the code I have written is wrong ??


    I really need to know how to do this, so if anyone can help us else that would be great.

    Or did you solve this tianbo84? If you did, please tell us how ??

    Thanks in advance


    I’m looking for a very similar solution. I’ll be using it on separate forms but the same solution should be able to be applied to a single form via a drop down like yours.

    Heres my post:

    I’ve got in contact with one member who say they can help. Will post any findings. Unless you have solved this? If so please tell us how!

    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter scdwb


    Possibly, how much would you do this for?

    I wouldn’t have thought it was a big job. Maybe just have an if statement during registration. If form equals this, assign subscriber role else assign the author role.

    Would this be the right way to go about it?

    Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter scdwb


    The reason is because my website is a property website. I’m redeveloping my existing property website with wordpress as it is so powerful and can be used for almost any kind of website.

    The default role of an author in wordpress allows them to add/edit/delete their own posts. This is exactly what I need for the letting agents on my website. They log in and add/edit/delete their own property listings.

    Where as subscribers register to unlock the hidden contact details of the letting agents.

    So there will be two link:

    1 – Register to unlock this agents contact details (this goes to subscriber registration page).

    2 – Advertise your properties (this goes to the author registration page).

    I hope the reasoning behind it is a bit clearer now. I suppose as I’m using the site as a CMS rather than a blog system this way of handling a wordpress site hasn’t been written about.

    Thread Starter scdwb


    Hi Rvoodoo,

    Thanks for your reply. No I need to allow people to register as a subscriber and an author on my site via two separate forms.

    My wordpress site is a property website. So the authors are the letting agents who can register and are able to advertise their properties (so these are wordpress posts).

    The subscribers are users who will log in to view the letting agent contact details. As these details are hidden to users who are not registered. As these are users browsing properties they are interested in I don’t want to make these authors as they don’t need to add/edit property listings.

    I’m really surprised I can’t find out any info about this ! ??

    Thread Starter scdwb


    Really struggling with this, can anyone help?

    There is just a default role option on the wordpress admin, which allows you to choose the role to assign to people who register on this site.

    But what about when you want multiple types of users? In my case I need to be able to let subscribers and authors register.

    Please can anyone help out?

    Thanks in advance!

    Would be great is anyone could help out on this one. I also need to find out how to do this. Surprised there isn’t much documentation on this.

    This is for people who have mulyiple types of users registering on their website.

    For me I need a registration form for a subscriber and an author. I thought there would be a function where you would code which role to assign the user on registration but there does seem to be any.

    Hope someone can help us out!


    Thread Starter scdwb


    Genius, thanks esmi ! ??

    I thought that would mean it would no longer be highlighted when I was on the child category now. But it now works perfectly. Child links are highlighted when on a child category and the parent is highlighted (and child link are now normal) when on the parent category.

    Do you know how I would also highlight the parent link when I am in a child category? As the child categories are shown in a dropdown, so I would like the parent to be highlighted when in a child category too.

    I tried:

    ul.main li.current-cat-parent a{background:#444;}

    but that just made all the link highlight again.

    so I then added this:

    ul.main li.current-cat-parent .children a{background:#555;}

    but that stopped the child cat I was on being highlighted.

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter scdwb


    Hi thanks numeeja,

    my css for the nav current-cat class is:

    ul.main li ul li.current-cat a{background:#444;}

    So now the child category links are highlighted when im on a child category, which is great. When on the parent category nothing is highlighted.

    Before I had the css like this:

    ul.main li.current-cat a{background:#444;}

    This is where I had the problem of everything being highlighted when on the parent category.

    I think it is because the li isn’t closed before the child categories start as I mentioned in the first post.

    Would love to get this sorted, unless this is a bug in wordpress?

    I would like the parent category to highlighy without all the child categories being highlighted at the same time when on the parent category.

    Thank you, I hope someone can help

    Thread Starter scdwb


    Really need help with this can someone help me out?

    Thanks !

    Yep that’s correct. ??


    So do you want the title to appear in the browser window at the top? This is called the title tag. But you want to remove the text stating:

    WeAreHQ… Vintage Sunglasses, online Magazine, limited edition sneakers and clothing, photography services..

    from the top of the pages?

    If thats correct then in your source code I found this, which will be in your header.php.

    <div id="welcomeheading">
    WeAreHQ... Vintage Sunglasses, online Magazine, limited edition sneakers and clothing, photography services..		</a></h1>

    So if you open up your header.php for your theme in a html editor remove the div with the welcomeheading.

    The actual text won’t appear in the header.php, as it will be being called from the title you typed in in the wordpress admin.

    So remove

    <div id="welcomeheading">
    "title tag"

    Not sure what the title tag is off the top of my head.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter scdwb


    I’m getting somewhere now. I have added this to my css:

    current-cat a{background:#444;}

    And now the child category is highlighted in my drop down when I am in that category. This is brilliant, however, for some reason when I have selected the top level category everything is highlighted. All the child categories and the top level category.

    The strange thing is that my “current-cat” is not in any of the li classes for the child categories and the top level category has a class of “current-cat-parant”.

    Does anyone know why all the categories are highlighted when on the top level cat page?


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